Neovim utility plugin to define keymaps in concise, readable, cascading lists and trees
supportuse { 'LionC/nest.nvim' }
Plug 'LionC/nest.nvim'
call dein#add('LionC/nest.nvim')
The nest
Lua module exposes an applyKeymaps
function that can be called any
number of times with a list of (nested) keymaps to be set.
Keymaps will default to global, normal (n
) mode, noremap
and silent
unless overwritten. Overrides are inherited by nested keymaps.
local nest = require('nest')
nest.applyKeymaps {
-- Remove silent from ; : mapping, so that : shows up in command mode
{ ';', ':' , options = { silent = false } },
{ ':', ';' },
-- Prefix every nested keymap with <leader>
{ '<leader>', {
-- Prefix every nested keymap with f (meaning actually <leader>f here)
{ 'f', {
{ 'f', '<cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>' },
-- This will actually map <leader>fl
{ 'l', '<cmd>Telescope live_grep<cr>' },
-- Prefix every nested keymap with g (meaning actually <leader>fg here)
{ 'g', {
{ 'b', '<cmd>Telescope git_branches<cr>' },
-- This will actually map <leader>fgc
{ 'c', '<cmd>Telescope git_commits<cr>' },
{ 's', '<cmd>Telescope git_status<cr>' },
-- Lua functions can be right side values instead of key sequences
{ 'l', {
{ 'c', vim.lsp.buf.code_actions },
{ 'r', vim.lsp.buf.rename },
{ 's', vim.lsp.buf.signature_help },
{ 'h', vim.lsp.buf.hover },
-- Use insert mode for all nested keymaps
{ mode = 'i', {
{ 'jk', '<Esc>' },
-- Set <expr> option for all nested keymaps
{ options = { expr = true }, {
{ '<cr>', 'compe#confirm("<CR>")' },
-- This is equivalent to viml `:inoremap <C-Space> <expr>compe#complete()`
{ '<C-Space>', 'compe#complete()' },
-- Buffer `true` sets keymaps only for the current buffer
{ '<C-', buffer = true, {
{ 'h>', '<left>' },
{ 'l>', '<right>' },
-- You can also set bindings for a specific buffer
{ 'o>', '<Esc>o', buffer = 2 },
-- Keymaps can be defined for multiple modes at once
{ 'H', '^', mode = 'nv' },
The passed table
can be understood as a tree, with prefixes and config fields
cascading down to all children. This makes it not only very readable and groupable,
but also eases refactoring and modularization. Because nest
-keymapConfigs are just
simple Lua values, they can be defined in their own files, passed around, plugged
into different prefixes or options etc.
You can change the defaults used by applyKeymaps
local nest = require('nest')
nest.defaults.options = {
noremap = false,
Defaults start out as
mode = 'n',
prefix = '',
buffer = false,
options = {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
Expects a keymapConfig
, which is a table with at least two indexed properties
in one of the following four shapes:
{ 'inputsequence', 'outputsequence' }
Sets a keymap, mapping the input sequence to the output sequence similiar to
the VimL :*map
{ 'inputsequence', someLuaFunction }
Sets a keymap, mapping the input sequence to call the given lua function. Also
works when expr
is set - just return
a string from your function (e.g.
'<cmd>echo "Hello"<cr>'
{ 'inputprefix', keymapConfig }
Append the inputprefix to the current prefix and applies the given
s with the new prefix.
-- ...
Applies all given keymapConfig
Each keymapConfig
can also have any of the following fields, which will cascade
to all containing sub-keymapConfig
Sets the Vim mode(s) for keymaps contained in the keymapConfig
Accepts a string with each char representing a mode. The modes follow the Vim
prefixes (n
for normal, i
for insert...) except the special character _
, which
stands for the empty mode (:map
). See :help map-table
for a reference.
Determines whether binding are global or local to a buffer:
means globaltrue
means current buffer:ls
for buffer numbering)options
Sets mapping options like <buffer>
, <silent>
etc. for keymaps contained in
the keymapConfig
Note that options
gets merged into the options in its context. This means
that you only have to pass the options
you want to change instead of replacing
the whole object.
Accepts all values nvim_set_keymap
s options
parameter accepts. See :help nvim_set_keymap
containing the defaults applied to keymaps. Can be modified or overwritten.
Has the same named fields as keymapConfig
, with an additional field:
Sets a string
prefix to be applied to all keymap inputs.
See issues and milestones