The fully customizable greeter for neovim
Use your favourite package manager and call setup function. Plenary.nvim is a dependency and must be installed. For the default setup telescope.nvim and telescope-file-browser.nvim are needed.
use {
requires = {"nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim"},
config = function()
dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim" },
config = function()
require "startup".setup()
Call the setup function with your configurations.
section_1 = <section> -- for the structure of a section see below
section_2 = <section> -- as much sections as you like
options = {
mapping_keys = true, -- display mapping (e.g. <leader>ff)
-- if < 1 fraction of screen width
-- if > 1 numbers of column
cursor_column = 0.5,
after = function() -- function that gets executed at the end
<lua commands>
empty_lines_between_mappings = true, -- add an empty line between mapping/commands
disable_statuslines = true, -- disable status-, buffer- and tablines
paddings = {1,2}, -- amount of empty lines before each section (must be equal to amount of sections)
mappings = {
execute_command = "<CR>",
open_file = "o",
open_file_split = "<c-o>",
open_section = "<TAB>",
open_help = "?",
colors = {
background = "#1f2227",
folded_section = "#56b6c2", -- the color of folded sections
-- this can also be changed with the `StartupFoldedSection` highlight group
parts = {"section_1", "section_2"} -- all sections in order
You could also put the configurations into a file.
For example /lua/config/startup_nvim.lua
The file should then look like this:
local settings = {<settings>}
return settings
The plugin setup should then require the file:
use {
requires = {"nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"},
config = function()
The filetype of the startup screen is startup
You can use this to disable plugins like statuslines.
section = {
-- "text" -> text that will be displayed
-- "mapping" -> create mappings for commands that can be used
-- use mappings.execute_command on the commands to execute
-- "oldfiles" -> display oldfiles (can be opened with mappings.open_file/open_file_split)
type = "text", -- can be mapping or oldfiles
oldfiles_directory = false, -- if the oldfiles of the current directory should be displayed
align = "center", -- "center", "left" or "right"
fold_section = false, -- whether to fold or not
title = "title", -- title for the folded section
-- if < 1 fraction of screen width
-- if > 1 numbers of column
margin = 5, -- the margin for left or right alignment
-- type of content depends on `type`
-- "text" -> a table with string or a function that requires a function that returns a table of strings
-- "mapping" -> a table with tables in the format:
-- {
-- {<displayed_command_name>, <command>, <mapping>}
-- {<displayed_command_name>, <command>, <mapping>}
-- }
-- e.g. {" Find File", "Telescope find_files", "<leader>ff" }
-- "oldfiles" -> ""
content = <content>
highlight = "String", -- highlight group in which the section text should be highlighted
default_color = "#FF0000", -- a hex color that gets used if you don't specify `highlight`
oldfiles_amount = 5, -- the amount of oldfiles to be displayed
You can easily add your own mappings with a function. You just have to provide a table with keys, command pairs like this:
["<leader>ff"]="<cmd>Telescope find_files<CR>",
["<leader>lg"]="<cmd>Telescope live_grep<CR>"
Those mappings will automatically be added to the help.
You can use some functions from lua/startup/functions.lua
For that you would use:
type = "text",
content = function()
The functions are documented in :help startup_nvim.functions
content = {
"This is:",
"by max397574"
content = function()
local clock = " " .. "%H:%M"
local date = " " .. "%d-%m-%y"
return {clock,date}
With a separate function:
local function time()
local clock = " " .. "%H:%M"
local date = " " .. "%d-%m-%y"
return {clock,date}
settings = {
content = time()
content = {
[" Find File"] = { "Telescope find_files", "<leader>ff" },
[" Find Word"] = { "Telescope live_grep", "<leader>lg" },
[" Recent Files"] = { "Telescope oldfiles", "<leader>of" },
[" File Browser"] = { "Telescope file_browser", "<leader>fb" },
[" Colorschemes"] = { "Telescope colorscheme", "<leader>cs" },
[" New File"] = { "lua require'startup'.new_file()", "<leader>nf" },
Check out the themes for full examples.
At the moment there are three themes:
You can use themes like this:
require("startup").setup({theme = "dashboard"}) -- put theme name here
The dashboard theme is a simple theme with some commands and a header.
The startify theme is a theme like vim-startify
It has oldfiles, bookmarks and a random quote.
You can open the oldfiles with the number written before it ([2] ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
can be opened by pressing 2
You can open a bookmark with the key written in front of it.
Customize bookmarks with vim.g.startup_booksmarks
vim.g.startup_bookmarks = {
["Q"] = '~/.config/qtile/',
["I"] = '~/.config/nvim/init.lua',
["F"] = '~/.config/fish/',
["K"] = '~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf',
["A"] = '~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml',
The evil theme is just a bloated theme with oldfiles, commands, additional info and a quote.
You can put your theme in lua/startup/themes/my_theme.lua
The file has to return settings with the structure like you put them into setup()
You can also overwrite a theme (e.g. dashboard
Just copy all the setting from it and change whatever you want.
You can use some functions from lua/startup/functions.lua
with require("startup.functions").function_name()
They are documented in :help startup_nvim.functions
The same applies to headers.
Here you can use them with require("startup.headers").header_name
They are documented in :help startup_nvim.headers
A good tool to create your own headers is image to braille.
If this plugin conflict with other plugins you can disable it on startup.
For this you need to set vim.g.startup_disable_on_startup
to true
You can do that like this:
config = function()
vim.g.startup_disable_on_startup = true
:Startup display
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