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5 months ago


This is a fork of marks.nvim with some fixes and improvements from the community.

A better user experience for interacting with and manipulating marks.



  • view marks in the sign column
  • add, delete, and toggle marks
  • cycle between marks
  • preview marks in floating windows
  • extract marks to quickfix/location list
  • set bookmarks with sign/virtual text annotations for quick navigation across buffers


With lazy.nvim

        -- 'chentoast/marks.nvim',
        config = load_config('tools.marks'),
        event = { 'BufReadPre', 'BufNewFile' },


require'marks'.setup {
  -- whether to map keybinds or not. default true
  default_mappings = true,
  -- which builtin marks to show. default {}
  builtin_marks = { ".", "<", ">", "^" },
  -- whether movements cycle back to the beginning/end of buffer. default true
  cyclic = true,
  -- whether the shada file is updated after modifying uppercase marks. default false
  force_write_shada = false,
  -- sign priorities for each type of mark - builtin marks, uppercase marks, lowercase
  -- marks, and bookmarks.
  -- can be either a table with all/none of the keys, or a single number, in which case
  -- the priority applies to all marks.
  -- default 10.
  sign_priority = { lower=10, upper=15, builtin=8, bookmark=20 },
  -- disables mark tracking for specific filetypes. default {}
  excluded_filetypes = {},
  -- disables mark tracking for specific buftypes. default {}
  excluded_buftypes = {},
  -- marks.nvim allows you to configure up to 10 bookmark groups, each with its own
  -- sign/virttext. Bookmarks can be used to group together positions and quickly move
  -- across multiple buffers. default sign is '!@#$%^&*()' (from 0 to 9), and
  -- default virt_text is "".
  bookmark_0 = {
    sign = "โš‘",
    virt_text = "hello world",
    -- explicitly prompt for a virtual line annotation when setting a bookmark from this group.
    -- defaults to false.
    annotate = false,
  mappings = {}

See :help marks-setup for all of the keys that can be passed to the setup function.


The following default mappings are included:

    mx              Set mark x
    m,              Set the next available alphabetical (lowercase) mark
    m;              Toggle the next available mark at the current line
    dmx             Delete mark x
    dm-             Delete all marks on the current line
    dm<space>       Delete all marks in the current buffer
    m]              Move to next mark
    m[              Move to previous mark
    m:              Preview mark. This will prompt you for a specific mark to
                    preview; press <cr> to preview the next mark.
    Mx              Toggle mark x
    m[0-9]          Add a bookmark from bookmark group[0-9].
    dm[0-9]         Delete all bookmarks from bookmark group[0-9].
    m}              Move to the next bookmark having the same type as the bookmark under
                    the cursor. Works across buffers.
    m{              Move to the previous bookmark having the same type as the bookmark under
                    the cursor. Works across buffers.
    dm=             Delete the bookmark under the cursor.

Set default_mappings = false in the setup function if you don't want to have these mapped.

You can change the keybindings by setting the mapping table in the setup function:

require'marks'.setup {
    mappings = {
        set = 'M',
        toggle_mark = 'm',
        set_next = false -- pass false to disable only this default mapping

The following keys are available to be passed to the mapping table:

  set_next               Set next available lowercase mark at cursor.
  toggle                 Toggle next available mark at cursor.
  toggle_mark            Toggle a mark at the current line.
  delete_line            Deletes all marks on current line.
  delete_buf             Deletes all marks in current buffer.
  next                   Goes to next mark in buffer.
  prev                   Goes to previous mark in buffer.
  preview                Previews mark (will wait for user input). press <cr> to just preview the next mark.
  set                    Sets a letter mark (will wait for input).
  delete                 Delete a letter mark (will wait for input).

  set_bookmark[0-9]      Sets a bookmark from group[0-9].
  delete_bookmark[0-9]   Deletes all bookmarks from group[0-9].
  delete_bookmark        Deletes the bookmark under the cursor.
  next_bookmark          Moves to the next bookmark having the same type as the
                         bookmark under the cursor.
  prev_bookmark          Moves to the previous bookmark having the same type as the
                         bookmark under the cursor.
  next_bookmark[0-9]     Moves to the next bookmark of the same group type. Works by
                         first going according to line number, and then according to buffer
  prev_bookmark[0-9]     Moves to the previous bookmark of the same group type. Works by
                         first going according to line number, and then according to buffer
  annotate               Prompts the user for a virtual line annotation that is then placed
                         above the bookmark. Requires neovim 0.6+ and is not mapped by default.

