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17 hours ago

[!IMPORTANT] A free large language model(LLM) plugin that allows you to interact with LLM in Neovim.

  1. Supports any LLM, such as GPT, GLM, Kimi, deepseek or local LLMs (such as ollama).
  2. Allows you to define your own AI tools, with different tools able to use different models.
  3. Most importantly, you can use free models provided by any platform (such as Cloudflare, GitHub models, SiliconFlow, openrouter or other platforms).

[!NOTE] The configurations of different LLMs (such as ollama, deepseek), UI configurations, and AI tools (including code completion) should be checked in the examples first. Here you will find most of the information you want to know.




Code Completions

  • virtual text

  • blink.cmp or nvim-cmp

Quick Translation

Explain Code

Optimize Code

  • Display side by side

  • Display in the form of a diff

Generate Test Cases

AI Translation

Generate Git Commit Message

Generate Doc String

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  • curl


  1. Register on the official website and obtain your API Key (Cloudflare needs to obtain an additional account).

  2. Set the LLM_KEY (Cloudflare needs to set an additional ACCOUNT) environment variable in your zshrc or bashrc.

export LLM_KEY=<Your API_KEY>
export ACCOUNT=<Your ACCOUNT> # just for cloudflare

Websites of different AI platforms

For local llms, Set LLM_KEY to NONE in your zshrc or bashrc.

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Minimal installation example

  • lazy.nvim
    dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim"},
    cmd = { "LLMSessionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler", "LLMAppHandler" },
    keys = {
      { "<leader>ac", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMSessionToggle<cr>" },


Basic Configuration

Some commands you should know about

  • LLMSessionToggle: open/hide the Chat UI.
  • LLMSelectedTextHandler: Handles the selected text, the way it is processed depends on the prompt words you input.
  • LLMAppHandler: call AI tools.

If the URL is not configured, the default is to use Cloudflare.


For more details or examples, please refer to Chat Configuration.

  • prompt: Model prompt.

  • prefix: Dialog role indicator.

  • style: Style of the Chat UI (float means floating window, others are split windows).

  • url: Model api url.

  • model: Model name.

  • api_type: The parsing format of the model output: openai, zhipu, ollama, workers-ai. The openai format is compatible with most models, but ChatGLM can only be parsed using the zhipu format, and cloudflare can only be parsed using the workers-ai format. If you use ollama to run the model, you can use ollama.

  • fetch_key: If you need to use models from different platforms simultaneously, you can configure fetch_key to ensure that different models use different API Keys. The usage is as follows:

    fetch_key = function() return "<your api key>" end
  • max_tokens: Maximum output length of the model.

  • save_session: Whether to save session history.

  • max_history: Maximum number of saved sessions.

  • history_path: Path for saving session history.

  • temperature: The temperature of the model, controlling the randomness of the model's output.

  • temperature: The top_p of the model, controlling the randomness of the model's output.

  • spinner: The waiting animation of the model output (effective when non-streaming output).

  • display

    • diff: Display style of diff (effective when optimizing code and showing diff, the style in the screenshot is mini_diff, which requires installation of mini.diff).
  • keys: Shortcut key settings for different windows, default values can be found in Default Shortcuts

    • floating style
      • input window
        • Input:Cancel: Cancel dialog response.
        • Input:Submit: Submit your question.
        • Input:Resend: Rerespond to the dialog.
        • Input:HistoryNext: Select the next session history.
        • Input:HistoryPrev: Select the previous session history.
      • Chat UI
        • Session:Toggle: open/hide the Chat UI.
        • Session:Close: close the Chat UI.
    • split style
      • output window
        • Output:Ask: Open input window.
        • Output:Cancel: Cancel diaglog response.
        • Output:Resend: Rerespond to the dialog.
        • Session:History: open session history.
      • Chat UI
        • Session:Toggle: open/hide the Chat UI.
        • Session:Close: close the Chat UI.

If you use a local LLM (but not one running on ollama), you may need to define the streaming_handler (required), as well as the parse_handler (optional, used by only a few AI tools), for details see Local LLM Configuration.

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Window Style Configuration

If you want to further configure the style of the conversation interface, you can configure chat_ui_opts and popwin_opts separately.

Their configuration options are the same:

  • relative:

    • editor: The floating window relative to the current editor window.
    • cursor: The floating window relative to the current cursor position.
    • win: The floating window relative to the current window.
  • position: The position of the window.

  • size: The size of the window.

  • enter: Whether the window automatically gains focus.

  • focusable: Whether the window can gain focus.

  • zindex: The layer of the window.

