Use the Pomodoro Technique in Neovim with built-in session tracking and break reminders.
lazy = false, -- needed so the pomodoro can start at launch
opts = {
start_at_launch = true,
work_duration = 25,
break_duration = 5,
delay_duration = 1, -- The additionnal work time you get when you delay a break
long_break_duration = 15,
breaks_before_long = 4,
optional = true,
event = "VeryLazy",
opts = function(_, opts)
table.insert(opts.sections.lualine_x, 3, {
return require("pomodoro").get_pomodoro_status("🍅❌","🍅","☕")
Command | Description |
:PomodoroStart |
Start the Pomodoro timer. |
:PomodoroStop |
Stop the Pomodoro timer. |
:PomodoroUI |
Display the Pomodoro UI. |
:PomodoroSkipBreak |
Skip the current break and start the next work session. |
:PomodoroForceBreak |
Forcefully start a break. |
:PomodoroDelayBreak |
Delay the current break by a delay duration. |