Two TreeSitter supported colorschemes inspired by oh-lucy.
Both colorschemes are availaible for vim and neovim and written in Lua.
Both colors are designed with Go and Rust in mind, and tested against few other languages.
If any of the colors does not syntax-highlight your langauge satisfactorily, please feel free to fork the repo and do changes as needed.
You can Install the theme with any of the following package managers:
Plug 'Yazeed1s/oh-lucy.nvim'
use 'Yazeed1s/oh-lucy.nvim'
Enable the colorscheme:
" Vim Script
colorscheme oh-lucy-evening " for oh-lucy-evening
colorscheme oh-lucy " for oh-lucy
-- Lua
vim.cmd[[colorscheme oh-lucy]] -- for oh-lucy
vim.cmd[[colorscheme oh-lucy-evening]] -- for oh-lucy-evening
-- or, for lunarVim
lvim.colorscheme = 'oh-lucy'
lvim.colorscheme = 'oh-lucy-evening'
Note: set the configurations BEFORE you load the color scheme
Option | Default | Description |
oh_lucy_italic_comments | true |
Make comments italic |
oh_lucy_italic_keywords | true |
Make keywords italic |
oh_lucy_italic_booleans | false |
Make booleans italic |
oh_lucy_italic_functions | false |
Make functions italic |
oh_lucy_italic_variables | true |
Make variables italic |
oh_lucy_transparent_background | false |
Disable background color |
-- Example config in lua
-- oh-lucy
vim.g.oh_lucy_italic_functions = true
vim.g.oh_lucy_italic_comments = false
-- The key is 'oh_lucy_'
-- oh-lucy-evening
vim.g.oh_lucy_evening_italic_functions = true
vim.g.oh_lucy_evening_italic_comments = false
-- The key is 'oh_lucy_evening_'
-- Load the colorscheme
vim.cmd [[colorscheme oh-lucy]]
-- or
vim.cmd [[colorscheme oh-lucy-evening]]
" Example config in Vim Script
let g:oh_lucy_evening_italic_functions = 1
let g:oh_lucy_italic_comments = 0
" Load the colorscheme
colorscheme oh-lucy
" or
colorscheme oh-lucy-evening
Color configs for Alacritty can be found in terminal. If you want to use it, pleas refer to their respective documentation and do changes to your .config/
If you would like to add support to a plugin or to fix a bug please feel free to send a PR.