  • border

    • style: The style of the window border.
    • text: The text of the window border.
  • win_options: The options of the window.

    • winblend: The transparency of the window.
    • winhighlight: The highlight of the window.

More information can be found in nui/popup.


For more details or examples, please refer to UI Configuration.

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Configuration of AI Tools

Currently, llm.nvim provides some templates for AI tools, making it convenient for everyone to customize their own AI tools.

All AI tools need to be defined in app_handler, presented in the form of a pair of key-value (key is the tool name and value is the configuration information of the tool).


For more details or examples, please refer to AI Tools Configuration.

For all AI tools, their configuration options are similar:

  • handler: Which template to use
    • side_by_side_handler: Display results in two windows side by side
    • action_handler: Display results in the source file in the form of a diff
      • Y/y: Accept LLM suggested code
      • N/n: Reject LLM suggested code
      • <ESC>: Exit directly
      • I/i: Input additional optimization conditions
      • <C-r>: Optimize again directly
    • qa_handler: AI for single-round dialogue
    • flexi_handler: Results will be displayed in a flexible window (window size is automatically calculated based on the amount of output text)
    • You can also customize functions
  • prompt: Prompt words for the AI tool
  • opts
    • spell: Whether to have spell check
    • number: Whether to display line numbers
    • wrap: Whether to automatically wrap lines
    • linebreak: Whether to allow line breaks in the middle of words
    • url, model: The LLM used by this AI tool
    • api_type: The type of parsing output by this AI tool
    • streaming_handler: This AI tool uses a custom streaming parsing function
    • parse_handler: This AI tool uses a custom parsing function
    • border: Floating window border style
    • accept
      • mapping: The key mapping for accepting the output
        • mode: Vim mode (Default mode: n)
        • keys: Your key mappings. (Default keys: Y/y)
      • action: The action for accepting the output, which is executed when accepting the output. (Default action: Copy the output)
    • reject
      • mapping: The key mapping for rejecting the output
        • mode: Vim mode (Default mode: n)
        • keys: Your key mappings. (Default keys: N/n)
      • action: The action for rejecting the output, which is executed when rejecting the output. (Default action: None or close the window)
    • close
      • mapping: The key mapping for closing the AI tool
        • mode: Vim mode (Default mode: n)
        • keys: Your key mappings. (Default keys: <ESC>)
      • action: The action for closing the AI tool. (Default action: Reject all output and close the window)

Different templates also have some exclusive configuration items of their own.

  • You can also define in the opts of qa_handler:

    • component_width: the width of the component
    • component_height: the height of the component
    • query
      • title: the title of the component, which will be displayed in the center above the component
      • hl: the highlight of the title
    • input_box_opts: the window options for the input box (size, win_options)
    • preview_box_opts: the window options for the preview box (size, win_options)
  • You can also define in the opts of action_handler:

    • language: The language used for the output result (English/Chinese/Japanese etc.)
    • input
      • relative: The relative position of the split window (editor/win)
      • position: The position of the split window (top/left/right/bottom)
      • size: The proportion of the split window (default is 25%)
      • enter: Whether to automatically enter the window
    • output
      • relative: Same as input
      • position: Same as input
      • size: Same as input
      • enter: Same as input
  • In the opts of side_by_side_handler, you can also define:

    • left Left window
      • title: The title of the window
      • focusable: Whether the window can gain focus
      • border
      • win_options
    • right Right window
      • title: The title of the window
      • focusable: Whether the window can gain focus
      • border
      • win_options
  • In the opts of flexi_handler, you can also define:

    • exit_on_move: Whether to close the flexible window when the cursor moves
    • enter_flexible_window: Whether to automatically enter the window when the flexible window pops up
    • apply_visual_selection: Whether to append the selected text content after the prompt

My some AI tool configurations:

    dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
    cmd = { "LLMSessionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler", "LLMAppHandler" },
    config = function()
      local tools = require("llm.common.tools")
        app_handler = {
          OptimizeCode = {
            handler = tools.side_by_side_handler,
            -- opts = {
            --   streaming_handler = local_llm_streaming_handler,
            -- },
          TestCode = {
            handler = tools.side_by_side_handler,
            prompt = [[ Write some test cases for the following code, only return the test cases.
            Give the code content directly, do not use code blocks or other tags to wrap it. ]],
            opts = {
              right = {
                title = " Test Cases ",
          OptimCompare = {
            handler = tools.action_handler,
            opts = {
              fetch_key = function()
                return vim.env.GITHUB_TOKEN
              url = "https://models.inference.ai.azure.com/chat/completions",
              model = "gpt-4o",
              api_type = "openai",

