Theme: kanagawa
Grapple is a plugin that aims to provide immediate navigation to important files. See the quickstart section to get started.
While Grapple shares similarities to Harpoon (and other file navigation plugins), it aims to differentiate itself in the following ways:
, untag
, or toggle
a path. For example,-- Lua
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>m", require("grapple").toggle)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>M", require("grapple").toggle_tags)
-- User command
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>1", "<cmd>Grapple select index=1<cr>")
Next steps
:Grapple toggle_tags
:Grapple toggle_scopes
:Grapple toggle_loaded
dependencies = {
{ "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", lazy = true }
use {
requires = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" }
Plug "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"
Plug "cbochs/grapple.nvim"
Note, these examples assume you are using the lazy.nvim package manager.
opts = {
scope = "git", -- also try out "git_branch"
event = { "BufReadPost", "BufNewFile" },
cmd = "Grapple",
keys = {
{ "<leader>m", "<cmd>Grapple toggle<cr>", desc = "Grapple toggle tag" },
{ "<leader>M", "<cmd>Grapple toggle_tags<cr>", desc = "Grapple open tags window" },
{ "<leader>n", "<cmd>Grapple cycle_tags next<cr>", desc = "Grapple cycle next tag" },
{ "<leader>p", "<cmd>Grapple cycle_tags prev<cr>", desc = "Grapple cycle previous tag" },
Example configuration similar to harpoon.nvim (based off of this example setup).
opts = {
scope = "git", -- also try out "git_branch"
icons = false, -- setting to "true" requires "nvim-web-devicons"
status = false,
keys = {
{ "<leader>a", "<cmd>Grapple toggle<cr>", desc = "Tag a file" },
{ "<c-e>", "<cmd>Grapple toggle_tags<cr>", desc = "Toggle tags menu" },
{ "<c-h>", "<cmd>Grapple select index=1<cr>", desc = "Select first tag" },
{ "<c-t>", "<cmd>Grapple select index=2<cr>", desc = "Select second tag" },
{ "<c-n>", "<cmd>Grapple select index=3<cr>", desc = "Select third tag" },
{ "<c-s>", "<cmd>Grapple select index=4<cr>", desc = "Select fourth tag" },
{ "<c-s-n>", "<cmd>Grapple cycle_tags next<cr>", desc = "Go to next tag" },
{ "<c-s-p>", "<cmd>Grapple cycle_tags prev<cr>", desc = "Go to previous tag" },
Example configuration similar to arrow.nvim.
dependencies = {
{ "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" }
opts = {
scope = "git_branch",
icons = true,
quick_select = "123456789",
keys = {
{ ";", "<cmd>Grapple toggle_tags<cr>", desc = "Toggle tags menu" },
{ "<c-s>", "<cmd>Grapple toggle<cr>", desc = "Toggle tag" },
{ "H", "<cmd>Grapple cycle_tags next<cr>", desc = "Go to next tag" },
{ "L", "<cmd>Grapple cycle_tags prev<cr>", desc = "Go to previous tag" },
The following are the default settings for Grapple. Setup is not required, but settings may be overridden by passing them as table arguments to the Grapple.setup
---Grapple save location
---@type string
save_path = vim.fs.joinpath(vim.fn.stdpath("data"), "grapple"),
---Default scope to use when managing Grapple tags
---For more information, please see the Scopes section
---@type string
scope = "git",
---User-defined scopes or overrides
---For more information about scopes, please see the Scope API section
---@type grapple.scope_definition[]
scopes = {},
---Default scopes provided by Grapple
---For more information about default scopes, please see the Scopes section
---Disable by setting scope to "false". For example, { lsp = false }
---@type table<string, grapple.scope_definition | boolean>
default_scopes = { ... }
---Show icons next to tags or scopes in Grapple windows
---Requires "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"
---@type boolean
icons = true,
---Highlight the current selection in Grapple windows
---Also, indicates when a tag path does not exist
---@type boolean
status = true,
---Position a tag's name should be shown in Grapple windows
---@type "start" | "end"
name_pos = "end",
---How a tag's path should be rendered in Grapple windows
--- "relative": show tag path relative to the scope's resolved path
--- "basename": show tag path basename and directory hint
---@type "basename" | "relative"
style = "relative",
---A string of characters used for quick selecting in Grapple windows
---An empty string or false will disable quick select
---@type string | boolean
quick_select = "123456789",
---Default command to use when selecting a tag
---@type fun(path: string)
command = vim.cmd.edit,
---Time limit used for pruning unused scope (IDs). If a scope's save file
---modified time exceeds this limit, then it will be deleted when a prune
---requested. Can be an integer (in seconds) or a string time limit
---(e.g. "30d" or "2h" or "15m")
---@type integer | string
prune = "30d",
---User-defined tags title function for Grapple windows
---By default, uses the resolved scope's ID
---@type fun(scope: grapple.resolved_scope): string?
