[!IMPORTANT] This is a universal plugin for a large language model (LLM), designed to enable users to interact with LLM within neovim.
You can customize any LLM (such as gpt, glm, kimi) you wish to use.
You can customize some useful tools to complete your tasks more effectively.
Finally, and most importantly, you can use various free models (whether provided by
,Github models
or others).
You can converse with it just like you would with ChatGPT.
Select the text to translate quickly.
Can't understand the code? Don't worry, AI will explain every code snippet for you.
You can customize some useful tools to complete your tasks more effectively. Detailed tutorial can be found on wiki.
Let AI optimize your code. Press y
to copy the optimized code, and n
to ignore.
[!TIP] The code implementation can be roughly referred to: wiki: create-a-tool-to-help-optimize-your-code
Currently these functions have been integrated into https://github.com/Kurama622/llm.nvim/blob/main/lua/llm/common/tools.lua and no longer need to be defined.
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
cmd = { "LLMSesionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler", "LLMAppHandler" },
config = function()
local tools = require("llm.common.tools")
app_handler = {
OptimizeCode = {
handler = tools.side_by_side_handler,
keys = {
{ "<leader>ao", mode = "x", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler OptimizeCode<cr>" },
Show the diff between your code and the optimized code in source file. Press y
to accept the suggestion, and n
to reject.
[!TIP] The code implementation can be roughly referred to: wiki: create-a-tool-to-help-optimize-your-code-and-show-the-result-in-source-file
Currently these functions have been integrated into https://github.com/Kurama622/llm.nvim/blob/main/lua/llm/common/tools.lua and no longer need to be defined.
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
cmd = { "LLMSesionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler", "LLMAppHandler" },
config = function()
local tools = require("llm.common.tools")
app_handler = {
OptimCompare = {
handler = tools.action_handler,
keys = {
{ "<leader>ao", mode = "x", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler OptimCompare<cr>" },
Your next translator is not a translator.
[!TIP] The code implementation can be roughly referred to: wiki: create-a-translator-tool
Currently these functions have been integrated into https://github.com/Kurama622/llm.nvim/blob/main/lua/llm/common/tools.lua and no longer need to be defined.
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
cmd = { "LLMSesionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler", "LLMAppHandler" },
config = function()
local tools = require("llm.common.tools")
app_handler = {
Translate = {
handler = tools.qa_handler,
keys = {
{ "<leader>at", mode = "x", "<cmd>LLMAppHandler Translate<cr>" },
You need sign up on cloudflare and get your account and API key. Then you will find all models on cloudflare, where the models labeled as beta are free.
in your zshrc or bashrc
export LLM_KEY=<Your API_KEY>
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
cmd = { "LLMSesionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler" },
config = function()
keys = {
{ "<leader>ac", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMSessionToggle<cr>" },
{ "<leader>ae", mode = "v", "<cmd>LLMSelectedTextHandler 请解释下面这段代码<cr>" },
{ "<leader>t", mode = "x", "<cmd>LLMSelectedTextHandler 英译汉<cr>" },
You need sign up on https://open.bigmodel.cn/, and get your account and API key.
in your zshrc or bashrc
export LLM_KEY=<Your API_KEY>
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
cmd = { "LLMSesionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler" },
config = function()
max_tokens = 512,
url = "https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/chat/completions",
model = "glm-4-flash",
prefix = {
user = { text = "😃 ", hl = "Title" },
assistant = { text = "⚡ ", hl = "Added" },
save_session = true,
max_history = 15,
-- stylua: ignore
keys = {
-- The keyboard mapping for the input window.
["Input:Submit"] = { mode = "n", key = "<cr>" },
["Input:Cancel"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-c>" },
["Input:Resend"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-r>" },
-- only works when "save_session = true"
["Input:HistoryNext"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-j>" },
["Input:HistoryPrev"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-k>" },
-- The keyboard mapping for the output window in "split" style.
["Output:Ask"] = { mode = "n", key = "i" },
["Output:Cancel"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-c>" },
["Output:Resend"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-r>" },
-- The keyboard mapping for the output and input windows in "float" style.
