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nvim-rulebook 📖

Add inline-comments to ignore rules, or lookup rule documentation online.

Some LSPs provide code actions for that – this plugin adds commands for linters and LSPs that don't.


  • Look up official rule documentation, falling back to a web search if the source does not have rule documentation.
  • Add inline-comments to ignore rules like // eslint disable-next-line some-rule. Supports previous line, same line, and enclosing lines.
  • Suppress formatting with via ignore comments of the respective formatter, such as // prettier-ignore.
  • Quality-of-life: auto-select a rule if it is the only one in the current line; if the line has no diagnostic, search forward to the next line that does.
  • Includes built-in support for various linters and formatters. No plugin configuration required if you only need to use built-in sources.
  • Customizing built-in sources or adding your own sources is easy. PRs to add more built-ins are welcome.

Supported sources

You easily add a custom source via the plugin configuration. However, please consider making a PR to add support for a source if it is missing.

Rule data for built-in support of linters and formatters

Rule lookup

  • LTeX
  • Lua Diagnostics.
  • Pyright
  • Ruff
  • ansible-lint
  • basedpyright
  • biome
  • clang-tidy
  • eslint
  • ltex_plus
  • markdownlint
  • pylint
  • quick-lint-js
  • selene
  • shellcheck
  • stylelint
  • stylelintplus
  • ts
  • tsserver
  • typescript
  • yamllint

Add ignore comment

Suppress formatting



  • nvim 0.10+
  • Diagnostics provided by a source that supports Neovim's built-in diagnostics system. (nvim's built-in LSP client, efm-langserver or nvim-lint are such sources.)
-- lazy.nvim
{ "chrisgrieser/nvim-rulebook" },

-- packer
use { "chrisgrieser/nvim-rulebook" }


You can use the commands via lua functions:

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ri", function() require("rulebook").ignoreRule() end)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rl", function() require("rulebook").lookupRule() end)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ry", function() require("rulebook").yankDiagnosticCode() end)
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x" }, "<leader>rf", function() require("rulebook").suppressFormatter() end)

Alternatively, you can use the :Rulebook ex-command:

:Rulebook ignoreRule
:Rulebook lookupRule
:Rulebook yankDiagnosticCode
:Rulebook suppressFormatter

Note that :Rulebook suppressFormatter only supports normal mode. To add formatter-ignore comments for a line range, you need to use the lua function require("rulebook").suppressFormatter() from visual mode.


Base configuration

The .setup() call is optional. You only need to add a config when you want to add or customize sources.

When adding your own source, you must add the exact, case-sensitive source name, for example, clang-tidy, not clang.

require("rulebook").setup = ({
    -- if no diagnostic is found in current line, search this many lines forward
    forwSearchLines = 10,

    ignoreComments = {
        shellcheck = {
            comment = "# shellcheck disable=%s",
            location = "prevLine",
            multiRuleIgnore = true,
            multiRuleSeparator = ",",
        -- ... (full list of sources with builtin support can be found in the README)

        yourCustomSource = { -- exact, case-sensitive source-name
            -- `%s` will be replaced with rule-id
            comment = "// disabling-comment %s",

            ---@type "prevLine"|"sameLine"|"encloseLine"
            location = "sameLine",

            -- whether multiple rules can be ignored with one comment, defaults to `false`
            multiRuleIgnore = true,

            -- separator for multiple rule-ids, defaults to ", "
            multiRuleSeparator = ",",

        -- if location is "encloseLine", needs to be a list of two strings
        anotherCustomSource = {
            comment = { 
                "// disable-rule %s", 
                "// enable-rule %s",
            location = "encloseLine",

    ruleDocs = {
        selene = ""
        -- ... (full list of supported sources can be found in the README)

        -- Search URL when no documentation definition is available for a
        -- diagnostic source. `%s` will be replaced with the diagnostic source & code.
        -- Default is the DDG "Ducky Search" (automatically opening first result).
        fallback = "",

        -- the value of the rule documentations accept either a string or a function
        -- * if a string, `%s` will be replaced with rule-id
        -- * if a function, takes a `:h diagnostic-structure` as argument & return a url
        yourCustomSource = "https://my-docs/%s.hthml",
        anotherCustomSource = function(diag)
            -- ...
            return url

    suppressFormatter = {
        lua = {
            -- normal mode
            ignoreBlock = "-- stylua: ignore",
            location = "prevLine",

            -- visual mode
            ignoreRange = { "-- stylua: ignore start", "-- stylua: ignore start" },

The plugin uses, so the appearance of the rule selection can be customized by using a UI-plugin like dressing.nvim.

Customize built-in sources

Built-in sources be customized by overwriting them in the configuration:

-- example: use `disable-line` instead of the default `disable-next-line` for eslint
require("rulebook").setup = {
    ignoreComments = {
        eslint = {
            comment = "// eslint-disable-line %s",
            location = "sameLine",

Correctly configured diagnostic providers

The plugin requires that the diagnostic providers (the LSP or a linter-integration tool like nvim-lint or efm) provide the source and code for the diagnostic. In case of a linter integration tool, this requires the correct configuration for the respective linter. For example, when using efm to integrate markdownlint, the %n item is required to parse the diagnostic code:

    filetypes = { "markdown" },
    settings = { 
        languages = {
            markdown = {
                    lintSource = "markdownlint",
                    lintCommand = "markdownlint $'{INPUT}'",
                    lintStdin = false,
                    lintIgnoreExitCode = true,
                    lintFormats = { 
                        "%f:%l:%c MD%n/%m", 
                        "%f:%l MD%n/%m"

API: Availability of rule lookup

The function require("rulebook").hasDocs(diag), expects a diagnostic object and returns a boolean whether nvim-rulebook documentation for the respective diagnostic available. One use case for this is to add a visual indicator if there is a rule lookup available for a diagnostic (see vim.diagnostic.config).

vim.diagnostic.config {
    virtual_text = {
        suffix = function(diag) return require("rulebook").hasDocs(diag) and " îȘ€ " or "" end,


In my day job, I am a sociologist studying the social mechanisms underlying the digital economy. For my PhD project, I investigate the governance of the app economy and how software ecosystems manage the tension between innovation and compatibility. If you are interested in this subject, feel free to get in touch.

I also occasionally blog about vim: Nano Tips for Vim