tag_title = nil,
---User-defined scopes title function for Grapple windows
---By default, renders "Grapple Scopes"
---@type fun(): string?
scope_title = nil,
---User-defined loaded scopes title function for Grapple windows
---By default, renders "Grapple Loaded Scopes"
---@type fun(): string?
loaded_title = nil,
---Additional window options for Grapple windows
---See :h nvim_open_win
---@type grapple.vim.win_opts
win_opts = {
-- Can be fractional
width = 80,
height = 12,
row = 0.5,
col = 0.5,
relative = "editor",
border = "single",
focusable = false,
style = "minimal",
title = "Grapple", -- fallback title for Grapple windows
title_pos = "center",
title_padding = " ", -- custom: adds padding around window title
-- footer = "", -- disable footer
footer_pos = "center",
In general, the API is as follows:
Lua: require("grapple").{method}(...)
Command: :Grapple [method] [opts...]
Where opts
in the user command is a list of value
arguments and key=value
keyword arguments. For example,
:Grapple cycle_tags next scope=cwd
Has the equivalent form
require("grapple").cycle_tags("next", { scope = "cwd" })
Create a grapple tag.
Command: :Grapple tag [buffer={buffer}] [path={path}] [index={index}] [name={name}] [scope={scope}]
API: require("grapple").tag(opts)
: grapple.options
: integer
(default: 0
: string
: integer
: string
: string
Note: only one tag can be created per scope per file. If a tag already exists for the given file or buffer, it will be overridden with the new tag.
-- Tag the current buffer
-- Tag a file by its file path
require("grapple").tag({ path = "some_file.lua" })
-- Tag the current buffer in a different scope
require("grapple").tag({ scope = "global" })
-- Tag the file path under the cursor
require("grapple").tag({ path = "<cfile>" })
Remove a Grapple tag.
API: require("grapple").untag(opts)
: grapple.options
(one of)
Note: Tag is removed based on one of (in order): index
, name
, path
, buffer
-- Remove a tag on the current buffer
-- Remove a tag on a file
require("grapple").untag({ file_path = "{file_path}" })
-- Remove a tag on the current buffer in a different scope
require("grapple").untag({ scope = "global" })
Toggle a Grapple tag.
API: require("grapple").toggle(opts)
: grapple.options
-- Toggle a tag on the current buffer
Select a Grapple tag.
API: require("grapple").select(opts)
: grapple.options
(one of)
Note: Tag is selected based on one of (in order): index
, name
, path
, buffer
-- Select the third tag
require("grapple").select({ index = 3 })
Cycle through and select the next or previous available tag for a given scope.
API: require("grapple").cycle_tags(direction, opts)
: "next"
| "prev"
: grapple.options
(one of)Note: Starting tag is searched based on one of (in order): index
, name
, path
, buffer
-- Cycle to the next tagged file
-- Cycle to the previous tagged file
Cycle through and use the next or previous available scope. By default, will only cycle through non-hidden
scopes. Use { all = true }
to cycle through all defined scopes.
API: require("grapple").cycle_scopes(direction, opts)
: "next"
| "prev"
: table
: string
scope name (default: settings.scope
: boolean
(default: false
)-- Cycle to the next scope
-- Cycle to the previous scope
-- Hide a scope during Grapple setup
default_scopes = {
cwd = { hidden = true }
Unload tags for a give (scope) name or loaded scope (id).
API: require("grapple").unload(opts)
: table
: string
scope name (default: settings.scope
: string
the ID of a resolved scope-- Unload the current scope
-- Unload a scope (dynamic)
require("grapple").unload({ scope = "git" })
-- Unload a specific resolved scope ID
require("grapple").unload({ id = "~/git" })
Reset tags for a given (scope) name or loaded scope (id).
API: require("grapple").reset(opts)
: table
: string
scope name (default: settings.scope
: string
the ID of a resolved scope-- Reset the current scope
-- Reset a scope (dynamic)
require("grapple").reset({ scope = "git" })
-- Reset a specific resolved scope ID
require("grapple").reset({ id = "~/git" })
Prune save files based on their last modified time.
API: require("grapple").prune(opts)
: table
: integer
| string
modified time limit (default: settings.prune
)-- Prune using the default time limit
-- Prune longer than 30 days
require("grapple").prune({ limit = "30d" })
-- Prune longer than 6 hours
require("grapple").prune({ limit = "6h" })
-- Prune longer than 15 minutes
require("grapple").prune({ limit = "15m" })
-- Prune longer than 120 seconds
require("grapple").prune({ limit = "120s" })
require("grapple").prune({ limit = 120 })
Open the quickfix window populated with paths from a given scope
API: require("grapple").quickfix(opts)
: table
: string
scope name (default: settings.scope
: string
the ID of a resolved scope-- Open the quickfix window for the current scope
-- Open the quickfix window for a specified scope
Return if a tag exists. Used for statusline components
API: require("grapple").exists(opts)
: boolean
: grapple.options
(one of)
Note: Tag is searched based on one of (in order): index
, name
, path
, buffer
-- Check whether the current buffer is tagged or not
-- Check for a tag in a different scope
require("grapple").exists({ scope = "global" })
Search for a tag in a given scope.
