forked from vim-interestingwords and rewrite with lua
viminterestingwords.nvim highlights the occurrences of the word under the cursor throughout the buffer. Different words can be highlighted at the same time. The plugin also enables one to navigate through the highlighted words in the buffer just like one would through the results of a search.
Highlights multiple word in same time
Navigating word under cursor, n
is forward, N
is backword, no matter with /
or ?
search, and cursor will scrolling smoothly to center of screen
Show search count for under cursor word
Support lualine
With packer.nvim:
use 'Mr-LLLLL/interestingwords.nvim'
or search with <Leader>m
and N
or search with <Leader>M
throughout the buffer<Leader>k
will act as a toggle, so you can use it to highlight and remove the highlight from a given word. Note that you can highlight different words at the same time.
will act as a toggle, so you can use it to search and highlight or remove search from a given word. Note that you can search a words at the same time.
With a highlighted word under your cursor, you can navigate through the occurrences of this word with n
and N
, and cursor always in center
Finally, if you don't want to toggle every single highlighted word and want to clear all of them, just hit <Leader>K
, if you don't want to jump to search word, and cancel the search just hit <Leader>M
The plugin comes with those default mapping, but you can change it as you like:
require("interestingwords").setup {
colors = { '#aeee00', '#ff0000', '#0000ff', '#b88823', '#ffa724', '#ff2c4b' },
search_count = true,
navigation = true,
scroll_center = true,
search_key = "<leader>m",
cancel_search_key = "<leader>M",
color_key = "<leader>k",
cancel_color_key = "<leader>K",
select_mode = "random", -- random or loop
support lualine config, this is not default, you need to manual added
lualine_x = {
cond = require("interestingwords").lualine_has,
color = { fg = "#ff9e64" },