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2 months ago

bufferlist preview bufferlist multi-save preview

Table of Contents


  • Manage buffers (list, switch, save, close, multi-(save,close))
  • Super lightweight (all the code is in a single file)
  • Super fast, (since the code base is very small)
  • Super easy to use, (you can list, switch and manage buffers with as few key strokes as possible)
  • Highlights the buffer lines as you write them in the prompt
  • Custom keymaps
  • Save all unsaved
  • Close all saved
  • Show or toggle relative path
  • Buffer unsaved icon
  • Support for diagnostics
  • Responsive height
  • Not gluted with unnecessary features. (BufferList comes only with features that you would use)


Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:


  lazy = true,
  keys = { { "<Leader>b", ':BufferList<CR>', desc = "Open bufferlist" } },
  dependencies = "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons",
  cmd = "BufferList",
  opts = {
    -- your configuration comes here
    -- or leave it empty to use the default settings
    -- refer to the configuration section below


nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" for filetype icons.

(recommended) realpath for better relative paths generating.


Bufferlist comes with the following defaults:

  keymap = {
    close_buf_prefix = "c",
    force_close_buf_prefix = "f",
    save_buf = "s", 
    multi_close_buf = "m",
    multi_save_buf = "w",
    save_all_unsaved = "a",
    close_all_saved = "d0",
    toggle_path = "p",
    close_bufferlist = "q" 
  win_keymaps = {}, -- add keymaps to the BufferList window
  bufs_keymaps = {}, -- add keymaps to each line number in the BufferList window
  width = 40,
  prompt = "", -- for multi_{close,save}_buf prompt
  save_prompt = "󰆓 ",
  top_prompt = true, -- set this to false if you want the prompt to be at the bottom of the window instead of on top of it.
  show_path = false, -- show the relative paths the first time BufferList window is opened


❗️The following key maps are buffer local key maps, they work only inside the bufferlist floating window.

❗️📑📒 Note:<line_number> represents the line number of the buffer name

Switching to an other buffer

press the <line_number> of the buffer name you want to switch to (very simple, isn't this the easiest)

when the loaded buffers are 10 or more, you have to press the numbers quickly to get to the buffer who has 2 digits in <line_number>. For example, if you have 15 loaded buffers that are displayed in the bufferlist window, and you want to get to the buffer whose <line_number> is 12, you need to press 1 and quickly press 2, if you're wait after pressing 1 you will go to the buffer in <line_number> 1 instead

Saving buffers

If the buffer is not saved, a circle icon is shown before the buffer name, to save it press s<line_number>

Closing buffers

Press c<line_number>. (doesn't work when the buffer has unsaved changes)

Force closing buffers

Pressing f<line_number> will close the buffer even if it contains unsaved changes

Saving all unsaved buffers

Press keymap.save_all_unsaved

Closing all saved buffers

Press keymap.close_all_saved

Closing multiple buffers

Press keymap.multi_close_buf to show a prompt, and then enter the <line_number>s of all the buffers you want to close, seperated by a seperator. The seperator should be any non-digit character, and there is no limit to the length or the kind of characters used in the seperator as long as they are not digits.

❗️Make sure that the first character isn't !.

❗️If you specified an unsaved buffer, it is ignored.

If a <line_number> you specified doesn't exist in the bufferlist window line numbers, it is ignored.

Force closing multiple buffers

Press keymap.multi_close_buf and then enter ! at the very beginning of the prompt, and then carry on with the rest of the steps already described in Closing multiple buffers

❗️Make sure that ! is the very first character in the prompt, it shouldn't be preceded by anything, otherwise it would behave just like Closing multiple buffers

Saving multiple buffers

Press keymap.multi_save_buf and then enter all the <line_number>s of the buffers you want to save seperated by a seperator. The seperator has the same characteristics described in Closing multiple buffers

Toggle or show relative path

❗️This uses the output captured from realpath if it exists

❗️If realpath doesn't exist, it uses vim's builtin expand("#"..buffer..":~:.:h") to do neovim's best to determine the relative path. Prefer installing realpath over this.

Toggle relative path

press keymap.toggle_path to toggle the relative path to each buffer from the neovim cwd :pwd.

Show relative path

set show_path to true to show the relative path the first time you open the BufferList window.

Adding custom keymaps

You can add custom keymaps for BufferList window via win_keymaps option, and keymaps for buffers via bufs_keymaps option

For BufferList window

You can assign custom keymaps to the BufferList window with win_keymaps option. win_keymaps takes a table of {key, func, keymap_opts} items.

