And all this with nice animations!
This plugin requires next dependencies:
Also, if you enable animations, is recommended to set winwidth
, winminwidth
options to some reasonable and equal values (between 5 and 20 will be OK), and
disable equalalways
You can install and setup windows.nvim with packer plugin manager using next snippet:
with animation
use { "anuvyklack/windows.nvim",
requires = {
config = function()
vim.o.winwidth = 10
vim.o.winminwidth = 10
vim.o.equalalways = false
without animation
use { "anuvyklack/windows.nvim",
requires = "anuvyklack/middleclass",
config = function()
Read about plugins configuration in the documentation.
Maximize current window. If the window is already maximized, then restore original sizes. When go to another window while current is maximized - all original sizes will be restored. If the window will be closed while being maximized, then all other windows would be equalized.
Maximize width of the current window. Almost the same as :vertical resize
(see :help CTRL-W_bar
) but with animation.
Maximize height of the current window. Almost the same as :resize
(see :help CTRL-W__
) but with animation.
Equalize all windows heights and widths width animation.
(see :help CTRL-W_=
Enable, disable or toggle auto-width feature.
If you want a keymaps thees are a fitting choice:
local function cmd(command)
return table.concat({ '<Cmd>', command, '<CR>' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-w>z', cmd 'WindowsMaximize')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-w>_', cmd 'WindowsMaximizeVertically')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-w>|', cmd 'WindowsMaximizeHorizontally')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-w>=', cmd 'WindowsEqualize')
If you have any proposals, what else can be done with this mechanics, you are welcome to open an issue.