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2 months ago

Create scratch file

Create temporary playground files effortlessly. Find them later without worrying about filenames or locations.

Scratch Intro

Install & Config

-- use lazy.nvim
  event = "VeryLazy",

Check my neovim config as real life example

return {
  event = "VeryLazy",
  dependencies = {
    {"ibhagwan/fzf-lua"}, --optional: if you want to use fzf-lua to pick scratch file. Recommanded, since it will order the files by modification datetime desc. (require rg)
    {"nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim"}, -- optional: if you want to pick scratch file by telescope
    {"stevearc/dressing.nvim"} -- optional: to have the same UI shown in the GIF
  config = function()
      scratch_file_dir = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/scratch.nvim", -- where your scratch files will be put
      window_cmd = "rightbelow vsplit", -- 'vsplit' | 'split' | 'edit' | 'tabedit' | 'rightbelow vsplit'
      use_telescope = true,
      -- fzf-lua is recommanded, since it will order the files by modification datetime desc. (require rg)
      file_picker = "fzflua", -- "fzflua" | "telescope" | nil
      filetypes = { "lua", "js", "sh", "ts" }, -- you can simply put filetype here
      filetype_details = { -- or, you can have more control here
        json = {}, -- empty table is fine
        [""] = {
          subdir = "project-name" -- group scratch files under specific sub folder
        ["yaml"] = {},
        go = {
          requireDir = true, -- true if each scratch file requires a new directory
          filename = "main", -- the filename of the scratch file in the new directory
          content = { "package main", "", "func main() {", "  ", "}" },
          cursor = {
            location = { 4, 2 },
            insert_mode = true,
      localKeys = {
          filenameContains = { "sh" },
          LocalKeys = {
              cmd = "<CMD>RunShellCurrentLine<CR>",
              key = "<C-r>",
              modes = { "n", "i", "v" },
      hooks = {
          callback = function()
            vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, { "hello", "world" })
  event = "VeryLazy",

Modify config at runtime, no need to restart nvim

To check your current configuration, simply type :lua = vim.g.scratch_config

And if you want to modify the config, for example add a new filetype, just call the setup function with your updated config again.

Or you can change the vim.g.scratch_config global veriable directly

Commands & Keymapps

All commands are started with Scratch, and no default keymappings.

Command Description
Scratch Creates a new scratch file in the specified scratch_file_dir directory in your configuration.
ScratchWithName Allows the creation of a new scratch file with a user-specified filename, including the file extension.
ScratchOpen Opens an existing scratch file from the scratch_file_dir.
ScratchOpenFzf Uses fuzzy finding to search through the contents of scratch files and open a selected file.

Keybinding recommandation:

vim.keymap.set("n", "<M-C-n>", "<cmd>Scratch<cr>")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<M-C-o>", "<cmd>ScratchOpen<cr>")


Don't hesitate to ask me anything about the codebase if you want to contribute.

By telegram or 微信: CateFat

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