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9 months ago


⚠️ NO LONGER ACTIVELY DEVELOPED: This plugin is now archived; personally I have replaced it with this plugin.

This NeoVim plugin provides a standard Vim text object for NeoVim diagnostics (such as those produced by the LSP, null-ls, etc.). It enables the user to type commands like cig to jump to the next diagnostic, delete the highlighted text, and enter insert mode.


Demo Video


Requires NeoVim 0.7+.

This is a standard NeoVim plugin.

Example for packer.nvim:



        config = function()




By default, the following keymappings are defined in the operator-pending and visual modes (as well as other functions not mapped to keys by default):

keymapping function purpose
ig require('textobj-diagnostic').next_diag_inclusive() finds the diagnostic under or after the cursor (including any diagnostic the cursor is sitting on)
]g require('textobj-diagnostic').next_diag() finds the diagnostic after the cursor (excluding any diagnostic the cursor is sitting on)
[g require('textobj-diagnostic').prev_diag() finds the diagnostic before the cursor (excluding any diagnostic the cursor is sitting on)
No mapping by default require('textobj-diagnostic').nearest_diag() find the diagnostic nearest to the cursor, under, before, or after, taking into account both vertical and horizontal distance

Examples of use:

  • cig - jump to the next diagnostic (or the one under the cursor) and CHANGE it (delete the text and enter insert mode)

  • v[g - visually select the previous diagnostic

  • d]g - delete the next diagnostic text (excluding any diagnostic under the cursor)

If you don't like the default keymappings in the table above, or want to limit which diagnostics are selected by them, you can disable the default keymappings:

    config = function()
        require("textobj-diagnostic").setup({create_default_keymaps = false})

Then, you can map your own. (note: the previous restrictions around using VimL here rather than Lua have been resolved). For example, to create a keymapping for the diagnostic item under the cursor (or the next one) of id:

vim.keymap.set({ "x", "o" }, "id", function()
end, { silent = true })

To map to the next diagnostic item after the cursor (excluding where the cursor is):

vim.keymap.set({ "x", "o" }, "]d", function()
end, { silent = true })

Any key/value you pass into the first parameter of any of the functions is passed to vim.diagnostic.get, which means it can be used to control the namespace or severity of the errors being selected. For example:

vim.keymap.set({ "x", "o" }, "ig", function()
        severity = {
            min = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN,
            max = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR,
end, { silent = true })