          Translate = {
            handler = tools.qa_handler,
            opts = {
              fetch_key = function()
                return vim.env.GLM_KEY
              url = "https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/chat/completions",
              model = "glm-4-flash",
              api_type = "zhipu",

              component_width = "60%",
              component_height = "50%",
              query = {
                title = " 󰊿 Trans ",
                hl = { link = "Define" },
              input_box_opts = {
                size = "15%",
                win_options = {
                  winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder",
              preview_box_opts = {
                size = "85%",
                win_options = {
                  winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder",

          -- check siliconflow's balance
          UserInfo = {
            handler = function()
              local key = os.getenv("LLM_KEY")
              local res = tools.curl_request_handler(
                { "GET", "-H", string.format("'Authorization: Bearer %s'", key) }
              if res ~= nil then
                print("balance: " .. res.data.balance)
          WordTranslate = {
            handler = tools.flexi_handler,
            prompt = "Translate the following text to Chinese, please only return the translation",
            opts = {
              fetch_key = function()
                return vim.env.GLM_KEY
              url = "https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/chat/completions",
              model = "glm-4-flash",
              api_type = "zhipu",
              args = [[return {url, "-N", "-X", "POST", "-H", "Content-Type: application/json", "-H", authorization, "-d", vim.fn.json_encode(body)}]],
              exit_on_move = true,
              enter_flexible_window = false,
          CodeExplain = {
            handler = tools.flexi_handler,
            prompt = "Explain the following code, please only return the explanation, and answer in Chinese",
            opts = {
              fetch_key = function()
                return vim.env.GLM_KEY
              url = "https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/chat/completions",
              model = "glm-4-flash",
              api_type = "zhipu",
              enter_flexible_window = true,
          CommitMsg = {
            handler = tools.flexi_handler,
            prompt = function()
              -- Source: https://andrewian.dev/blog/ai-git-commits
              return string.format([[You are an expert at following the Conventional Commit specification. Given the git diff listed below, please generate a commit message for me:

1. First line: conventional commit format (type: concise description) (remember to use semantic types like feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, perf, test, chore, etc.)
2. Optional bullet points if more context helps:
   - Keep the second line blank
   - Keep them short and direct
   - Focus on what changed
   - Always be terse
   - Don't overly explain
   - Drop any fluffy or formal language

Return ONLY the commit message - no introduction, no explanation, no quotes around it.

feat: add user auth system

- Add JWT tokens for API auth
- Handle token refresh for long sessions

fix: resolve memory leak in worker pool

- Clean up idle connections
- Add timeout for stale workers

Simple change example:
fix: typo in README.md

Very important: Do not respond with any of the examples. Your message must be based off the diff that is about to be provided, with a little bit of styling informed by the recent commits you're about to see.

Based on this format, generate appropriate commit messages. Respond with message only. DO NOT format the message in Markdown code blocks, DO NOT use backticks:

                vim.fn.system("git diff --no-ext-diff --staged")
            opts = {
              fetch_key = function()
                return vim.env.GLM_KEY
              url = "https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/chat/completions",
              model = "glm-4-flash",
              api_type = "zhipu",
              enter_flexible_window = true,
              apply_visual_selection = false,
    keys = {
      { "<leader>ac", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMSessionToggle<cr>" },
      { "<leader>ts", mode = "x", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler WordTranslate<cr>" },
      { "<leader>ae", mode = "v", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler CodeExplain<cr>" },
      { "<leader>at", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler Translate<cr>" },
      { "<leader>tc", mode = "x", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler TestCode<cr>" },
      { "<leader>ao", mode = "x", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler OptimCompare<cr>" },
      { "<leader>au", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler UserInfo<cr>" },
      { "<leader>ag", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler CommitMsg<cr>" },
      -- { "<leader>ao", mode = "x", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler OptimizeCode<cr>" },

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Local LLM Configuration

Local LLMs require custom parsing functions; for streaming output, we use our custom streaming_handler; for AI tools that return output results in one go, we use our custom parse_handler.

