Transfer.nvim is a Neovim plugin for syncing files with remote server using rsync and OpenSSH.
It supports mapping multiple local and remote paths, excluded path, and more.
lazy = true,
cmd = { "TransferInit", "DiffRemote", "TransferUpload", "TransferDownload", "TransferDirDiff", "TransferRepeat" },
opts = {},
- create a config file and open it. Just edit if it already exists.DiffRemote
- open a diff view with the remote file.TransferRepeat
- repeat the last transfer command (except TransferInit, DiffRemote).TransferUpload [path]
- upload the given file or directory.TransferDownload [path]
- download the given file or directory.TransferDirDiff [path]
- diff the directory with the remote one and display the changed files in the quickfix.-- .nvim/deployment.lua
return {
["example_name"] = {
host = "myhost",
username = "web", -- optional
mappings = {
["local"] = "live", -- path relative to project root
["remote"] = "/var/www/", -- absolute path or relative to user home
["local"] = "test",
["remote"] = "/var/www/",
excludedPaths = { -- optional
"live/src/", -- local path relative to project root
Example ~/.ssh/config
for passwordless auth:
Host myhost
User web
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/myhost_key
Host server2
window = {
mappings = {
-- upload (sync files)
uu = {
vim.cmd("TransferUpload " .. state.tree:get_node().path)
desc = "upload file or directory",
nowait = true,
-- download (sync files)
ud = {
vim.cmd("TransferDownload" .. state.tree:get_node().path)
desc = "download file or directory",
nowait = true,
-- diff directory with remote
uf = {
local node = state.tree:get_node()
local context_dir = node.path
if node.type ~= "directory" then
-- if not a directory
-- one level up
context_dir = context_dir:gsub("/[^/]*$", "")
vim.cmd("TransferDirDiff " .. context_dir)
vim.cmd("Neotree close")
desc = "diff with remote",
{ "<leader>u", group = "Upload / Download", icon = "" },
desc = "Download from remote server (scp)",
icon = { color = "green", icon = "" },
desc = "Diff file with remote server (scp)",
icon = { color = "green", icon = "" },
desc = "Init/Edit Deployment config",
icon = { color = "green", icon = "" },
desc = "Repeat transfer command",
icon = { color = "green", icon = "" },
desc = "Upload to remote server (scp)",
icon = { color = "green", icon = "" },
Check this repo for converting you config from JetBrains projects.
Look at defaults and overwrite anything in your opts.
Feel free to contribute, open issues, and submit pull requests to help us improve transfer.nvim.
Run tests with make test