This plugin (Penvim) has 4 purposes:
Install PenVim using your favorite package manager.
using vim-plug
Plug 'Abstract-IDE/penvim'
or using packer.nvim
use {'Abstract-IDE/penvim'}
require("penvim").setup() -- use defaults
rooter = {
enable = true, -- enable/disable rooter
patterns = {'.__nvim__.lua', '.git', 'node_modules'}
indentor = {
enable = true, -- enable/disable indentor
indent_length = 4, -- tab indent width
accuracy = 5, -- positive integer. higher the number, the more accurate result (but affects the startup time)
disable_types = {
'help','dashboard','dashpreview','NvimTree','vista','sagahover', 'terminal',
project_env = {
enable = true, -- enable/disable project_env
config_name = '.__nvim__.lua' -- config file name
-- .__nvim__.lua
return {
-- for all file types
all = {
tabstop = 4, -- spaces per tab
cursorline = true, -- highlight current line
relativenumber = true, -- show relative line number
number = true, -- show line numbers
-- for filetype lua
lua = {
smarttab = true, -- <tab>/<BS> indent/dedent in leading whitespace
softtabstop = 4,
shiftwidth = 4, -- spaces per tab (when shifting), when using the >> or << commands, shift lines by 4 spaces
-- for filetype python and javascript
py_js = {
tabstop = 4, -- spaces per tab
wrap = false, -- don't automatically wrap on load
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.