Adds various decorations to make vimdoc
files nicer to look at.
No external dependencies(other than the vimdoc
Supports a variety of vimdoc syntaxes such as,
Custom renderer support.
Dynamic highlight groups.
Hybrid mode for viewing & writing together.
Splitview for side-by-side viewing of the file being edited.
Help command wrappers(:Help
, :H
) to change where help is shown.
External icon providers,
[!NOTE] You need to change the config to use the desired icon provider.
{ preview = { icon_provider = "internal", -- "mini" or "devicons" } }
[!TIP] You can use
to easily install parsers. You can install all the parsers with the following command,:TSInstall vimdoc
[!TIP] It is recommended to run
:checkhealth helpview
after installing the plugin to check if any potential issues exist.
Add this to your plugin list.
Plug "OXY2DEV/helpview.nvim"
[!WARNING] Do not lazy load this plugin as it is already lazy-loaded.
Lazy-loading will cause more time for the previews to load when starting Neovim.
The plugin should be loaded after your colorscheme to ensure the correct highlight groups are used.
-- For `plugins/helpview.lua` users.
return {
lazy = false
-- For `plugins.lua` users.
lazy = false
local MiniDeps = require("mini.deps");
source = "OXY2DEV/helpview.nvim"
luarocks package
may sometimes be a bit behindmain
:Rocks install helpview.nvim
Tagged releases can be found in the release page.
Github releases
may sometimes be slightly behindmain
You can use the dev branch to use test features.
[!WARNING] Development releases can contain breaking changes and experimental changes. Use at your own risk!
return {
branch = "dev",
lazy = false
Check the wiki for the entire configuration table. A simplified version is given below.
--- Configuration for `helpview.nvim`.
---@class helpview.config
--- Preview options.
---@field preview? helpview.preview
--- Configuration options for vimdoc.
---@field vimdoc? helpview.vimdoc
--- Custom highlight groups.
---@field highlight_groups? table[]
--- Custom renderers
---@field renderers? { [string]: function }
renderers = {},
preview = {
enable = true,
enable_hybrid_mode = true,
modes = { "n", "c", "no" },
hybrid_modes = {},
linewise_hybrid_mode = false,
filetypes = { "help" },
ignore_previews = {},
ignore_buftypes = {},
condition = nil,
max_buf_lines = 500,
draw_range = { 2 * vim.o.lines, 2 * vim.o.lines },
edit_range = { 0, 0 },
debounce = 150,
callbacks = {},
icon_provider = "internal",
splitview_winopts = { split = "right" },
preview_winopts = { width = math.floor(80) }
vimdoc = {
arguments = {},
code_blocks = {},
headings = {},
highlight_groups = {},
horizontal_rules = {},
inline_codes = {},
keycodes = {},
modelines = {},
notes = {},
optionlinks = {},
tags = {},
taglinks = {},
urls = {}
This plugin follows the sub-commands approach for creating commands. There is only a single :Helpview
It comes with the following sub-commands,
[!NOTE] When no sub-command name is provided(or an invalid sub-command is used)
will run:Helpview Toggle
Sub-command | Arguments | Description |
Start |
none | Allows attaching to new buffers. |
Stop |
none | Prevents attaching to new buffers. |
———————————— | ——————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— |
attach |
buffer, integer | Attaches to buffer. |
detach |
buffer, integer | Detaches from buffer. |
———————————— | ——————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— |
Enable |
none | Enables preview globally. |
Disable |
none | Disables preview globally. |
Toggle |
none | Toggles preview globally. |
———————————— | ——————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— |
enable |
buffer, integer | Enables preview for buffer. |
disable |
buffer, integer | Disables preview for buffer. |
toggle |
buffer, integer | Toggles preview for buffer. |
———————————— | ——————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— |
splitOpen |
buffer, integer | Opens splitview for buffer. |
splitClose |
none | Closes any open splitview. |
splitToggle |
none | Toggles splitview. |
splitRedraw |
none | Updates splitview contents. |
———————————— | ——————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— |
Render |
none | Updates preview of all active buffers. |
Clear |
none | Clears preview of all active buffer. |
———————————— | ——————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— |
render |
buffer, integer | Renders preview for buffer. |
clear |
buffer, integer | Clears preview for buffer. |
———————————— | ——————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— |
toggleAll |
none | Deprecated version of Toggle . |
enableAll |
none | Deprecated version of Enable . |
disableAll |
none | Deprecated version of Disable . |
———————————— | ——————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— |
traceExport |
none | Exports trace logs to trace.txt . |
traceShow |
none | Shows trace logs in a window. |
[!TIP] buffer defaults to the current buffer. So, you can run commands on the current buffer without providing the buffer.
:Helpview toggle "Toggles preview of the current buffer.
creates a number of primary highlight groups that are used by most of the decorations.
[!IMPORTANT] These groups are all generated during runtime and as such their colors may look different.
If you want to create your own dynamic highlight groups or modify existing ones, see the custom highlight groups section.
