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27 days ago


Neovim plugin for displaying git blame information.



✨ Features

  • Real-time updates of blame information as you edit
  • 📜 Synchronized scrolling of the source buffer and the blame buffer
  • 📐 Configurable window options
  • 🎨 Highly customizable line format and coloring
  • 🔥 Built-in line coloring based on the commit age. As in the JB IDEs
  • 🧮 Displaying detailed commit information in the pop-up window
  • 📚 Displaying full commit information (commit changes) in third-party plugins (default: diffview)

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:


    opts = {}, -- for default options. Refer to the configuration section for custom setup.
    cmd = "BlameColumnToggle",

⚙️ Configuration


local structurizers = require("blame-column.structurizers")
local colorizers = require("blame-column.colorizers")
local ci_formatters = require("blame-column.ci_formatters")
local fci_openers = require("blame-column.fci_openers")

---@class blameColumn.OptsCommitInfo
---@field public enabled_from_blame boolean
---@field public formatter_fn function
---@field public colorizer_fn function
---@field public datetime_format string
---@field public max_width integer
---@field public window_opts table<string, any>
---@field public follow_cursor boolean
local OptsCommitInfo = {}

---@class blameColumn.OptsFullCommitInfo
---@field public enabled_from_blame boolean
---@field public opener_fn function
local OptsFullCommitInfo = {}

---@class blameColumn.Opts
---@field public side string
---@field public dynamic_width boolean
---@field public auto_width boolean
---@field public max_width integer
---@field public ignore_filetypes string[]
---@field public ignore_filenames string[]
---@field public window_opts table<string, any>
---@field public hl_by_fields boolean
---@field public time_based_bg_opts table<string, integer>
---@field public random_fg_opts table<string, integer>
---@field public datetime_format string
---@field public relative_dates boolean
---@field public structurizer_fn function
---@field public colorizer_fn function
---@field public commit_info blameColumn.OptsCommitInfo
---@field public full_commit_info blameColumn.OptsFullCommitInfo
---@field public mappings table<string, string>
local defaults = {
    -- On which side of the window with the source buffer the git-blame window will be located.
    -- Available values: "left", "right"
    side = "left",
    -- true: calculate the width of the window based on the content
    -- false: fixed width == max_width
    dynamic_width = true,
    -- true: dynamically change the window width for different source buffers depending on the content
    -- false: do not change the width when changing the source buffer
    auto_width = true,
    -- If dynamic_width = true: the maximum width of the git-blame window. -1 == "unlimited"
    -- If dynamic_width = false: fixed width of the git-blame window. Must be positive number
    max_width = -1,
    -- Types of files for which git-blame window will not be opened
    ignore_filetypes = { "toggleterm", "NvimTree" },
    -- Names of files for which git-blame window will not be opened
    ignore_filenames = { "" },
    -- Options of git-blame window
    window_opts = {
        wrap = false,
        number = false,
        relativenumber = false,
        cursorline = false,
        signcolumn = "no",
        list = false,
    -- false: use one hl group for the entire line
    -- true: use different hl groups for different line fields
    hl_by_fields = false,
    -- Options for colorizers.time_based_bg colorizer
    time_based_bg_opts = {
        hue = 215,
        saturation = 52,
        lightness_min = 10,
        lightness_max = 45,
    -- Options for colorizers.random_fg colorizer
    random_fg_opts = {
        r_min = 100,
        r_max = 220,
        g_min = 100,
        g_max = 220,
        b_min = 100,
        b_max = 220,
    -- Datetime format for commit's times
    datetime_format = "%d.%m.%Y",
    -- Enable or disable relative dates ("today", "yesterday")
    relative_dates = true,
    -- Defines the contents & hl groups of a string in git-blame window
    structurizer_fn = structurizers.colorized_date_author,
    -- Defines the coloring of a string in git-blame window
    colorizer_fn = colorizers.time_based_bg,
    -- Options for commit information pop-up window
    commit_info = {
        -- Enable or disable opening from the blame window
        enabled_from_blame = true,
        -- Defines the contents of pop-up window
        formatter_fn = ci_formatters.default_formatter,
        -- Defines the colors of pop-up window
        colorizer_fn = ci_formatters.default_colorizer,
        -- Datetime format for commit's times
        datetime_format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S",
        -- The maximum width of the pop-up window. -1 == "unlimited"
        max_width = -1,
        -- Options of commit info pop-up window
        window_opts = {
            border = "single",
            wrap = false,
            number = false,
            relativenumber = false,
            cursorline = false,
            signcolumn = "no",
            list = false,
        -- If true, the pop-up window will follow the cursor and be redrawn for each line of git blame
        follow_cursor = true,
    -- Options for full commit information in third-party plugin
    full_commit_info = {
        -- Enable or disable opening from the blame window
        enabled_from_blame = true,
        -- Defines the function that will be performed to open
        opener_fn = fci_openers.diffview,
    mappings = {
        open_commit_info_from_blame = "K",
        close_commit_info_from_blame = "<ESC>",
        close_commit_info = "<ESC>",
        open_full_commit_info_from_blame = "L",

Structurizer function

Defines the string structure. What fields will the string consist of, in what format will they be output, with which hl groups.