API: require("grapple").find(opts)
: grapple.options
(one of)
: grapple.tag
| nil
, string?
Note: Tag is searched based on one of (in order): index
, name
, path
, buffer
-- Search for a tag by index in the current scope
require("grapple").find({ index = 1 })
-- Search for a named tag in a different scope
require("grapple").find({ name = "bob", scope = "global" })
Create a user-defined scope.
API: require("grapple").define_scope(definition)
: grapple.scope_definition
For more examples, see settings.lua
-- Define a scope during setup
scope = "cwd_branch",
scopes = {
name = "cwd_branch",
desc = "Current working directory and git branch",
fallback = "cwd",
cache = {
event = { "BufEnter", "FocusGained" },
debounce = 1000, -- ms
resolver = function()
local git_files = vim.fs.find(".git", {
upward = true,
stop = vim.loop.os_homedir(),
if #git_files == 0 then
local root = vim.loop.cwd()
local result = vim.fn.system({ "git", "symbolic-ref", "--short", "HEAD" })
local branch = vim.trim(string.gsub(result, "\n", ""))
local id = string.format("%s:%s", root, branch)
local path = root
return id, path
-- Define a scope outside of setup
name = "projects",
desc = "Project directory"
fallback = "cwd",
cache = { event = "DirChanged" },
resolver = function()
local projects_dir = vim.fs.find("projects", {
upwards = true,
stop = vim.loop.os_homedir()
if #projects_dir == 0 then
return nil, nil, "Not in projects dir"
local path = projects_dir[1]
local id = path
return id, path, nil
-- Use the scope
Delete a default or user-defined scope.
API: require("grapple").delete_scope(scope)
: string
scope name
: string?
Change the currently selected scope.
API: require("grapple").use_scope(scope)
: string
scope name
-- Clear the cached value (if any) for the "git" scope
A tag is a persistent tag on a file path or URL. It is a means of indicating a file you want to return to. When a file is tagged, Grapple will save your cursor location so that when you jump back, your cursor is placed right where you left off. In a sense, tags are like file-level marks (:h mark
Once a tag has been added to a scope, it may be selected by index or name, cycled through, or even jumped to using plugins such as portal.nvim.
A scope is a means of namespacing tags to a specific project. Scopes are resolved dynamically to produce a unique identifier for a set of tags (i.e. a root directory). This identifier determines where tags are created and deleted. Note, different scopes may resolve the same identifier (i.e. lsp
and git
scopes may share the same root directory).
Scopes can also be cached. Each scope may define a set of events
and/or patterns
for an autocommand (:h autocmd
), an interval
for a timer, or to be cached indefinitely (unless invalidated explicitly). Some examples of this are the cwd
scope which only updates on DirChanged
The following scopes are made available by default:
: tags are scoped to a global namespacestatic
: tags are scoped to neovim's initial working directorycwd
: tags are scoped to the current working directorylsp
: tags are scoped to the root directory of the current buffer's attached LSP server, fallback: cwd
: tags are scoped to the current git repository, fallback: cwd
: tags are scoped to the current git directory and git branch, fallback: cwd
It is also possible to create your own custom scope. See the Scope API for more information.
-- Use a builtin scope
scope = "git_branch",
-- Define and use a custom scope
scope = "custom",
scopes = {
name = "custom",
fallback = "cwd",
cache = { event = "DirChanged" },
resolver = function()
local path = vim.env.HOME
local id = path
return id, path
-- Disable a default scope
-- Note: be careful to disable default scopes that are used as fallbacks
default_scopes = {
lsp = false
Popup windows are made available to enable easy management of tags and scopes. The opened buffer is given its own syntax (grapple
) and file type (grapple
) and can be modified like a regular buffer; meaning items can be selected, modified, reordered, or deleted with well-known vim motions. The floating window can be toggled or closed with either q
or <esc>
Open a floating window with all the tags for a given scope. This buffer is modifiable. Several actions are available by default:
): select the tag under the cursor<c-s>
): select the tag under the cursor (split
): select the tag under the cursor (vsplit
): select the tag at a given indexR
): rename the tag under the cursor<c-q>
): send all tags to the quickfix list (:h quickfix
): navigate up to the scopes window?
): open the help windowAPI:
: table
: string
scope nameid?
: string
the ID of a resolved scopestyle?