Highlight group | Generated from | Default |
HelpviewPalette0 | Normal(bg) + Comment(fg) | fg: #9399b2 bg: #35374a |
HelpviewPalette0Fg | Comment(fg) | fg: #9399b2 |
HelpviewPalette0Bg | Normal(bg) + Comment(fg) | bg: #35374a |
HelpviewPalette0Sign | Normal(bg) + Comment(fg), LineNr(bg) | fg: #9399b2 |
———————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— | ——————————————————————————— |
HelpviewPalette1 | Normal(bg) + markdownH1(fg) | fg: #f38ba8 bg: #4d3649 |
HelpviewPalette1Fg | markdownH1(fg) | fg: #f38ba8 |
HelpviewPalette1Bg | Normal(bg) + markdownH1(fg) | bg: #4d3649 |
HelpviewPalette1Sign | Normal(bg) + markdownH1(fg), LineNr(bg) | fg: #f38ba8 |
———————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— | ——————————————————————————— |
HelpviewPalette2 | Normal(bg) + markdownH2(fg) | fg: #f9b387 bg: #4d3d43 |
HelpviewPalette2Fg | markdownH2(fg) | fg: #f9b387 |
HelpviewPalette2Bg | Normal(bg) + markdownH2(fg) | bg: #4d3d43 |
HelpviewPalette2Sign | Normal(bg) + markdownH2(fg), LineNr(bg) | fg: #f9b387 |
———————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— | ——————————————————————————— |
HelpviewPalette3 | Normal(bg) + markdownH3(fg) | fg: #f9e2af bg: #4c474b |
HelpviewPalette3Fg | markdownH3(fg) | fg: #f9e2af |
HelpviewPalette3Bg | Normal(bg) + markdownH3(fg) | bg: #4c474b |
HelpviewPalette3Sign | Normal(bg) + markdownH3(fg), LineNr(bg) | fg: #f9e2af |
———————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— | ——————————————————————————— |
HelpviewPalette4 | Normal(bg) + markdownH4(fg) | fg: #a6e3a1 bg: #3c4948 |
HelpviewPalette4Fg | markdownH4(fg) | fg: #a6e3a1 |
HelpviewPalette4Bg | Normal(bg) + markdownH4(fg) | bg: #3c4948 |
HelpviewPalette4Sign | Normal(bg) + markdownH4(fg), LineNr(bg) | fg: #a6e3a1 |
———————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— | ——————————————————————————— |
HelpviewPalette5 | Normal(bg) + markdownH5(fg) | fg: #74c7ec bg: #314358 |
HelpviewPalette5Fg | markdownH5(fg) | fg: #74c7ec |
HelpviewPalette5Bg | Normal(bg) + markdownH5(fg) | bg: #314358 |
HelpviewPalette5Sign | Normal(bg) + markdownH5(fg), LineNr(bg) | fg: #74c7ec |
———————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— | ——————————————————————————— |
HelpviewPalette6 | Normal(bg) + markdownH6(fg) | fg: #b4befe bg: #3c405b |
HelpviewPalette6Fg | markdownH6(fg) | fg: #b4befe |
HelpviewPalette6Bg | Normal(bg) + markdownH6(fg) | bg: #3c405b |
HelpviewPalette6Sign | Normal(bg) + markdownH6(fg), LineNr(bg) | fg: #b4befe |
———————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— | ——————————————————————————— |
HelpviewPalette7 | Normal(bg) + @conditional(fg) | fg: #cba6f7 bg: #403b5a |
HelpviewPalette7Fg | @conditional(fg) | fg: #cba6f7 |
HelpviewPalette7Bg | Normal(bg) + @conditional(fg) | bg: #403b5a |
HelpviewPalette7Sign | Normal(bg) + @conditional(fg), LineNr(bg) | fg: #cba6f7 |
The source highlight group's values are turned into
color-space and then mixed to reduce unwanted results.
These groups are then used as links by other groups responsible for various preview elements,
[!NOTE] These groups exist for the sake of backwards compatibility and ease of use.
You will see something like
fg: Normal
, it means the fg of Normal was used as the fg of that group.
Highlight group | value |
HelpviewCode | bg*: normal ± 5%(L) |
HelpviewCodeInfo | bg*: normal ± 5%(L), fg: comment |
HelpviewCodeFg | fg*: normal ± 5%(L) |
HelpviewInlineCode | fg*: normal ± 10%(L) |
————————————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— |
HelpviewIcon0 | link**: HelpviewPalette0Fg |
HelpviewIcon1 | link**: HelpviewPalette1Fg |
HelpviewIcon2 | link**: HelpviewPalette5Fg |
HelpviewIcon3 | link**: HelpviewPalette4Fg |
HelpviewIcon4 | link**: HelpviewPalette3Fg |
HelpviewIcon5 | link**: HelpviewPalette2Fg |
————————————————————————— | ———————————————————————————————————————— |
HelpviewGradient0 | fg: Normal |
HelpviewGradient1 | fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 1/9) |
HelpviewGradient2 | fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 2/9) |
HelpviewGradient3 | fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 3/9) |
HelpviewGradient4 | fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 4/9) |
HelpviewGradient5 | fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 5/9) |
HelpviewGradient6 | fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 6/9) |
HelpviewGradient7 | fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 7/9) |
HelpviewGradient8 | fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 8/9) |
HelpviewGradient9 | fg: Title |
* = The color is converted to HSL and it's luminosity(L) is increased/decreased by the specified amount.
** = The background color of
is added to the groups.*** = Linearly interpolated value between 2 highlight groups
There are also highlight groups that are made using the default highlight groups
Highlight group | Inherited from |
HelpviewTaglink | |
HelpviewTag | @label.vimdoc |
HelpviewTag | @label.vimdoc |
HelpviewOptionlink | |
HelpviewKeycode | @string.special.vimdoc |
HelpviewArgument | @variable.parameter.vimdoc |