["Session:Toggle"] = { mode = "n", key = "<leader>ac" },
["Session:Close"] = { mode = "n", key = "<esc>" },
keys = {
{ "<leader>ac", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMSessionToggle<cr>" },
{ "<leader>ae", mode = "v", "<cmd>LLMSelectedTextHandler 请解释下面这段代码<cr>" },
{ "<leader>t", mode = "x", "<cmd>LLMSelectedTextHandler 英译汉<cr>" },
wiki: How To Use Custom LLM Models
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
cmd = { "LLMSesionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler" },
config = function()
max_tokens = 8000,
url = "https://api.moonshot.cn/v1/chat/completions",
model = "moonshot-v1-8k", -- "moonshot-v1-8k", "moonshot-v1-32k", "moonshot-v1-128k"
api_type = "openai",
keys = {
{ "<leader>ac", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMSessionToggle<cr>" },
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
cmd = { "LLMSesionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler" },
config = function()
max_tokens = 8000,
url = "https://api.moonshot.cn/v1/chat/completions",
model = "moonshot-v1-8k", -- "moonshot-v1-8k", "moonshot-v1-32k", "moonshot-v1-128k"
streaming_handler = function(chunk, line, output, bufnr, winid, F)
if not chunk then
return output
local tail = chunk:sub(-1, -1)
if tail:sub(1, 1) ~= "}" then
line = line .. chunk
line = line .. chunk
local start_idx = line:find("data: ", 1, true)
local end_idx = line:find("}]", 1, true)
local json_str = nil
while start_idx ~= nil and end_idx ~= nil do
if start_idx < end_idx then
json_str = line:sub(7, end_idx + 1) .. "}"
local data = vim.fn.json_decode(json_str)
if not data.choices[1].delta.content then
output = output .. data.choices[1].delta.content
F.WriteContent(bufnr, winid, data.choices[1].delta.content)
if end_idx + 2 > #line then
line = ""
line = line:sub(end_idx + 2)
start_idx = line:find("data: ", 1, true)
end_idx = line:find("}]", 1, true)
return output
keys = {
{ "<leader>ac", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMSessionToggle<cr>" },
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
cmd = { "LLMSesionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler" },
config = function()
url = "https://models.inference.ai.azure.com/chat/completions",
model = "gpt-4o",
max_tokens = 4096,
api_type = "openai"
keys = {
{ "<leader>ac", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMSessionToggle<cr>" },
window | key | mode | desc |
Input | ctrl+g |
i |
submit your question |
Input | ctrl+c |
i |
cancel dialog response |
Input | ctrl+r |
i |
Rerespond to the dialog |
Input | ctrl+j |
i |
select the next session history |
Input | ctrl+k |
i |
select the previous session history |
Output+Input | <leader>ac |
n |
toggle session |
Output+Input | <esc> |
n |
close session |
window | key | mode | desc |
Input | <cr> |
n |
submit your question |
Output | i |
n |
open the input box |
Output | ctrl+c |
n |
cancel dialog response |
Output | ctrl+r |
n |
Rerespond to the dialog |
comes with the following defaults, you can override them by passing config as setup param.
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
cmd = { "LLMSesionToggle", "LLMSelectedTextHandler" },
config = function()
prompt = "请用中文回答",
max_tokens = 512,
model = "@cf/qwen/qwen1.5-14b-chat-awq",
prefix = {
user = { text = "😃 ", hl = "Title" },
assistant = { text = "⚡ ", hl = "Added" },
save_session = true, -- if false, history box will not be showed
max_history = 15, -- max number of history
history_path = "/tmp/history", -- where to save history
input_box_opts = {
relative = "editor",
position = {
row = "85%",
col = 15,
size = {
height = "5%",
width = 120,
enter = true,
focusable = true,
zindex = 50,
border = {
style = "rounded",
text = {
top = " Enter Your Question ",
top_align = "center",
win_options = {
-- set window transparency
winblend = 20,
-- set window highlight
winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder",
output_box_opts = {
style = "float", -- right | left | above | below | float
relative = "editor",
position = {
row = "35%",
col = 15,
size = {
height = "65%",
width = 90,
enter = true,
focusable = true,
zindex = 20,
border = {
style = "rounded",
text = {
top = " Preview ",
top_align = "center",
win_options = {
winblend = 20,
winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder",
history_box_opts = {
relative = "editor",
position = {
row = "35%",
col = 108,
size = {
height = "65%",
width = 27,
zindex = 70,
enter = false,
focusable = false,
border = {
style = "rounded",
text = {
top = " History ",
top_align = "center",
win_options = {
winblend = 20,
winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder",
-- LLMSelectedTextHandler windows options
popwin_opts = {
relative = "cursor",
position = {
row = -7,
col = 20,
size = {
width = "50%",
height = 15,
enter = true,
border = {
style = "rounded",
text = {
top = " Explain ",
-- stylua: ignore
keys = {
-- The keyboard mapping for the input window.
["Input:Submit"] = { mode = "n", key = "<cr>" },
["Input:Cancel"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-c>" },
["Input:Resend"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-r>" },
-- only works when "save_session = true"
["Input:HistoryNext"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-j>" },
["Input:HistoryPrev"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-k>" },
-- The keyboard mapping for the output window in "split" style.
["Output:Ask"] = { mode = "n", key = "i" },
["Output:Cancel"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-c>" },
["Output:Resend"] = { mode = "n", key = "<C-r>" },
-- The keyboard mapping for the output and input windows in "float" style.
["Session:Toggle"] = { mode = "n", key = "<leader>ac" },
["Session:Close"] = { mode = "n", key = "<esc>" },
keys = {
{ "<leader>ac", mode = "n", "<cmd>LLMSessionToggle<cr>" },
{ "<leader>ae", mode = "v", "<cmd>LLMSelectedTextHandler 请解释下面这段代码<cr>" },
{ "<leader>t", mode = "x", "<cmd>LLMSelectedTextHandler 英译汉<cr>" },
Finally, here is my personal configuration for reference.
app_handler = {
-- check siliconflow's balance
UserInfo = {
handler = function()
local key = os.getenv("LLM_KEY")
local res = tools.curl_request_handler(
{ "GET", "-H", string.format("'Authorization: Bearer %s'", key) }
print("balance: " .. res.data.balance)