[!tip] Switch to the
branch if you only need neovim configuration!
sudo apt install wget curl git python3-pip ripgrep ranger lolcat -y
pip3 install pynvim
sudo npm install -g tree-sitter-cli
# or use cargo to install tree-sitter-cli
# cargo install tree-sitter-cli
echo "export PATH=$HOME/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
# if you use zsh, pls add masonbin to your zsh config and then source it
# source ~/.zshrc
# backup your old neovim config
mv ~/.config/nvim{,.bak}
# download my config to your local machine.
git clone -b nvim https://github.com/AGou-ops/dotfiles.git ~/.config/nvim
If you have any problems with the installation, please submit an issue.
# After opening neovim, lazy.nvim will automatically install all plugins.
# if you have Neovim python error, https://github.com/gelguy/wilder.nvim/issues/16, run below command and restart neovim.
βββ barbecue.lua
βββ bookmarks.lua
βββ bufferline.lua
βββ close-buffers.lua
βββ cmp.lua
βββ cursorword.lua
βββ dashboard.lua
βββ diffview.lua
βββ flash.lua
βββ format.lua
βββ gitsigns.lua
βββ gomove.lua
βββ indent-blankline.lua
βββ init.lua
βββ lsp
βββ lspsaga.lua
βββ lualine.lua
βββ luasnip.lua
βββ mason.lua
βββ neoscroll.lua
βββ neotest.lua
βββ nvim-dap.lua
βββ nvim-hlslens.lua
βββ nvim-spectre.lua
βββ nvim-surround.lua
βββ nvim-tree.lua
βββ nvim-ufo.lua
βββ project.lua
βββ rnvimr.lua
βββ scrollbar.lua
βββ snacks.lua
βββ specs.lua
βββ telescope.lua
βββ todo-comments.lua
βββ toggleterm.lua
βββ translate.lua
βββ treesitter.lua
βββ trouble.lua
βββ which-key.lua
βββ wilder.lua
βββ zen-mode.lua
82 directories, 0 files
Code completion:
dap debug:
Unit Test:
preview definition:
lspsaga finder: