Neovim plugin to swap places of siblings, e.g., arguments
, parameters
, attributes
, pairs in objects
, array's items
etc., which located near and separated by allowed_separators
or space.
for all keymaps[^1]: If you want to swap operand and operators with by one key from anywhere in binary expressions, look at binary-swap.nvim
With packer.nvim:
requires = { 'nvim-treesitter' },
config = function()
require('sibling-swap').setup({--[[ your config ]]})
allowed_separators = {
['<'] = '>',
['<='] = '>=',
['>'] = '<',
['>='] = '<=',
use_default_keymaps = true,
-- Highlight recently swapped node. Can be boolean or table
-- If table: { ms = 500, hl_opts = { link = 'IncSearch' } }
-- `hl_opts` is a `val` from `nvim_set_hl()`
highlight_node_at_cursor = false,
-- keybinding for movements to right or left (and up or down, if `allow_interline_swaps` is true)
-- (`<C-,>` and `<C-.>` may not map to control chars at system level, so are sent by certain terminals as just `,` and `.`. In this case, just add the mappings you want.)
keymaps = {
['<C-.>'] = 'swap_with_right',
['<C-,>'] = 'swap_with_left',
['<space>.'] = 'swap_with_right_with_opp',
['<space>,'] = 'swap_with_left_with_opp',
ignore_injected_langs = false,
-- allow swaps across lines
allow_interline_swaps = true,
-- swaps interline siblings without separators (no recommended, helpful for swaps html-like attributes)
interline_swaps_without_separator = false,
-- Fallbacs for tiny settings for langs and nodes. See #fallback
fallback = {},
: list of separators for detecting suitable siblings. 'Separators' meaning unnamed treesitter node.
If you need to change separator to the opposite value (e.g., in binary expressions), set it like key = value
If you want to disable something separator - set it to false
allowed_separators = {
-- standart
-- with opposite value
['>>'] = '<<',
['<<'] = '>>',
-- disable
['&'] = false,
- use default keymaps or not.
- keymaps by default.
If you want to change it, here are two ways to do it:
is 'true';vim.keymap.set('n', 'YOUR_PREFER_KEYS', require('sibling-swap').swap_with_left)
anywhere in your config. Be sure that use_default_keymaps
is 'false';ignore_injected_langs
: 'true' is not recommended. If set to 'true', plugin will not to recognize injected languages, e.g. blocks of code in markdown
, js
in html
or js
in vue
Here is two reason to set it 'true':
If you no work with filetypes allowing injected languages; If you want to be able to swap node with injected language when cursor is placed on injected, e.g.:
<app-item @click="clic | kHandler" class="class" />
<!-- The 'clickHandler' is a javascript and it have not any -->
<!-- siblings. If 'ignore_injected_langs' is 'false', the plugin will do nothing. -->
<!-- If 'ignore_injected_langs' is 'true', attribute '@click="clickHandler"' will -->
<!-- swap. But in section 'script' or 'stile' the plugin will not working. -->
<script setup>
const one = { tw|o: 'two', one: 'one' }
// If 'ignore_injected_langs' is 'true', Tree-Sitter recognize
// all <script> section as injected language and it will be
// ignored.
You can pass control to a third-party plugin or custom function if the node search process finds matches with the nodes listed here.
---@class FallbackItem
---@field enable boolean|function(node: TSNode): boolean
---@field action function(node: TSNode, side: string): void
---@field fallback table<string, table<string, FallbackItem>>
fallback = {
['javascript'] = {
string = {
enable = function(node)
-- some condition
return true
action = function(node, side)
-- Do something instead of swapping
The plugin works with SIBLINGS. It means that any sibling which is located near, has ‘allowed’ separator or space between each other and placed in same level in ‘treesitter’ tree - is suitable for swaps. You don't need to configure each language separately. It is assumed that you understand it before using.
function test (a) { return a; }
// |
// cursor here and you trigger 'swap_with_right', code will transform to
function (a) test { return a; }
// because 'test' and '(a)' on same line, on one level in tree and has space between each other
<p class="swap" is="left">Swap me</p>
<!-- | -->
<!-- cursor here and you trigger 'swap_with_left', code will transform to -->
<class="swap" p is="left">Swap me</p>
<!-- because 'class="swap"' and 'p' on same line, on one level in tree and has space between each other -->