A little (smart maybe) terminal plugin for neovim.
makes a tiling window manager inside neovim, see demo
A small example of using neaterm
in neovim:
Using lazy.nvim
you can install the neaterm
with following default configuration:
branch = "stable",
event = "VeryLazy",
opts = {
-- Your custom options here (optional)
dependencies = {
or change the config based on what you want:
opts = {
-- Terminal settings
shell = vim.o.shell,
float_width = 0.5,
float_height = 0.4,
move_amount = 3,
resize_amount = 2,
border = 'rounded',
-- Appearance
highlights = {
normal = 'Normal',
border = 'FloatBorder',
title = 'Title',
-- Window management
min_width = 20,
min_height = 3,
-- Default keymaps
keymaps = {
toggle = '<A-t>',
new_vertical = '<C-\\>',
new_horizontal = '<C-.>',
new_float = '<C-A-t>',
close = '<A-d>',
next = '<C-PageDown>',
prev = '<C-PageUp>',
move_up = '<C-A-Up>',
move_down = '<C-A-Down>',
move_left = '<C-A-Left>',
move_right = '<C-A-Right>',
resize_up = '<C-S-Up>',
resize_down = '<C-S-Down>',
resize_left = '<C-S-Left>',
resize_right = '<C-S-Right>',
focus_bar = '<C-A-b>',
repl_toggle = '<leader>rt',
repl_send_line = '<leader>rl',
repl_send_selection = '<leader>rs',
repl_send_buffer = '<leader>rb',
repl_clear = '<leader>rc',
repl_history = '<leader>rh',
repl_variables = '<leader>rv',
repl_restart = '<leader>rR',
-- REPL configurations
repl = {
float_width = 0.6,
float_height = 0.4,
save_history = true,
history_file = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/neaterm_repl_history.json',
max_history = 100,
update_interval = 5000,
-- REPL language configurations
repl_configs = {
python = {
name = "Python (IPython)",
cmd = "ipython --no-autoindent --colors='Linux'",
startup_cmds = {
"import sys",
"sys.ps1 = 'In []: '",
"sys.ps2 = ' ....: '",
get_variables_cmd = "whos",
inspect_variable_cmd = "?",
exit_cmd = "exit()",
r = {
name = "R (Radian)",
cmd = "radian",
startup_cmds = {
"options(width = 80)",
"options(prompt = 'R> ')",
get_variables_cmd = "ls.str()",
inspect_variable_cmd = "str(",
exit_cmd = "q(save='no')",
lua = {
name = "Lua",
cmd = "lua",
exit_cmd = "os.exit()",
node = {
name = "Node.js",
cmd = "node",
get_variables_cmd = "Object.keys(global)",
exit_cmd = ".exit",
sh = {
name = "Shell",
cmd = vim.o.shell,
startup_cmds = {
"PS1='$ '",
get_variables_cmd = "set",
inspect_variable_cmd = "echo $",
exit_cmd = "exit",
I don't how, if you can help me and this plugin please contact me in Telegram
: @Dan7h3x
or mail me m.jalili.barbin@gmail.com