Distro agnostic components for your Neovim heirline config.
This is how the components above look on the statusline.
Heirline is a engine to create your own Neovim user interface. This comes at a price though: increased complexity. To avoid that problem, I've decided to compile this collection of components you can fork and modify. That way you have a safe and well tested starting point to hopefuly save you a lot of time.
Add it as a dependency of heirline
dependencies = { "Zeioth/heirline-components.nvim" },
opts = {},
config = function(_, opts)
local heirline = require "heirline"
local heirline_components = require "heirline-components.all"
-- Setup
Some extra features will only be available if you have the next plugins installed:
You can add a component to your heirline config as
Normally you will use components directly like in this example. But in some cases you can customize a component. Refer to every specific component for more info.
You can find the example config we use for NormalNvim here.
This is the heirline line you see at the top of the screen.
Component | Description |
tabline_buffers | Tabline component to display the listed buffers of the current tabpage. |
tabline_tabpages | Tabline component to display the available tabpages. |
tabline_conditional_padding | Tabine component to add padding under certain conditions. By default it adds padding when you open a side panel like neotree, or aerial, according to the panel width. |
You can control the tabline from your keymappings with heirline-components.buffer.
This is the heirline line you see under the tabline.
Component | Description |
winbar_when_inactive | If present, it will empty the winbar while the buffer doesn't have the focus (like in the terminal, neotree, etc). |
breadcrumbs | Winbar component to display a LSP based breadcrumbs section. |
compiler_play | Winbar component to display a button to open compiler.nvim . |
compiler_stop | Winbar component to display a button to dispose all compiler.nvim tasks. |
compiler_redo | Winbar component to display a button to redo the last selected compiler.nvim action. |
compiler_build_type | Winbar component to toggle the current build type of your cmake or gradle project on compiler.nvim . |
neotree | Winbar component to display a button to toggle neotree . |
aerial | Winbar component to display a button to toggle aerial . |
zen_mode | Winbar component to display a button to toggle zen-mode . |
write_buffer | Winbar component to display a button to write the current buffer. |
write_all_buffers | Winbar component to display a button to write all loaded buffers. |
This is the heirline column you see at the left of the screen.
Component | Description |
foldcolumn | Statuscolumn component to fold/unfold lines. |
numbercolumn | Statuscolumn component to display the line numbers. |
signcolumn | Statuscolumn component to indicate the lines that have been changed since the last commit (gitsigns hunks). |
This is the heirline line you see at the bottom of the screen.
Component | Description |
fill | Statusline component to fill the empty space of the bar. |
file_info | Statusline component to display the filetype of the current buffer. |
file_encoding | Statusline component to display operative system and file encoding. |
nav | Statusline component to display a nativation area, with line number, and the current navigation %. |
cmd_info | Statusline component to display information about some commands, like a macro recording indicator, or the search results. |
mode | Statusline component for a mode chage. By default it only show colors, but it can be configured to show NORMAL, INSERT... etc like in classic vim. |
git_branch | Statusline component to display the current git branch. |
git_diff | Statusline component to display the current git diff (added, removed, changed). |
diagnostics | Statusline component to display a diagnostics section (errors, warnings, info). |
treesitter | Statusline component to display a indicator when Treesitter is enabled. |
lsp | Statusline component to display the loaded lsp clients. Or their current load % if they haven't loaded yet. Similar to the plugin noice.nvim. |
virtual_env | Statusline component to display the current python virtual env. |
compiler_state | Statusline component to display a spinner while compiler.nvim is running. This component is also compatible with overseer. |
You can customize icons and colors in a easy way.
Option |
icons |
colors |
For example:
dependencies = {
opts = {
icons = { DiagnosticError = ";D" }
colors = nil
Heirline-components listen for two different events:
Event | Description |
ColorScheme | When you trigger this event, Heirline-components will reload its colors. |
User HeirlineComponentsTablineBuffersUpdated |
This event is automatically triggered every time a buffer is added or deleted from the component tabline_buffers (which is ruled by vim.t.bufs). This is useful if you only want to show the tabline when more that 1 buffer is opened. To do so, you can create a autocmd to listen to this event. Then make it set the vim.opt.showtabline = 2 if #vim.t.bufs > 1 . |
So if you experience issues with colors or outdated tabline info, trigger these events with :doautocmd
Currently, most of the GPL3 lua components this plugin use come from AstroNvim and NormalNvim. So please support both projects if you enjoy this plugin.
. That way internal changes won't affect you. If you wanna be extra sure, you can also lock the plugin version in your package manager to avoid getting updates.If you want to help me, please star this repository to increase the visibility of the project.