---@class blameColumn.StructurizerFn
---@param general_info blameColumn.GeneralInfo
---@param line_info blameColumn.LineInfo
---@return blameColumn.StructedLine
local function structurizer_func(general_info, line_info)
    -- Your code
---@class blameColumn.GeneralInfo
---@field public total_commits integer
---@field public max_lens table<string, integer>
local GeneralInfo = {}

---@class blameColumn.LineInfo
---@field public full_hash string
---@field public hash string
---@field public is_modified boolean
---@field public orig_line integer
---@field public final_line integer
---@field public group_lines integer
---@field public line_number integer
---@field public filename string
---@field public summary string
---@field public author string
---@field public author_surname string
---@field public author_time integer
---@field public author_tz string
---@field public author_mail string
---@field public committer string
---@field public committer_surname string
---@field public committer_time integer
---@field public committer_tz string
---@field public committer_mail string
---@field public time_order integer
local LineInfo = {}

---@class blameColumn.StructedLine
---@field public format string
---@field public fields blameColumn.LineField[]
---@field public hl? string
local StructedLine = {}


Colorizer function

Defines a hl group of the form a1b2c3d, where a1b2c3d is the hash of the commit.

---@class blameColumn.ColorizerFn
---@param general_info blameColumn.GeneralInfo
---@param line_info blameColumn.LineInfo
---@return vim.api.keyset.highlight
local function colorizer_func(general_info, line_info)
    -- Your code
---@class blameColumn.LineInfo
---@field public full_hash string
---@field public hash string
---@field public is_modified boolean
---@field public orig_line integer
---@field public final_line integer
---@field public group_lines integer
---@field public line_number integer
---@field public filename string
---@field public summary string
---@field public author string
---@field public author_surname string
---@field public author_time integer
---@field public author_tz string
---@field public author_mail string
---@field public committer string
---@field public committer_surname string
---@field public committer_time integer
---@field public committer_tz string
---@field public committer_mail string
---@field public time_order integer
local LineInfo = {}

---@class blameColumn.GeneralInfo
---@field public total_commits integer
---@field public max_lens table<string, integer>
local GeneralInfo = {}


Commit information: formatter function

Defines content of the commit informtation pop-up window.

---@param line_info blameColumn.LineInfo
---@param opts blameColumn.OptsCommitInfo
---@return table<string>
M.formatter_fn = function(line_info, opts)
    -- Your code
---@class blameColumn.LineInfo
---@field public full_hash string
---@field public hash string
---@field public is_modified boolean
---@field public orig_line integer
---@field public final_line integer
---@field public group_lines integer
---@field public line_number integer
---@field public filename string
---@field public summary string
---@field public author string
---@field public author_surname string
---@field public author_time integer
---@field public author_tz string
---@field public author_mail string
---@field public committer string
---@field public committer_surname string
---@field public committer_time integer
---@field public committer_tz string
---@field public committer_mail string
---@field public time_order integer
local LineInfo = {}

---@class blameColumn.OptsCommitInfo
---@field public enabled_from_blame boolean
---@field public formatter_fn function
---@field public colorizer_fn function
---@field public datetime_format string
---@field public max_width integer
---@field public window_opts table<string, any>
---@field public follow_cursor boolean
local OptsCommitInfo = {}


Commit information: colorizer function

Defines highlights for the commit informtation pop-up window.

---@param bufnr integer
M.colorizer_fn = function(bufnr)
    -- Your code


Full commit information: opener function

Defines the action that will be performed to open the full commit information (commit changes).

---@param line_info blameColumn.LineInfo
M.opener_fn = function(line_info)
    -- Your code
---@class blameColumn.LineInfo
---@field public full_hash string
---@field public hash string
---@field public is_modified boolean
---@field public orig_line integer
---@field public final_line integer
---@field public group_lines integer
---@field public line_number integer
---@field public filename string
---@field public summary string
---@field public author string
---@field public author_surname string
---@field public author_time integer
---@field public author_tz string
---@field public author_mail string
---@field public committer string
---@field public committer_surname string
---@field public committer_time integer
---@field public committer_tz string
---@field public committer_mail string
---@field public time_order integer
local LineInfo = {}


🚀 Usage


  • :BlameColumnToggle - toggle git-blame window


-- Toggle git-blame window


vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>gl", function()
end, { desc = "Git: toggle blame" })

See my neovim configuration.

🌈 Highlights

Group Default Description
BlameColumnSummary TabLineSel Summary in commit information window
BlameColumnHash Comment Hash in commit information window
BlameColumnAuthor DiagnosticInfo Author in commit information window
BlameColumnTime DiagnosticWarn Time in commit information window

🤝 Contributing

PRs and Issues are always welcome.

See bug and PR Please issues if you are looking for some work to get you started.

Author: @Yu-Leo

🫶 Alternatives and sources of inspiration

Git blame in JB IDEs

I really like how git blame is displayed in JB IDEs.

Key features that I tried to replicate in this plugin:

  • Display the blame information in the column to the left of the source buffer.
  • Automatic calculation of the window width depending on the content
  • The background color of the commit info depends on the age of the commit. The older the commit, the darker the background.
  • Displaying only the author's surname if the "commit author" field consists of two words
  • Displays relative dates: "Today" and "Yesterday"


It's a good plugin, but it's not functional enough for me. It was taken as the basis of my plugin. I express my gratitude to @psjay.

Key features:

  • Real-time updates of blame information as you edit
  • Synchronized scrolling of the source buffer and the blame buffer

Features that I was missing:

  • More customizable blame window options:
    • The ability to display a window to the left of the source buffer
    • Automatic calculation of the window width depending on the content
  • More options for customizing the string format and coloring
  • Line coloring based on the commit information


It's a really functional plugin, but it doesn't fully satisfy my needs. I've implemented some of its features in my plugin. I express my gratitude to @FabijanZulj and all the contributors.

Key features:

Features that I was missing:

  • Real-time updates of blame information as you edit
  • Synchronized scrolling of the source buffer and the blame buffer
  • Line coloring based on the commit age