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3 days ago


Floating windows for terminals, man pages and help buffers.

haunt (noun): a place frequented by a specified person or group of people

This NeoVim plugin, written in Lua, offers alternative commands to open embedded terminals, man pages and help buffers in floating windows. Existing terminal buffers can also be opened in the floating window. Commands like :bnext, :bprevious, :b# etc. are suppressed in this window.

:HauntHelp screenshot

Install the plugin using your preferred plugin manager. Alternatively, NeoVim can load packages if they are added to your 'packpath'.

Available commands and options are described in :help haunt (also :HauntHelp haunt if you allowed default command definitions).

Please send patches/queries to my public inbox. Current issues and pending feature requests are listed on my nvim-plugins tracker. Notable difficulties and bugs without known fixes are listed in :help haunt-bugs.


Open the documentation for this plugin in a floating window:

:HauntHelp haunt

Open a floating terminal called "scratch", run command, close it, and restore:

:HauntTerm -t scratch
echo "scratch"<Cr>
:HauntTerm -t scratch

Switch between two different interactive Python sessions:

:HauntTerm -t py1 python
:HauntTerm -t py2 python
:HauntTerm -t py1

Open the man page for mandoc(1) in a floating window:

:HauntMan mandoc