Quickly pop-up some lsp-powered information of the thing your cursor is on.
Install boo with your favorite package manager.
opts = {
-- here goes your config :)
With other package managers, you probably need to call the setup function yourself:
-- here goes your config :)
local boo = require('boo')
function, which will show the pop-upboo.boo()
Here comes the default configuration with some explanation:
-- win_opts will be used when creating the window. You can put everything here,
-- that vim.api.nvim_open_win (https://neovim.io/doc/user/api.html#nvim_open_win())
-- can handle.
win_opts = {
title = 'LSP Info',
title_pos = 'center',
relative = 'cursor',
row = 1,
col = 0,
style = 'minimal',
border = 'rounded',
focusable = true,
-- The window will not be wider than max_width (in character cells)
max_width = 80,
-- The window will not be taller than max_height (in character cells)
max_height = 20,
-- When the boo window is focused, pressing one of these will close it.
-- They will only be mapped in normalmode
escape_mappings = { 'q', '<esc>' },
-- Focus boo's window automatically after it's created
focus_on_open = true,
-- When the boo window is focused, and you'll focus another buffer,
-- the window will be closed when this is set to true
close_on_leave = true,
-- When moving the cursor in the buffer that boo was opened from, boo
-- will be closed. This makes most sense when paired with
-- `focus_on_open = false`
close_on_mouse_move = true,