marks.nvim also provides a list of lua APIs for you, which can be used to setup mappings, here's what my config with which key looks like:

    m = {
        name = icons.ui.Bookmark .. 'Marks',
        b = { "<cmd>lua require('telescope').extensions.marks_nvim.bookmarks_list_all()<cr>", 'Bookmarks' },
        D = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').delete_buf()<cr>", 'Delete Buffer' },
        d = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').delete_line()<cr>", 'Delete Line' },
        P = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').preview()<cr>", 'Preview' },
        x = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').delete_bookmark()<cr>", 'Delete Bookmark' },
        h = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').next_bookmark()<cr>", 'Next Bookmark' },
        j = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').next()<cr>", 'Next' },
        k = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').prev()<cr>", 'Previous' },
        l = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').prev_bookmark()<cr>", 'Previous Bookmark' },
        m = { '<cmd>Telescope marks<cr>', 'All Marks' },
        s = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').set_next()<cr>", 'Set Next' },
        t = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').toggle()<cr>", 'Toggle' },

        ['1'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').toggle_bookmark1()<cr>", 'Toggle Bookmark 0' },
        ['2'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').toggle_bookmark2()<cr>", 'Toggle Bookmark 2' },
        ['3'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').toggle_bookmark3()<cr>", 'Toggle Bookmark 3' },
        ['4'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').toggle_bookmark4()<cr>", 'Toggle Bookmark 4' },

        n = {
            name = 'Next Bookmark Group',
            ['1'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').next_bookmark1()<cr>", 'Next Bookmark 1' },
            ['2'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').next_bookmark2()<cr>", 'Next Bookmark 2' },
            ['3'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').next_bookmark3()<cr>", 'Next Bookmark 3' },
            ['4'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').next_bookmark4()<cr>", 'Next Bookmark 4' },

        p = {
            name = 'Previous Bookmark Group',
            ['1'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').prev_bookmark1()<cr>", 'Previous Bookmark 1' },
            ['2'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').prev_bookmark2()<cr>", 'Previous Bookmark 2' },
            ['3'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').prev_bookmark3()<cr>", 'Previous Bookmark 3' },
            ['4'] = { "<cmd>lua require('marks').prev_bookmark4()<cr>", 'Previous Bookmark 4' },

See :help marks-mappings for more information.


There's a telescope extension allowing to list marks through telescope.

To activate it you need to load the extension:

local telescope = require("telescope")


You can then use the extension methods to list marks instead of using the native loclist system. You need to call these methods in your mappings.

require('telescope').extensions.marks_nvim.marks_list_buf(opts) -- List buffer marks
require('telescope').extensions.marks_nvim.marks_list_all(opts) -- List all marks
require('telescope').extensions.marks_nvim.bookmarks_list_group(1, opts) -- List a bookmark group marks (takes the group number as  argument)
require('telescope').extensions.marks_nvim.bookmarks_list_all(opts) -- List all bookmarks marks

These methods will use your path_display telescope configuraiton to display paths. You can also pass a specific property for one method in the opts table.

require('telescope').extensions.marks_nvim.marks_list_all({ path_display = 'shorten' })


marks.nvim defines the following highlight groups:

MarkSignHL The highlight group for displayed mark signs.

MarkSignNumHL The highlight group for the number line in a signcolumn.

MarkSignLineHL The highlight group for the whole line the sign is placed in.

MarkVirtTextHL The highlight group for bookmark virtual text annotations.


marks.nvim also defines the following commands:

:MarksToggleSigns[ buffer] Toggle signs globally. Also accepts an optional buffer number to toggle signs for that buffer only.

:MarksListBuf Fill the location list with all marks in the current buffer.

:MarksListGlobal Fill the location list with all global marks in open buffers.

:MarksListAll Fill the location list with all marks in all open buffers.

:BookmarksList group_number Fill the location list with all bookmarks of group "group_number".

:BookmarksListAll Fill the location list with all bookmarks, across all groups.

There are also corresponding commands for those who prefer the quickfix list:




:BookmarksQFList group_number



  • Operator pending mappings and count aware movement mappings
  • Bookmarks are not persistent across sessions
  • Telescope extension only lists one mark

See Also

