Neovim plugin for markdown like keybindings. Similar to notion, discord, slack etc
-- packer
use {
config = function()
-- lazy.nvim
config = function()
a table of filetypes to add markdowny keymaps. Default {'markdown', 'gitcommit', 'hgcommit'}
require('markdowny').setup({filetypes = {'markdown', 'txt'}})
All in visual mode
: Adds a link to visually selected text.<C-b>
: Toggles visually selected text to bold.<C-i>
: Toggles visually selected text to italic.<C-e>
: Toggles visually selected text to inline code, and V-LINE selected text to a multiline code block.Alternatively to default keymaps you can use custom keymaps without calling setup
function, make sure to map to a string rather than a Lua function. Here are the defaults:
vim.keymap.set('v', '<C-b>', ":lua require('markdowny').bold()<cr>", { buffer = 0 })
vim.keymap.set('v', '<C-i>', ":lua require('markdowny').italic()<cr>", { buffer = 0 })
vim.keymap.set('v', '<C-k>', ":lua require('markdowny').link()<cr>", { buffer = 0 })
vim.keymap.set('v', '<C-e>', ":lua require('markdowny').code()<cr>", { buffer = 0 })
To apply the keymaps to specific filetypes, use autocmd
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('FileType', {
desc = 'markdowny.nvim keymaps',
pattern = { 'markdown' },
callback = function()
-- add custom keymaps here
This plugin uses vim.ui.input
to prompt for link's href, to have it in a floating window, like in the demo above, you can use dressing.nvim.