List of modern tools and configs for development.
Vim-like motions in your Desktop Environment
I remapped my keyboard to use specific hotkeys and Vim-like motions in my entire DE
using kanata. Check out the readme to find out more.
List of tools
Terminal tools
- yazi - terminal file manager
- bat - same as
but with syntax highlighting
- eza - same as
but with syntax highlighting
- zoxide - quick access to files and directories
- erdtree - better tree
- broot - a better way to navigate directories
- git - version control tool
- tig - text-mode interface for git
- scm_breeze - a set of shell scripts that enhance your interaction with git
- lazygit - git in terminal
- fzf - command-line fuzzy finder
- ripgrep -
- fd - find files and folders. same as
but better
- curl - command-line tool for transferring data specified with URL syntax
- httpie - command-line HTTP client
- - cheat sheets in terminal
- tldr - community-maintained help pages
- navi - interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
- zk - zettelkasten tool for creating notes and personal wiki
Other terminal tools
- tmux - terminal multiplexer
- .tmux - tmux config
- zellij - modern tmux replacement
- htop - interactive process viewer
- xclip - cli clipboard
- yank - copy terminal output to clipboard
- jq - command-line JSON processor
- jid - Json Incremental Digger
- hyperfine - terminal benchmarking tool
- mprocs - runs multiple commands in parallel and shows output of each command separately
GUI Tools
For Linux
For MacOS
- Marta - file manager
- LuLu - firewall
- Alfred - launcher and productivity app
NeoVim Plugins
- LazyVim - neovim setup to make it feel like an IDE
- multicursor.nvim - multi-select in vim, similar to ctrl + d in vscode
- arrow.nvim - mark buffers on the fly and switch between them with hotkeys
- yazi.nvim - use yazi file manager in a floating window inside vim
- oil.nvim - edit your filesystem like a normal Neovim buffer
- flash.nvim - navigate your code with search labels, enhanced character motions, and Treesitter integration
- diffview - easily cycling through diffs for all modified files
- tabout.nvim - tabbing out from parentheses, quotes, and similar contexts
- aerial.nvim - a code outline window for skimming and quick navigation
- nvim-ts-autotag - use treesitter to autoclose and autorename html tag
- avante.nvim - AI assistant similar to Cursor IDE
- treewalker.nvim - move around code using treesitter nodes
- timber.nvim - insert log statements using hotkeys
- tiny-inline-diagnostic.nvim - better looking inline diagnostics
To see full list of Neovim plugins, check out plugins.lua file.
VSCode Extensions
- hosts - hosts file to block malicious sites, trackers, ads, etc.
Sync configs
To backup and restore configs, store your configs in github and use Stow to create symbolic links.
- Put
to home directory and execute stow . --ignore=''
from inside it.
Sync apps
To automatically install apps use Aconfmgr (Arch Linux only).
aconfmgr save
aconfmgr apply