Neovim plugin for displaying git blame information.
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
opts = {}, -- for default options. Refer to the configuration section for custom setup.
cmd = "BlameColumnToggle",
local structurizers = require("blame-column.structurizers")
local colorizers = require("blame-column.colorizers")
local ci_formatters = require("blame-column.ci_formatters")
local fci_openers = require("blame-column.fci_openers")
---@class blameColumn.OptsCommitInfo
---@field public enabled_from_blame boolean
---@field public formatter_fn function
---@field public colorizer_fn function
---@field public datetime_format string
---@field public max_width integer
---@field public window_opts table<string, any>
---@field public follow_cursor boolean
local OptsCommitInfo = {}
---@class blameColumn.OptsFullCommitInfo
---@field public enabled_from_blame boolean
---@field public opener_fn function
local OptsFullCommitInfo = {}
---@class blameColumn.Opts
---@field public side string
---@field public dynamic_width boolean
---@field public auto_width boolean
---@field public max_width integer
---@field public ignore_filetypes string[]
---@field public ignore_filenames string[]
---@field public window_opts table<string, any>
---@field public hl_by_fields boolean
---@field public time_based_bg_opts table<string, integer>
---@field public random_fg_opts table<string, integer>
---@field public datetime_format string
---@field public relative_dates boolean
---@field public structurizer_fn function
---@field public colorizer_fn function
---@field public commit_info blameColumn.OptsCommitInfo
---@field public full_commit_info blameColumn.OptsFullCommitInfo
---@field public mappings table<string, string>
local defaults = {
-- On which side of the window with the source buffer the git-blame window will be located.
-- Available values: "left", "right"
side = "left",
-- true: calculate the width of the window based on the content
-- false: fixed width == max_width
dynamic_width = true,
-- true: dynamically change the window width for different source buffers depending on the content
-- false: do not change the width when changing the source buffer
auto_width = true,
-- If dynamic_width = true: the maximum width of the git-blame window. -1 == "unlimited"
-- If dynamic_width = false: fixed width of the git-blame window. Must be positive number
max_width = -1,
-- Types of files for which git-blame window will not be opened
ignore_filetypes = { "toggleterm", "NvimTree" },
-- Names of files for which git-blame window will not be opened
ignore_filenames = { "" },
-- Options of git-blame window
window_opts = {
wrap = false,
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
cursorline = false,
signcolumn = "no",
list = false,
-- false: use one hl group for the entire line
-- true: use different hl groups for different line fields
hl_by_fields = false,
-- Options for colorizers.time_based_bg colorizer
time_based_bg_opts = {
hue = 215,
saturation = 52,
lightness_min = 10,
lightness_max = 45,
-- Options for colorizers.random_fg colorizer
random_fg_opts = {
r_min = 100,
r_max = 220,
g_min = 100,
g_max = 220,
b_min = 100,
b_max = 220,
-- Datetime format for commit's times
datetime_format = "%d.%m.%Y",
-- Enable or disable relative dates ("today", "yesterday")
relative_dates = true,
-- Defines the contents & hl groups of a string in git-blame window
structurizer_fn = structurizers.colorized_date_author,
-- Defines the coloring of a string in git-blame window
colorizer_fn = colorizers.time_based_bg,
-- Options for commit information pop-up window
commit_info = {
-- Enable or disable opening from the blame window
enabled_from_blame = true,
-- Defines the contents of pop-up window
formatter_fn = ci_formatters.default_formatter,
-- Defines the colors of pop-up window
colorizer_fn = ci_formatters.default_colorizer,
-- Datetime format for commit's times
datetime_format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S",
-- The maximum width of the pop-up window. -1 == "unlimited"
max_width = -1,
-- Options of commit info pop-up window
window_opts = {
border = "single",
wrap = false,
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
cursorline = false,
signcolumn = "no",
list = false,
-- If true, the pop-up window will follow the cursor and be redrawn for each line of git blame
follow_cursor = true,
-- Options for full commit information in third-party plugin
full_commit_info = {
-- Enable or disable opening from the blame window
enabled_from_blame = true,
-- Defines the function that will be performed to open
opener_fn = fci_openers.diffview,
mappings = {
open_commit_info_from_blame = "K",
close_commit_info_from_blame = "<ESC>",
close_commit_info = "<ESC>",
open_full_commit_info_from_blame = "L",
Defines the string structure. What fields will the string consist of, in what format will they be output, with which hl groups.
