This plugin allows you to preview close folds, without opening them.
To install and setup with packer use this snippet:
use { 'anuvyklack/fold-preview.nvim',
requires = 'anuvyklack/keymap-amend.nvim',
config = function()
-- Your configuration goes here.
To configure the plugin, you need to pass options into setup()
function within
the table like this. Below are all available options.
integer | false
(default: false
Automatically open preview if cursor enters and stays in folded line for specified number of milliseconds (400 is decent value).
(default: true
Set to false
to disable default keybindings.
"none" | "single" | "double" | "rounded" | "solid" | "shadow" | string[]
default: { ' ', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' }
See: :help nvim_open_win()
I personally don't want to learn a new key combination to preview folds. So I tried to create something that would feel natural.
By default h
and l
keys are used. On first press of h
key, when cursor is
on a closed fold, the preview will be shown. On second press the preview will
be closed and fold will be opened. When preview is opened, the l
key will
close it and open fold. In all other cases theese keys will work as usual.
A preview window also will be closed on any cursor move, changing mode, or buffer leaving.
There three main functions in the require('fold-preview')
show_preview() -> boolean
Open preview window if cursor is on a closed fold and return true
, else
return false
close_preview() -> boolean
Close preview if opened.
toggle_preview() -> boolean
Close preview if opened, else if cursor is on a closed fold — show preview.
If no opened preview to close, and cursor not on a closed fold, return false
Also, there are several special functions which allow you to create an interface
similar to the default one. They are contains in mapping
These functions meant to be used with
keymap-amend.nvim plugin.
Read its documentation to find out what is original
in next functions
Show preview when cursor is inside closed fold. If preview window is already
opened, close it and open fold. If no closed fold under the cursor, execute
original mapping.
If cursor is on closed fold — open it. If preview is opened, it will be
closed. Otherway execute original mapping.
Close preview (if opened) and execute original mapping.
Close preview immediately: without very small defer which is added in all
other functions to avoid annoying screen flickering during fold opening, and
execute original mapping.
This function is for when you want to close fold preview without opening fold.
Here are default keybindings:
local keymap = vim.keymap
keymap.amend = require('keymap-amend')
local map = require('fold-preview').mapping
keymap.amend('n', 'h', map.show_close_preview_open_fold)
keymap.amend('n', 'l', map.close_preview_open_fold)
keymap.amend('n', 'zo', map.close_preview)
keymap.amend('n', 'zO', map.close_preview)
keymap.amend('n', 'zc', map.close_preview_without_defer)
keymap.amend('n', 'zR', map.close_preview)
keymap.amend('n', 'zM', map.close_preview_without_defer)
for fold previewAnother choice is to use K
, since it is already utilized for LSP hover preview
(as nvim-lspconfig suggests).
Pay attention that your LSP settings are loaded before fold-preview.nvim
make keymap-amend
function correctly handle key mappings!
use { 'anuvyklack/fold-preview.nvim',
requires = 'anuvyklack/keymap-amend.nvim',
config = function()
local fp = require('fold-preview')
local map = require('fold-preview').mapping
local keymap = vim.keymap
keymap.amend = require('keymap-amend')
default_keybindings = false
-- another settings
keymap.amend('n', 'K', function(original)
if not fp.show_preview() then original() end
-- or
-- if not fp.toggle_preview() then original() end
-- to close preview on second press on K.
keymap.amend('n', 'h', map.close_preview_open_fold)
keymap.amend('n', 'l', map.close_preview_open_fold)
keymap.amend('n', 'zo', map.close_preview)
keymap.amend('n', 'zO', map.close_preview)
keymap.amend('n', 'zc', map.close_preview_without_defer)
keymap.amend('n', 'zR', map.close_preview)
keymap.amend('n', 'zM', map.close_preview_without_defer)
This plugin defines two highlight groups to customize the preview window:
— linked to NormalFloat
by default;FoldPreviewBorder
— linked to FloatBorder
by default.