I often come up with abbreviations that should make typing faster, but then I forget they exist. This dilemma especially comes up when I create abbreviations using Tim Pope's vim-abolish - I create hundreds of abbreviations, but can't take full advantage of them. To solve this, Abbreinder works by notifying you when you've typed the expanded form of an abbreviation instead of using the abbreviation functionality.
iabbrev nvim Neovim
, iabbrev rsvp Répondez, s'il vous plait
, Abolish alg{,s,y} algorithm{,s,ically}
) instead of using the trigger, you will get a message reminding you of the abbreviationuse {
requires = {
module = 'abbremand' -- if want to lazy load
config = function()
-- config can be empty to stay with defaults
-- or anything can be changed, with anything unspecified
-- retaining the default values
event = 'BufRead', -- if want lazy load
call plug#begin()
Plug '0styx0/abbremand.nvim'
Plug '0styx0/abbreinder.nvim'
call plug#end()
augroup setup_abbreinder
autocmd BufRead * :lua require'abbreinder'.setup()
augroup END
local config_defaults = {
value_highlight = {
enabled = true,
group = 'Special', -- highlight to use
time = 4000 -- -1 for permanent
tooltip = {
enabled = true,
time = 4000, -- time before tooltip closes
opts = {}, -- see :help nvim_open_win
highlight = {
enabled = true,
group = 'Special', -- highlight to use
format = function(trigger, value) -- format to print reminder in
return 'abbrev: "' .. trigger .. '"->' .. '"' .. value .. '"'
While the config here will most likely be kept up to date, feel free to check out ./lua/config.lua for the actual version.