  • key: (string) Left-hand side {lhs} of the mapping.
  • func: (function) Right-hand side {rhs} of the mapping.
    • Receives one argument, a table with the following keys:
      • winid: (number) the window id of the BufferList window.
      • bl_buf: (number) the bufferlist window scratch buffer.
      • buffers: (table) the listed buffers ids.
      • open_bufferlist: (function) function to open the BufferList window. _(useful for refreshing the BufferList window. But you will have to delete the BufferList scratch buffer first. with bwipeout for example. As shown in the example below).
  • opts: (table) Same opts passed to vim.keymap.set(). (The buffer field is not necessary). desc option, if not set, will be automatically set to "BufferList: custom user defined keymap". see the example bellow

This example shows how to set a custom keymap for switching buffers with the enter key, and a usless one for an unnecessary refresh:

win_keymaps = {
      local curpos = vim.fn.line(".")
      vim.cmd("bwipeout | buffer " .. opts.buffers[curpos])
  { desc = "BufferList: my description" },
    "r", -- refresh the bufferlist window
    {} -- `desc` here isn't set. So it will be automatically set to "BufferList: custom user defined keymap"

❗️📑📒 Note: All of these keymaps are local to the BufferList. Everything will all be removed when you close the BufferList window.

Note: Using the <cr> keymap is not recommended, because it will slow you down since it uses more key strokes.

For buffers

You can also add keymaps to line numners in the BufferList window with bufs_keymaps option. bufs_keymaps takes a table of {key, func, keymap_opts} items.

  • key: (string) Left-hand side {lhs} of the mapping. Will be suffixed with the <line_number>s.
  • func: (function) Right-hand side {rhs} of the mapping.
    • Receives one argument, a table with the following keys:
      • line_number: (number) <line_number> pressed after key
      • bl_buf: (number) the bufferlist window scratch buffer.
      • buffers: (table) the listed buffers ids.
      • open_bufferlist: (function) function to open the BufferList window. _(useful for refreshing the BufferList window. But you will have to delete the BufferList scratch buffer first. with bwipeout for example. As shown in the example above).
  • opts: (table) Same opts passed to vim.keymap.set(). (The buffer field is not necessary). desc option (if specified) will be suffixed with the icon and the bufname in the corresponding line number. Otherwise it will be "BufferList: custom user defined buffers keymap for", suffixed by the icon and the bufname. see the examples bellow.

Here is an example of adding keymaps to show the buffer in a new split window. As well as again some uselessness.

bufs_keymaps = {
      vim.cmd("bwipeout | vs " .. vim.fn.bufname(opts.buffers[opts.line_number]))
    { desc = "BufferList: show buffer in a split window" }, -- `desc` (if present) will be suffixed with the contents of each line in the BufferList window. for example: "BufferList: show in a split window  example.lua".
      vim.cmd(":echo 'line_number is: " .. tostring(opts.line_number) .. ", bl_buf is: " .. tostring(opts.bl_buf) .. "'")
    {}, -- `desc` option is not present here, so it will automatically be set to a pre-set description with the contentsbof each line in the BufferList window. for example: "BufferList: custom user defined buffers keymap for  example.lua"

Now you can press vs5 to show the buffer at line 5 in a new vertical split window. And press h3 to print a useless message.

❗️📑📒 Note: All of these keymaps are local to the BufferList. Everything will all be removed when you close the BufferList window.

Closing buffer list window

Press keymap.close_bufferlist

User commands



:checkhealth bufferlist

General notes

❗️📑📒 Note: timeout between the keymap and <line_number> is controlled by the vim global option timeoutlen (which by default is set to 1000ms).

❗️You have to quickly press <line_number> before timeoutlen. Otherwise vim will enter operator pending mode and these keymaps will not work. This happens because there are global defined key maps starting one of with the keys s, c or f. If you wait until timeoutlen has passed, vim will execute the global mapping instead. Therefore you have to press Esc and try again quicker. However it is still recommended to not remap them using ctrl, alt, shift and <leader> keys since that will add more key strokes for you.

❗️📑📒 Note: Terminal buffers are ignored in closing or multi-closing. To close them, you have to force-close them, or force-multi-close them.

💡 Tip: Does not provide keymappings for commands, or maps already builtin in nvim, (such as :bnext, :bufdo, <Ctrl_6>, ...). If you want additional mappings for buffer management and navigations, you can check out :h buffer-list, :h editing, :h windows, etc... .

❗️📑📒 Note: The buffers are listed in the same order as the buffer-list (:buffers).

❗️📑📒 Note: Empty buffers are ignored while saving. (empty buffers usually occur when they are in the argument-list but not yet loaded).

📑📒 Note: Bufferlist will show icons in the virt text. If you have diagnostic icons defined (for example with sign_defign), bufferlist will show the latter instead.

Highlight groops

  • BufferListCurrentBuffer
  • BufferListModifiedIcon
  • BufferListLine
  • BufferListPromptSeperator
  • BufferListPromptForce
  • BufferListPromptMultiSelected
  • BufferListPath


  • If you've got an issue or come up with an awesome idea, don't hesitate to open an issue in github. I appreciate every suggestion.
  • If you think this plugin is useful or cool, consider rewarding it with a ⭐.