Below is an example of ollama running llama3.2:1b.

local function local_llm_streaming_handler(chunk, line, assistant_output, bufnr, winid, F)
  if not chunk then
    return assistant_output
  local tail = chunk:sub(-1, -1)
  if tail:sub(1, 1) ~= "}" then
    line = line .. chunk
    line = line .. chunk
    local status, data = pcall(vim.fn.json_decode, line)
    if not status or not data.message.content then
      return assistant_output
    assistant_output = assistant_output .. data.message.content
    F.WriteContent(bufnr, winid, data.message.content)
    line = ""
  return assistant_output

local function local_llm_parse_handler(chunk)
  local assistant_output = chunk.message.content
  return assistant_output

return {
    dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
    cmd = { "LLMSessionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler" },
    config = function()
        url = "http://localhost:11434/api/chat", -- your url
        model = "llama3.2:1b",

        streaming_handler = local_llm_streaming_handler,
        app_handler = {
          WordTranslate = {
            handler = tools.flexi_handler,
            prompt = "Translate the following text to Chinese, please only return the translation",
            opts = {
              parse_handler = local_llm_parse_handler,
              exit_on_move = true,
              enter_flexible_window = false,
    keys = {
      { "<leader>ac", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMSessionToggle<cr>" },

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Default Keyboard Shortcuts

  • floating window
window key mode desc
Input ctrl+g i Submit your question
Input ctrl+c i Cancel dialog response
Input ctrl+r i Rerespond to the dialog
Input ctrl+j i Select the next session history
Input ctrl+k i Select the previous session history
Output+Input <leader>ac n Toggle session
Output+Input <esc> n Close session

Window switch

You can use <C-w><C-w> to switch windows, and if you find it ungraceful, you can also set your own shortcut key for window switching. (This feature has not set a default shortcut key)

    -- Switch from the output window to the input window.
    ["Focus:Input"]       = { mode = "n", key = {"i", "<C-w>"} },
    -- Switch from the input window to the output window.
    ["Focus:Output"]      = { mode = { "n", "i" }, key = "<C-w>" },
  • split window
window key mode desc
Input <cr> n Submit your question
Output i n Open the input box
Output ctrl+c n Cancel dialog response
Output ctrl+r n Rerespond to the dialog
Output ctrl+h n Open the history window
Output+Input <leader>ac n Toggle session
Output+Input <esc> n Close session
History j n Preview the next session history
History k n Preview the previous session history
History <cr> n Enter the selected session
History <esc> n Close the history window

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Author's configuration



We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the contributors of the following open-source projects, whose code has provided invaluable inspiration and reference for the development of llm.nvim:


The format of curl usage in Windows is different from Linux, and the default request format of llm.nvim may cause issues under Windows.

Use a custom request format

  • Basic Chat and some AI tools (using streaming output) with customized request format

    Define the args parameter at the same level as the prompt.

    --[[ custom request args ]]
    args = [[return {url, "-N", "-X", "POST", "-H", "Content-Type: application/json", "-H", authorization, "-d", vim.fn.json_encode(body)}]],
  • AI tools (using non-streaming output) custom request format

    Define args in opts

      WordTranslate = {
        handler = tools.flexi_handler,
        prompt = "Translate the following text to Chinese, please only return the translation",
        opts = {
          fetch_key = function()
            return vim.env.GLM_KEY
          url = "https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/chat/completions",
          model = "glm-4-flash",
          api_type = "zhipu",
          args = [[return {url, "-N", "-X", "POST", "-H", "Content-Type: application/json", "-H", authorization, "-d", vim.fn.json_encode(body)}]],
          exit_on_move = true,
          enter_flexible_window = false,

[!NOTE] You need to modify the args according to your actual situation.

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Switching between multiple LLMs and frequently changing the value of LLM_KEY is troublesome, and I don't want to expose my key in Neovim's configuration file.

  • Create a .env file specifically to store your various keys. Note: Do not upload this file to GitHub.
export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxxx
export DEEPSEEK_TOKEN=xxxxxxx
export SILICONFLOW_TOKEN=xxxxxxx
  • Load the .env file in zshrc or bashrc

    source ~/.config/zsh/.env
    # Default to using the LLM provided by Github Models.
  • Finally, switching keys is completed through fetch_key.

      fetch_key = function()
        return vim.env.DEEPSEEK_TOKEN

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Priority of different parse/streaming functions

AI tool configuration's streaming_handler or parse_handler > AI tool configuration's api_type > Main configuration's streaming_handler or parse_handler > Main configuration's api_type

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How can the AI-generated git commit message feature be integrated with lazygit

  lazy = true,
  cmd = {
  -- optional for floating window border decoration
  dependencies = {
  config = function()
    vim.keymap.set("t", "<C-c>", function()
      vim.api.nvim_win_close(vim.api.nvim_get_current_win(), true)
      vim.api.nvim_command("LLMAppHandler CommitMsg")
    end, { desc = "AI Commit Msg" })

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