Create and manage keymaps and commands in a more organized way.
is renamed to commander.nvim
.This plugin requires Telescope.
Plug "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim"
Plug "FeiyouG/commander.nvim"
use {
requires = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" }
return {
dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" }
-- Add a new command
desc = "Open commander",
cmd = require("commander").show,
keys = { "n", "<Leader>fc" },
-- Show commander and select the command by pressing "<leader>fc"
Configuration can be done through
The following is the default configuration, and you only need to pass the settings that you want to change:
-- Specify what components are shown in the prompt;
-- Order matters, and components may repeat
components = {
-- Specify by what components the commands is sorted
-- Order does not matter
sort_by = {
-- Change the separator used to separate each component
separator = " ",
-- When set to true,
-- The desc component will be populated with cmd if desc is empty or missing.
auto_replace_desc_with_cmd = true,
-- Default title of the prompt
prompt_title = "Commander",
integration = {
telescope = {
-- Set to true to use telescope instead of for the UI
enable = false,
-- Can be any builtin or custom telescope theme
theme = require("telescope.themes").commander
lazy = {
-- Set to true to automatically add all key bindings set through lazy.nvim
enable = false,
-- Set to true to use plugin name as category for each keybinding added from lazy.nvim
set_plugin_name_as_cat = false
Below is my configuration for commander
You can use it as a reference.
-- Plugin Manager: lazy.nvim
return {
dependencies = {
keys = {
{ "<leader>f", "<CMD>Telescope commander<CR>", mode = "n" },
{ "<leader>fc", "<CMD>Telescope commander<CR>", mode = "n" }
config = function()
components = {
sort_by = {
integration = {
telescope = {
enable = true,
lazy = {
enable = true,
set_plugin_name_as_cat = true
commander.add(CommanderItem[], CommanderAddOpts)
Add a list of CommanderItem
to Commander.
Property | Type | Default | Descirption |
cmd |
string or function |
Required | The command to be executed |
desc |
string? |
"" |
A nice description of the command |
keys |
CommanderItemKey[]? or CommanderItemKey |
{} |
The keymap(s) associated with this command |
cat |
`string? | "" |
The category of this command |
set |
boolean? |
true |
Whether to set the keymaps in keys |
show |
boolean? |
true |
Wether to show this command in the prompt |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
cat |
string? |
"" |
The category of all the CommanderItem[] to be added |
set |
boolean? |
true |
Whether to set the keymaps in all the CommanderItem[] |
show |
boolean? |
true |
Wether to show all the CommanderItem[] in the prompt |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
[1] |
string or string[] |
Required | Mode, or a list of modes, for this keymap |
[2] |
string |
Required | The lhs of this keymap |
[3] |
string or string[] |
{} |
Same opts accepted by nvim.keymap.set |
local commander = require("commander")
desc = "Search inside current buffer",
cmd = "<CMD>Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find<CR>",
keys = { "n", "<leader>fl" },
}, {
-- If desc is not provided, cmd is used to replace descirption by default
-- You can change this behavior in setup()
cmd = "<CMD>Telescope find_files<CR>",
keys = { "n", "<leader>ff" },
}, {
-- If keys are not provided, no keymaps will be displayed nor set
desc = "Find hidden files",
cmd = "<CMD>Telescope find_files hidden=true<CR>",
}, {
-- You can specify multiple keys for the same cmd ...
desc = "Show document symbols",
cmd = "<CMD>Telescope lsp_document_symbols<CR>",
keys = {
{"n", "<leader>ss", { noremap = true } },
{"n", "<leader>ssd", { noremap = true } },
}, {
-- ... and for different modes
desc = "Show function signaure (hover)",
cmd = "<CMD>lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()<CR>",
keys = {
{{"n", "x"}, "K", silent_noremap },
{"i", "<C-k>" },
}, {
-- You can pass in a key sequences as if you would type them in nvim
desc = "My favorite key sequence",
cmd = "A -- Add a comment at the end of a line",
keys = {"n", "<leader>Ac" }
}, {
-- You can also pass in a lua functions as cmd
-- NOTE: binding lua funciton to a keymap requires nvim >= 0.7
desc = "Run lua function",
cmd = function() print("ANONYMOUS LUA FUNCTION") end,
keys = {"n", "<leader>alf" },
}, {
-- If no cmd is specified, then this entry will be ignored
desc = "lsp run linter",
keys = {"n", "<leader>sf" },
If you have above snippet in your config,
commander will create your specified keybindings automatically.
And calling :Telescope commander
will open a prompt like this:
local commander = require("commander")
-- The keymaps of the following commands will be key (if any)
-- But the commands won't be shown when you call `require("commander").show()`
desc = "Find files",
cmd = "<CMR>telescope find_files<CR>",
keys = { "n", "<leader>ff", { noremap = true } },
}, {
-- If keys is not specified, then this enery is ignored
-- since there is no keymaps to set
desc = "Search inside current buffer",
cmd = "<CMD>Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find<CR>",
}, {
show = false
-- The following commands will be shown in the prompt,
-- But the keymaps will not be registered;
-- This is helpful if you already registered the keymap somewhere else
-- and want to avoid set the exact keymap twice
-- If keys are specified,
-- then they will still show up in commander but won't be set
desc = "Find hidden files",
cmd = "<CMD>Telescope find_files hidden=true<CR>",
keys = { "n", "<leader>f.f" },
}, {
desc = "Show document symbols",
cmd = "<CMD>Telescope lsp_document_symbols<CR>",
}, {
-- Since `show` is set to `true` in this command,
-- It overwrites the opts and this keymap will still be set
desc = "LSP code actions",
cmd = "<CMD>Telescope lsp_code_actions<CR>",
keys = { "n", "<leader>sa" },
show = true
}, {
show = false
Above snippet will only set the keymaps
for "Find files" and "LSP code actions",
but not for others.
The resulted commander
prompt will look like this:
Open Commander's prompt.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
filter |
CommanderFilter? |
nil |
The filter to be used |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
cat |
string? |
nil |
Filter by the category of the commands |
mode |
string? |
nil |
Filter by the mode of the keymaps of the commands |
Remove all items from commander. Note this method will not delete any existing keymaps
Enable integration in the config:
integration = {
telescope = {
enable = true,
-- Optional, you can use any telescope supported theme
theme = require("telescope.themes").commander
When enabled, then the following commands will be exposed:
-- The same as require("commander").show()
Telescope commander
-- The same as require("commander").show({ filter = { mode = "i" } })
Telescope commander filter mode=i
-- The same as require("commander").show({ filter = { mode = "i", cat = "git" } })
Telescope commander filter mode=i cat=git
the prompt will be shown using telescope
instead of
Enable integration in the config:
integration = {
lazy = {
enable = true
When enabled, commander will do two things:
Commander will find and add all the keys
that you registered through lazy.nvim
Command will look for a new field called commander
in LazyPlugin
The value of the field is expected to be CommanderItem[]
(or a function that returns CommanderItem[]
and commander can automatically add those commands too.
For example:
ft = { "markdown" },
cmd = { "GenTocGFM" },
-- This command will be added to commander automatically
commander = {
cmd = "<CMD>GenTocGFM<CR>",
desc = "Generate table of contents (GFM)",
config = function() ... end,