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21 hours ago


  • Simple: Add, Rename and Remove bookmarks with only one command, less shortcuts more productivity.
  • Persistent: save your bookmarks into a sqlite db file
  • Accessible: Find your bookmark by telescope or Treeview with ease.
  • Informative: mark with a name or description, so you can record more information.
  • Visibility: display icon and name at the marked lines, and highlight marked lines.
  • Lists: arrange your bookmarks in lists, organise the bookmarks in your way.

Install and Config

-- with lazy.nvim
return {
  -- pin the plugin at specific version for stability
  -- backup your bookmark sqlite db when there are breaking changes
  -- tag = "v2.3.0",
  dependencies = {
    {"stevearc/dressing.nvim"} -- optional: better UI
  config = function()
    local opts = {} -- go to the following link to see all the options in the deafult config file
    require("bookmarks").setup(opts) -- you must call setup to init sqlite db

-- run :BookmarksInfo to see the running status of the plugin

Check the default config in config.lua


Basic Bookmark Operations

Command Description
BookmarksMark Mark current line into active BookmarkList. Rename existing bookmark under cursor. Toggle it off if the new name is an empty string
BookmarksNewList Create a new bookmark list
BookmarksDesc Add description to the bookmark under cursor, if no bookmark, then mark it first
BookmarksGoto Go to bookmark at current active BookmarkList with telescope
BookmarksLists Pick a bookmark list with telescope
BookmarksGrep Grep through the content of all bookmarked files

[!NOTE] Those Telescope shortcuts are also available

Shortcut Action for bookmarks Action for lists
Enter Go to selected bookmark set selected list as active list
<C-x> Open selected bookmark in horizontal split -
<C-v> Open selected bookmark in vertical split -
<C-t> Open selected bookmark in new tab -
<C-d> Delete selected bookmark Delete selected list

Quick Navigation

Command Description
BookmarksGotoNext Go to next bookmark in line number order within the current active BookmarkList
BookmarksGotoPrev Go to previous bookmark in line number order within the current active BookmarkList
BookmarksGotoNextInList Go to next bookmark by order id within the current active BookmarkList
BookmarksGotoPrevInList Go to next bookmark by order id within the current active BookmarkList

You can also use Hydra to make navigation easier

-- use `nvimtools/hydra.nvim`:
local Hydra = require('hydra')
  name = "Bookmarks",
  mode = 'n',
  body = '<leader>m',
  hint = [[
  Bookmark Navigation

  ^  _j_: Next in List     _J_: Next Bookmark
  ^  _k_: Prev in List     _K_: Prev Bookmark
  ^ _<Esc>_: Exit
  heads = {
    { 'j', '<cmd>BookmarksGotoNextInList<cr>' },
    { 'k', '<cmd>BookmarksGotoPrevInList<cr>' },
    { 'J', '<cmd>BookmarksGotoNext<cr>' },
    { 'K', '<cmd>BookmarksGotoPrev<cr>' },


Command Description
BookmarksTree Browse bookmarks in tree view

[!NOTE] There are quite a lot operations in treeview, which you can config it in the way you like.

-- default keybindings in the treeview buffer
keymap = {
  quit = { "q", "<ESC>" },      -- Close the tree view window and return to previous window
  refresh = "R",                -- Reload and redraw the tree view
  create_list = "a",            -- Create a new list under the current node
  level_up = "u",               -- Navigate up one level in the tree hierarchy
  set_root = ".",               -- Set current list as root of the tree view, also set as active list
  set_active = "m",             -- Set current list as the active list for bookmarks
  toggle = "o",                 -- Toggle list expansion or go to bookmark location
  move_up = "<localleader>k",   -- Move current node up in the list
  move_down = "<localleader>j", -- Move current node down in the list
  delete = "D",                 -- Delete current node
  rename = "r",                 -- Rename current node
  goto = "g",                   -- Go to bookmark location in previous window
  cut = "x",                    -- Cut node
  copy = "c",                   -- Copy node
  paste = "p",                  -- Paste node
  show_info = "i",              -- Show node info
  reverse = "t",                -- Reverse the order of nodes in the tree view

Viewing and Information

Command Description
BookmarksInfo Overview plugin current status
BookmarksInfoCurrentBookmark Show current bookmark info

Utility Commands

Command Description
BookmarksCommands Find bookmark commands and trigger it
BookmarkRebindOrphanNode Rebind orphaned nodes by attaching them to the root node


This plugin doesn't provide any default keybinding. I recommend you to have these keybindings.

vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "mm", "<cmd>BookmarksMark<cr>", { desc = "Mark current line into active BookmarkList." })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "mo", "<cmd>BookmarksGoto<cr>", { desc = "Go to bookmark at current active BookmarkList" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "ma", "<cmd>BookmarksCommands<cr>", { desc = "Find and trigger a bookmark command." })


Don't hesitate to ask me anything about the codebase if you want to contribute.

  • How to get started:
    1. plugin/bookmarks.lua the entry point of the plugin
    2. lua/bookmarks/domain where the main objects/concepts live
