plugin for gfold currently providing:
This uses vim.ui.select
To have a nice ui for example dressing.nvim can be used.use {
config = function()
Pass a table to require('gfold').setup()
The following are the default values:
-- base directory to look for repos
-- defaults to home
cwd = vim.fn.getenv('HOME'),
-- if true, no error is shown if the call to gfold fails
no_error = false,
-- What symbols to use, for both picker and status
status_symbols = {
clean = '✔',
unclean = '✘',
unpushed = '',
bare = '',
-- settings specific to the picker
picker = {
-- how to format an entry in the picker
-- default will be something like:
-- ✔ nvim-gfold.lua (/home/path/to/nvim-gfold.lua)
format_item = function(repo)
return string.format(
'%s %s (%s)',
-- what to do when selecting a repo
-- by default changes cwd
on_select = require('gfold.actions').change_cwd,
-- settings specific to the status(line)
status = {
-- if we should continuously update the summary
enable = true,
-- how long to wait in between querying repo statuses
-- NOTE this is the time from the last process ran until starting it again
-- so the interval will be whatever time it takes to run gfold plus this setting
-- Default is 5 seconds but if for some reason you want this to be updated more frequently
-- you can always make this value smaller.
update_delay = 5000,
-- What color of highlights to use
-- Values are either:
-- * string: a highlight group
-- * table: eg `{fg = '#b8bb26'}`
colors = {
clean = {fg = '#b8bb26'},
unclean = {fg = '#fb4934'},
unpushed = {fg = '#fe8019'},
bare = {fg = '#fabd2f'},
-- In which order to show the components of the summary
order = {
To pick a repo:
:lua require('gfold').pick_repo()
Optionally you can filter the repos you want to show by including a condition callback. For example:
return repo.status ~= 'clean'
which would only include non-clean repos in the picker. repo
is a table with the keys:
To use lualine
you can simply do eg:
sections = {
lualine_x = {
For other statuslines you can call require('gfold').get_summary
which returns a table of the form:
unclean = <int>,
clean = <int>,
bare = <int>,
unpushed = <int>,
which you can use to format a summary to your liking.
NOTE that get_summary
does not update the current summary (ie does not trigger gfold
), it just looks up the
current known information. This means get_summary
is a quick function and you can easily call it often.
Instead, nvim-gfold
will continuously update this information in the background, see settings for more information.