Fully written in lua, aesthetic ui, fuzzy finder, lsp, formatter, speed motion and more...
Startup Time ~200
$ git clone https://github.com/AdiCahyaSaputra/my-neovim-setup ~/AppData/Local/nvim
For treesitter error, you may need to read this
choco install zig
filerequire("nvim-treesitter.install").prefer_git = false
require'nvim-treesitter.install'.compilers = { 'zig' }
$ git clone https://github.com/AdiCahyaSaputra/my-neovim-setup ~/.config/nvim
$ nvim
for open Mason UI
example for install tsserver and intelephense
:MasonInstall typescript-language-server intelephense
you don't need to setup the server manually because lsp-zero
do this automatically
example for install ts and php syntax highlight
:TSInstall tsx ts php
you can change the theme whatever you want. Edit file ./lua/adics/theme.lua
and paste your config here
vim.g.mapleader = " "
"<leader>w" -- Save file (normal mode)
"<leader>e" -- Toggle neotree (normal mode)
"<leader>o" -- Toggle neotree focus (normal mode)
"<A-j>" -- Scroll down (normal mode)
"<A-k>" -- Scroll up (normal mode)
"<A-l>" -- Switch vsplit window to right (normal mode)
"<A-h>" -- Switch vsplit window to left (normal mode)
"<A-Up>" -- Resize vsplit window to +3 (normal mode)
"<A-Down>" -- Switch vsplit window to -3 (normal mode)
"<A-t>" -- Toggle Term (normal, terminal mode)
"<space>;" -- Escape (terminal mode)
"<space>g" -- Lazygit (normal mode)
"H" -- Prev Buffer (normal mode)
"L" -- Next Buffer (normal mode)
"C" -- Close Buffer (normal mode)
"<leader>al" -- Hop line (all mode)
"<leader>aw" -- Hop word (all mode)
"<leader>aa" -- Hop char (all mode)
"jk" -- Escape (insert mode)
"gd" -- Goto Definition (normal mode)
"K" -- Hover doc (normal mode)
"<leader>ca" -- Code action (normal mode)
"<leader>lf" -- lsp format (normal mode)
"<leader>dh" -- jum to prev diagnostic (normal mode)
"<leader>dl" -- jum to next diagnostic (normal mode)
"<cr>" -- confirm cmp (insert mode)