: the style to use for the tags window-- Open the tags window for the current scope
-- Open the tags window for a different scope
Open a floating window with all defined scopes. This buffer is not modifiable. Some basic actions are available by default:
): open the tags window for the scope under the cursor1-9
): open the tags window for the scope at a given index<s-cr>
): change the current scope to the one under the cursor-
): navigate across to the loaded scopes windowg.
): toggle showing both hidden and unhidden scopes?
): open the help windowAPI:
-- Open the scopes window
Open a floating window with all loaded scope IDs. This buffer is not modifiable. Some basic actions are available by default:
): open the tags window for the loaded scope ID under the cursor1-9
): open tags window for the loaded scope ID at a given indexx
): unload the tags for the scope ID under the cursorX
): reset the tags for the scope ID under the cursor-
): navigate across to the scopes windowg.
): toggle showing both loaded and unloaded scope IDs?
): open the help windowAPI:
: table
: boolean
(default: false
)-- Open the loaded scopes window, show only loaded scopes
-- Open the loaded scopes window, show both loaded and unloaded scopes
require("grapple").open_loaded({ all = true })
Highlight | Default Link | Style | Used in |
GrappleBold |
N/A | gui=bold |
Scopes window for scope names |
GrappleHint |
Comment |
N/A | Tags window for directory hints |
GrappleName |
DiagnosticHint |
N/A | Tags window for tag name |
GrappleNoExist |
DiagnosticError |
N/A | Tags window for tag status |
GrappleCurrent |
SpecialChar |
gui=bold |
All windows for current status |
GrappleFloat |
NormalFloat |
N/A | All windows for background |
GrappleBorder |
FloatBorder |
N/A | All windows for border |
GrappleTitle |
FloatTitle |
N/A | All windows for title |
GrappleFooter |
FloatFooter |
N/A | All windows for footer |
Grapple saves all scopes to a common directory. The default directory is named grapple
and lives in Neovim's "data"
directory (:h standard-path
). Each scope will be saved as its own individually serialized JSON blob. No scopes are loaded on startup and will are instead loaded on demand.
You can use telescope.nvim to search through your tagged files instead of the built in popup windows.
Load the extension with
Then use this command to see the grapple tags for the project in a telescope window
:Telescope grapple tags
A statusline component can be easily added to show whether a buffer is tagged.
: grapple.statusline.options
(default: settings.statusline
: string
(default: ""
: string
(default: [%s]
: string
(default: " %s"
: boolean
(default: true
)Also available:
-- Returns " [1] 2 3 4"
-- Returns "1" or "bob"
-- Modify the statusline options
statusline = {
icon = "G",
active = "|%s|",
inactive = " %s "
sections = {
lualine_b = { "grapple" }
sections = {
lualine_b = {
return require("grapple").name_or_index()
cond = function()
return package.loaded["grapple"] and require("grapple").exists()
Options available for most top-level tagging actions (e.g. tag, untag, select, toggle, etc).
Type: table
: integer
(default: 0
: string
file path or <cfile>
(overrides buffer
: string
tag nameindex
: integer
tag insertion or deletion index (default: end of list)scope
: string
scope name (default settings.scope
Data object for a tagged file.
Type: table
: string
absolute file pathname
: string
(optional) tag namecursor
: integer[]
(1, 0)-indexed cursor positiongrapple.cache.options
Options available for defining how a scope should be cached. Using the value of true
will indicate a value should be cached indefinitely and is equivalent to providing an empty set of options ({}
Type: table
| boolean
: string
| string[]
autocmd event (:h autocmd
: string
autocmd pattern, useful for User
: integer
timer intervaldebounce?
: integer
debounce intervalgrapple.scope_definition
Used for defining new scopes.
Type: table
: string
scope nameresolver
: grapple.scope_resolver
: string
scope description (default: ""
: boolean
scope fallbackfallback?
: string
fallback scope namecache?
: grapple.cache.options
| boolean
: integer
scope priority, higher scopes are loaded firsthidden?
: boolean
hide scopes which have this field setshown?
: boolean
show scopes which have this field set (mutually exclusive with hidden
)Note: Scopes are given a priority
based on their fallback ordering. By default, scopes without a fallback are given a priority of 1000
; scopes with a fallback, but are also fallbacks themselves, are given a priority of 100
; and all other scopes are given a priority of 1
. Higher priority scopes are loaded first. This can be overridden by setting a scope's priority
manually in the settings.
Used for defining new scopes. Must return a tuple of (id, path, err)
. If successful, an id
must be provided with an optional absolute path path
. If unsuccessful, id
must be nil
with an optional err
explaining what when wrong.
Type: function
Returns: string? id, string? path, string? err
Result from observing a scope at a point in time.
Type class
: string
scope nameid
: string
resolved scope IDpath
: string
| nil
resolved scope path:tags()
: returns all tags for the given IDThanks to these wonderful people for their contributions!