A Neovim Plugin which uses Tree-sitter to conceal typical boiler Code
Using packer.nvim
use { "Jxstxs/conceal.nvim", requires = "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" }
local conceal = require("conceal")
-- should be run before .generate_conceals to use user Configuration
--[[ ["language"] = {
enabled = bool,
keywords = {
["keyword"] = {
enabled = bool,
conceal = string,
highlight = string
} ]]
["lua"] = {
enabled = true,
keywords = {
["local"] = {
enabled = false -- to disable concealing for "local"
["return"] = {
conceal = "R" -- to set the concealing to "R"
["for"] = {
highlight = "keyword" -- to set the Highlight group to "@keyword"
["language"] = {
enabled = false -- to disable the whole language
-- generate the scm queries
-- only need to be run when the Configuration changes
-- bind a <leader>tc to toggle the concealing level
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tc", function()
end, { silent = true})
Contributions are always welcome! Just remember to be Kind
This Project uses the MIT License, as mentioned here.