View and navigate a table of contents for markup files.
This NeoVim plugin, written in Lua, extracts a table of
contents (TOC) from markup buffers and presents it in an unobtrusive floating
window. The floating overview can also be used to navigate the open buffer.
The TOC is updated as the buffer contents change (tree-sitter is not required).
Note that the floating overview window is not focusable with :wincmd
Instead, please set a mapping for require("overview.nvim").focus
(see the configuration suggestion below).
Filetype support:
(no setext headers yet)man
(improvement of gO
or :lua require('man').show_toc()
(also dosini
(vimtex provides vimtex-toc
Install the plugin using your preferred plugin manager. Alternatively, NeoVim can load packages if they are added to your 'packpath'.
-- Set up key bindings to toggle/focus the TOC sidebar.
overview = require("overview.nvim")
if overview ~= nil then
vim.keymap.set("n", "gO", overview.toggle, { desc = "Toggle Overview sidebar for current buffer" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "go", overview.focus, { desc = "Toggle focus between Overview sidebar and source buffer" })
Available options are described in :help overview
Please send patches/queries to my public inbox.