termim.nvim improves your default neovim terminal experience, keeping it super simple.
Add the following to your lazy/packer config
-- Lazy
cmd = { 'Fterm', 'FTerm', 'Sterm', 'STerm', 'Vterm', 'VTerm' },
-- Packer
use '2kabhishek/termim.nvim'
adds the following commands:
: open terminal in new tabFTerm
: same as Fterm but stays open after process exitsSterm
: open terminal in new horizontal splitSTerm
: same as Sterm but stays open after process exitsVterm
: open terminal in new vertical splitVTerm
: same as Vterm but stays open after process exitsAll the commands accept optional command as arg, if command is missing, your default shell will run
Fterm lazygit
: will open lazygit in a new tabtermim.nvim
adds the following mappings:
Other than the standard commands, you can use which-key to create your own commands.
t = {
name = 'Terminal',
['`'] = { '<cmd>Sterm<cr>', 'Horizontal Terminal' },
e = { '<cmd>Sterm iex<cr>', 'Elixir' },
g = { '<cmd>Fterm lazygit<cr>', 'Lazygit' },
n = { '<cmd>Sterm node<cr>', 'Node' },
p = { '<cmd>Sterm bpython<cr>', 'Python' },
r = { '<cmd>Sterm irb<cr>', 'Ruby' },
s = { '<cmd>Sterm<cr>', 'Horizontal Terminal' },
t = { '<cmd>Fterm<cr>', 'Terminal' },
v = { '<cmd>Vterm<cr>', 'Vertical Terminal' },
You tell me!
Most terminal plugins offer a lot more than I needed, whereas I needed some small enhancements of the default neovim terminal experience.
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