---@class blameColumn.StructurizerFn
---@param general_info blameColumn.GeneralInfo
---@param line_info blameColumn.LineInfo
---@return blameColumn.StructedLine
local function structurizer_func(general_info, line_info)
-- Your code
---@class blameColumn.GeneralInfo
---@field public total_commits integer
---@field public max_lens table<string, integer>
local GeneralInfo = {}
---@class blameColumn.LineInfo
---@field public full_hash string
---@field public hash string
---@field public is_modified boolean
---@field public orig_line integer
---@field public final_line integer
---@field public group_lines integer
---@field public line_number integer
---@field public filename string
---@field public summary string
---@field public author string
---@field public author_surname string
---@field public author_time integer
---@field public author_tz string
---@field public author_mail string
---@field public committer string
---@field public committer_surname string
---@field public committer_time integer
---@field public committer_tz string
---@field public committer_mail string
---@field public time_order integer
local LineInfo = {}
---@class blameColumn.StructedLine
---@field public format string
---@field public fields blameColumn.LineField[]
---@field public hl? string
local StructedLine = {}
Defines a hl group of the form a1b2c3d
, where a1b2c3d
is the hash of the commit.
---@class blameColumn.ColorizerFn
---@param general_info blameColumn.GeneralInfo
---@param line_info blameColumn.LineInfo
---@return vim.api.keyset.highlight
local function colorizer_func(general_info, line_info)
-- Your code
---@class blameColumn.LineInfo
---@field public full_hash string
---@field public hash string
---@field public is_modified boolean
---@field public orig_line integer
---@field public final_line integer
---@field public group_lines integer
---@field public line_number integer
---@field public filename string
---@field public summary string
---@field public author string
---@field public author_surname string
---@field public author_time integer
---@field public author_tz string
---@field public author_mail string
---@field public committer string
---@field public committer_surname string
---@field public committer_time integer
---@field public committer_tz string
---@field public committer_mail string
---@field public time_order integer
local LineInfo = {}
---@class blameColumn.GeneralInfo
---@field public total_commits integer
---@field public max_lens table<string, integer>
local GeneralInfo = {}
Defines content of the commit informtation pop-up window.
---@param line_info blameColumn.LineInfo
---@param opts blameColumn.OptsCommitInfo
---@return table<string>
M.formatter_fn = function(line_info, opts)
-- Your code
---@class blameColumn.LineInfo
---@field public full_hash string
---@field public hash string
---@field public is_modified boolean
---@field public orig_line integer
---@field public final_line integer
---@field public group_lines integer
---@field public line_number integer
---@field public filename string
---@field public summary string
---@field public author string
---@field public author_surname string
---@field public author_time integer
---@field public author_tz string
---@field public author_mail string
---@field public committer string
---@field public committer_surname string
---@field public committer_time integer
---@field public committer_tz string
---@field public committer_mail string
---@field public time_order integer
local LineInfo = {}
---@class blameColumn.OptsCommitInfo
---@field public enabled_from_blame boolean
---@field public formatter_fn function
---@field public colorizer_fn function
---@field public datetime_format string
---@field public max_width integer
---@field public window_opts table<string, any>
---@field public follow_cursor boolean
local OptsCommitInfo = {}
Defines highlights for the commit informtation pop-up window.
---@param bufnr integer
M.colorizer_fn = function(bufnr)
-- Your code
Defines the action that will be performed to open the full commit information (commit changes).
---@param line_info blameColumn.LineInfo
M.opener_fn = function(line_info)
-- Your code
---@class blameColumn.LineInfo
---@field public full_hash string
---@field public hash string
---@field public is_modified boolean
---@field public orig_line integer
---@field public final_line integer
---@field public group_lines integer
---@field public line_number integer
---@field public filename string
---@field public summary string
---@field public author string
---@field public author_surname string
---@field public author_time integer
---@field public author_tz string
---@field public author_mail string
---@field public committer string
---@field public committer_surname string
---@field public committer_time integer
---@field public committer_tz string
---@field public committer_mail string
---@field public time_order integer
local LineInfo = {}
- toggle git-blame window-- Toggle git-blame window
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>gl", function()
end, { desc = "Git: toggle blame" })
Group | Default | Description |
BlameColumnSummary |
TabLineSel |
Summary in commit information window |
BlameColumnHash |
Comment |
Hash in commit information window |
BlameColumnAuthor |
DiagnosticInfo |
Author in commit information window |
BlameColumnTime |
DiagnosticWarn |
Time in commit information window |
PRs and Issues are always welcome.
See bug and PR Please issues if you are looking for some work to get you started.
Author: @Yu-Leo
I really like how git blame is displayed in JB IDEs.
Key features that I tried to replicate in this plugin:
It's a good plugin, but it's not functional enough for me. It was taken as the basis of my plugin. I express my gratitude to @psjay.
Key features:
Features that I was missing:
It's a really functional plugin, but it doesn't fully satisfy my needs. I've implemented some of its features in my plugin. I express my gratitude to @FabijanZulj and all the contributors.
Key features:
Features that I was missing: