Another DiRectory EXplorer for Neovim
For showcase GIFs see here
DREX requires Neovim version ≥ 0.7
Install DREX with your favorite plugin manager
use {
requires = 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', -- optional
Plug 'theblob42/drex.nvim'
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' " optional
You only need to install nvim-web-devicons if you like to have nice file type icons. The plugin works fine without it.
Open a DREX buffer in the current working directory
You can also provide a target path
:Drex ~/projects
To open the parent directory of the current file
:Drex %:h
Check the manual for
DREX also comes with a simple project drawer functionality
:help drex-commands
for more available commands
To see the definition of all default keybindings see the configuration section
and k
like in any other VIM buffer to navigate up and downv
is mapped to V
because there is no need for charwise selectionBasic navigation
expands the current element
are alternative keybindings
collapses the current directories subtree
are alternative keybindings
opens a file in a vertical split<C-x>
opens a file in a horizontal split<C-t>
opens a file in a new tab<F5>
reloads the current directory (dependent on the cursor position)<C-h>
opens a new DREX buffer in the parent directory of the current root<C-l>
opens the directory under the cursor in a new DREX bufferJumping
jumps to the next siblinggk
jumps to the previous siblinggh
jumps to the parent directory of the current elementClipboard
marks or unmarks the current element (add or remove it from the clipboard)M
marks the current element (add it to the clipboard)u
unmarks the current element (remove it from the clipboard)cc
clears the clipboard contentcs
to show and edit the content of the clipboard in a floating windowFile actions
shows the stats for the current elementa
creates a new file or directory/
on Windows)foo/bar/file
will create foo
and bar
if they don't exist yet)d
deletes the element under the cursor (or the visual selection)D
deletes all elements currently contained in the clipboardp
copies all elements from the clipboard to the path under the cursorP
moves all elements from the clipboard to the path under the cursorr
renames the element under the cursor (or the visual selection)foo/bar/file
will create foo
and bar
if they don't exist yet)R
to multi rename all elements from the clipboardSearch
search for visible elements (see :help drex-search
)Copy strings
copies the name of the element under the cursorY
copies the relative path of the element under the cursor<C-Y>
copies the absolute path of the element under the cursorIn visual mode these copy all selected elements (separated by "\n")
There is no initial setup needed to use DREX
However you may configure certain settings to your liking
Check out :help drex-configuration
for more details about the individual options
See also the wiki pages about configuration and custom actions for more information about further customization
require('drex.config').configure {
icons = {
file_default = "",
dir_open = "",
dir_closed = "",
link = "",
others = "",
colored_icons = true,
hide_cursor = true,
hijack_netrw = false,
keepalt = false,
sorting = function(a, b)
local aname, atype = a[1], a[2]
local bname, btype = b[1], b[2]
local aisdir = atype == 'directory'
local bisdir = btype == 'directory'
if aisdir ~= bisdir then
return aisdir
return aname < bname
drawer = {
side = 'left',
default_width = 30,
window_picker = {
enabled = true,
labels = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
actions = {
files = {
delete_cmd = nil,
disable_default_keybindings = false,
keybindings = {
['n'] = {
['v'] = 'V',
['l'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.elements").expand_element()<CR>', { desc = 'expand element' }},
['h'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.elements").collapse_directory()<CR>', { desc = 'collapse directory' }},
['<right>'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.elements").expand_element()<CR>', { desc = 'expand element' }},
['<left>'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.elements").collapse_directory()<CR>', { desc = 'collapse directory'}},
['<2-LeftMouse>'] = { '<LeftMouse><cmd>lua require("drex.elements").expand_element()<CR>', { desc = 'expand element' }},
['<RightMouse>'] = { '<LeftMouse><cmd>lua require("drex.elements").collapse_directory()<CR>', { desc = 'collapse directory' }},
['<C-v>'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.elements").open_file("vs")<CR>', { desc = 'open file in vsplit' }},
['<C-x>'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.elements").open_file("sp")<CR>', { desc = 'open file in split' }},
['<C-t>'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.elements").open_file("tabnew", true)<CR>', { desc = 'open file in new tab' }},
['<C-l>'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.elements").open_directory()<CR>', { desc = 'open directory in new buffer' }},
['<C-h>'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.elements").open_parent_directory()<CR>', { desc = 'open parent directory in new buffer' }},
['<F5>'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex").reload_directory()<CR>', { desc = 'reload' }},
['gj'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.jump").jump_to_next_sibling()<CR>', { desc = 'jump to next sibling' }},
['gk'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.jump").jump_to_prev_sibling()<CR>', { desc = 'jump to prev sibling' }},
['gh'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.jump").jump_to_parent()<CR>', { desc = 'jump to parent element' }},
['s'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.stats").stats()<CR>', { desc = 'show element stats' }},
['a'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.files").create()<CR>', { desc = 'create element' }},
['d'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.files").delete("line")<CR>', { desc = 'delete element' }},
['D'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.files").delete("clipboard")<CR>', { desc = 'delete (clipboard)' }},
['p'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.files").copy_and_paste()<CR>', { desc = 'copy & paste (clipboard)' }},
['P'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.files").cut_and_move()<CR>', { desc = 'cut & move (clipboard)' }},
['r'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.files").rename()<CR>', { desc = 'rename element' }},
['R'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.files").multi_rename("clipboard")<CR>', { desc = 'rename (clipboard)' }},
['/'] = { '<cmd>keepalt lua require("").search()<CR>', { desc = 'search' }},
['M'] = { '<cmd>DrexMark<CR>', { desc = 'mark element' }},
['u'] = { '<cmd>DrexUnmark<CR>', { desc = 'unmark element' }},
['m'] = { '<cmd>DrexToggle<CR>', { desc = 'toggle element' }},
['cc'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.clipboard").clear_clipboard()<CR>', { desc = 'clear clipboard' }},
['cs'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.clipboard").open_clipboard_window()<CR>', { desc = 'edit clipboard' }},
['y'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.text").copy_name()<CR>', { desc = 'copy element name' }},
['Y'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.text").copy_relative_path()<CR>', { desc = 'copy element relative path' }},
['<C-y>'] = { '<cmd>lua require("drex.actions.text").copy_absolute_path()<CR>', { desc = 'copy element absolute path' }},
['v'] = {
['d'] = { ':lua require("drex.actions.files").delete("visual")<CR>', { desc = 'delete elements' }},
['r'] = { ':lua require("drex.actions.files").multi_rename("visual")<CR>', { desc = 'rename elements' }},
['M'] = { ':DrexMark<CR>', { desc = 'mark elements' }},
['u'] = { ':DrexUnmark<CR>', { desc = 'unmark elements' }},
['m'] = { ':DrexToggle<CR>', { desc = 'toggle elements' }},
['y'] = { ':lua require("drex.actions.text").copy_name(true)<CR>', { desc = 'copy element names' }},
['Y'] = { ':lua require("drex.actions.text").copy_relative_path(true)<CR>', { desc = 'copy element relative paths' }},
['<C-y>'] = { ':lua require("drex.actions.text").copy_absolute_path(true)<CR>', { desc = 'copy element absolute paths' }},
on_enter = nil,
on_leave = nil,
Like vim-dirvish every line is just a file path hidden via conceal
(plus indentation and an icon). For file system scanning, file interactions (add, delete, rename, etc.) and monitoring DREX uses libuv which is exposed via vim.loop
See also :help drex-customization
and the Wiki for more information and examples
Contributions are very welcome :-) doesn't matter if it's a bug, a new feature or an addition/change to the wiki. Just go ahead and open an issue or a pull-request to kick off the discussion about it
In regards to code changes and pull-requests please consider the following points:
version installed, otherwise there will be problems with goto
statements (see here)