Neovim Kitty Font Changer
Neovim plugin for managing Kitty terminal font settings.
Install Nekifoch using your favorite plugin manager. For example, with lazy.nvim:
build = 'chmod +x ./ && ./',
cmd = 'Nekifoch',
config = true,
kitty_conf_path = '~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf',
borders = 'single', --available values are: 'rounded', 'single', 'double', 'shadow', 'solid', 'none'
Nekifoch provides the :Nekifoch
command with the following syntax:
:Nekifoch [action] [font_family/font_size]
(optional) can be one of:check
: New font family/size for the set_font
:Nekifoch check
:Nekifoch float_check
:Nekifoch set_font DejaVuSansMono
:Nekifoch set_font
:Nekifoch set_size 14
:Nekifoch set_size
:Nekifoch list
:Nekifoch float_list
Configure Nekifoch using the FontReplaceConfig dictionary:
Nekifoch can be configured by adding a Lua configuration to your Neovim configuration file (init.lua).
Here's an example configuration using Lua:
kitty_conf_path = vim.fn.expand('~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf')
build = 'chmod +x ./ && ./',
cmd = 'Nekifoch', -- to add lazy loading
opts = {
kitty_conf_path = vim.fn.expand('~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf'), -- your kitty config path
Replace '~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf' with the actual path to your Kitty terminal configuration.
Developed by RAprogramm. Contributions are welcome.
For in-depth details and usage instructions, refer to the documentation.
Enhance your Kitty terminal experience with Nekifoch