Git plugin for Neovim (based on libgit2).
Please install libgit2 before installing plugin.
Install GPGme if you use gpg key for commit signing.
Third party libraries:
:Rocks install fugit2.nvim
The setup function must be called before using this plugin, see Installation Guide.
If you are using lazy, you can use this config
build = false,
opts = {
width = 100,
dependencies = {
'chrisgrieser/nvim-tinygit', -- optional: for Github PR view
dependencies = { 'stevearc/dressing.nvim' }
cmd = { 'Fugit2', 'Fugit2Diff', 'Fugit2Graph' },
keys = {
{ '<leader>F', mode = 'n', '<cmd>Fugit2<cr>' }
In case you want to use more stable diffview.nvim for diff split view.
opts = {
width = 70,
external_diffview = true, -- tell fugit2 to use diffview.nvim instead of builtin implementation.
dependencies = {
'chrisgrieser/nvim-tinygit', -- optional: for Github PR view
dependencies = { 'stevearc/dressing.nvim' }
cmd = { 'Fugit2', 'Fugit2Blame', 'Fugit2Diff', 'Fugit2Graph' },
keys = {
{ '<leader>F', mode = 'n', '<cmd>Fugit2<cr>' }
dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' },
-- lazy, only load diffview by these commands
cmd = {
'DiffviewFileHistory', 'DiffviewOpen', 'DiffviewToggleFiles', 'DiffviewFocusFiles', 'DiffviewRefresh'
TODO: add later
---@class Fugit2Config
---@field width integer|string Main popup width
---@field max_width integer|string Main popup popup width when expand patch view
---@field min_width integer File view width when expand patch view
---@field content_width File view content width
---@field height integer|string Main popup height
---@field show_patch boolean show patch for active file when open fugit2 main window
---@field libgit2_path string? path to libgit2 lib, default: "libgit2"
---@field gpgme_path string? path to gpgme lib, default: "gpgme"
---@field external_diffview boolean whether to use external diffview.nvim or Fugit2 implementation
---@field blame_priority integer priority of blame virtual text
---@field blame_info_width integer width of blame hunk detail popup
---@field blame_info_height integer height of blame hunk detail popup
---@field colorscheme string? custom color scheme override
local opts = {
width = 100,
min_width = 50,
content_width = 60,
max_width = "80%",
height = "60%",
external_diffview = false,
blame_priority = 1,
blame_info_height = 10,
blame_info_width = 60,
show_patch = false,
colorscheme = "cyberdream"
in plugin options.Please refer to Usage Guide.
Very special thanks to these plugins and their authors.