About • Requirements • Installation • Configuration • Features • Contribute
This Neovim plugin is written in Lua and provides daily information from apeoplescalendar.org.
A People's Calendar (aPC) is a project that seeks to promote the worldwide history of working class movements and liberation struggles in the form of a searchable "On This Day" calendar.
This repository hosts the aPC neovim plugin, implemented in Lua.
This project is open source and the information contained in our event database is non-proprietary and will always be freely available for users, developers, and the public.
Using lazy.nvim:
dependencies = {
event = "VeryLazy",
config = function ()
require("apeoplescalendar").setup() -- configuration options are described below
apc.nvim comes with the following defaults:
auto_teaser_filetypes = { "dashboard", "alpha", "starter", }, -- will enable running the teaser automatically for listed filetypes
Opens a new buffer showing today's events. In normal mode it can be closed with key q
Opens a popup with one randomly picked event for today's date. It disappears automatically after a few seconds.