An unofficial collection of linter and formatter configurations for diagnostic-languageserver to work with builtin nvim-lsp. Works only for Neovim >= 0.5.
Check out
to see any missing tools.npm i -g diagnostic-languageserver
You will need to install diagnostic-languageserver
and nvim-lspconfig
before using this plugin.
use {
tag = 'v0.1.8', -- `tag` is optional
requires = 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig',
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'creativenull/diagnosticls-configs-nvim', { 'tag': 'v0.1.8' } " tag is optional
First you need to initialize the plugin, this is where you can pass your own LSP options:
-- Lua file
local function on_attach(client)
print('Attached to ' ..
local dlsconfig = require 'diagnosticls-configs'
dlsconfig.init {
-- Your custom attach function
on_attach = on_attach,
Finally, setup the linters/formatters according to the filetype, here is an example for running eslint and prettier
for javascript
and javascriptreact
-- Lua file
local eslint = require 'diagnosticls-configs.linters.eslint'
local standard = require 'diagnosticls-configs.linters.standard'
local prettier = require 'diagnosticls-configs.formatters.prettier'
local prettier_standard = require 'diagnosticls-configs.formatters.prettier_standard'
dlsconfig.setup {
['javascript'] = {
linter = eslint,
formatter = prettier
['javascriptreact'] = {
-- Add multiple linters
linter = { eslint, standard },
-- Add multiple formatters
formatter = { prettier, prettier_standard }
A default configuration for the supported filetypes is provided but not activated by default.
To activate the default configuration you can pass the default_config
flag as true in the init function. Below are the
default values for init:
-- Lua file
dlsconfig.init {
-- Use a list of default configurations
-- set by this plugin
-- (Default: false)
default_config = false,
-- Set to false if formatting is not needed at all,
-- any formatter provided will be ignored
-- (Default: true)
format = true,
You will still need to call the setup()
after init()
for the changes to take effect. You can still pass your custom
configurations to setup()
as show in the Setup section and it will override any default configuration set
by default_config
if it's for the same filetype.
NOTE: For format
option it does not imply that it will "format on save". You still need to setup that in your lsp
on_attach handler.
If default configurations of a linter/formatter do not work for your use-case, or there are additional configuration
that needs to be added which is not provided by default. Then you can extend the built-in configurations with your own
modifications. The API is the same as diagnostic-languageserver Initialization Options on linter/formatter
structure. You can use vim.tbl_extend()
to extend these tables:
-- Lua file
local eslint = require 'diagnosticls-configs.linter.eslint'
-- ESLint Extented Config
eslint = vim.tbl_extend('force', eslint, {
-- REQUIRED: if `default_config` is enabled, separate name from original sourceName
sourceName = 'eslint_extended',
args = { 'extra', 'args' },
rootPatterns = { '.git' }
dlsconfig.setup {
javascript = {
linter = eslint
NOTE: If you have default_config
enabled, then sourceName
needs to be a different name
to the provided name, you can just add _extended
or any other unique name to the extended configuration will work.
This is because other defaults might use the same linter of the same sourceName
and would default to use
that instead of your own extended configuration.
to display status of linters/formatters registered with pluginFirst of all, thank you for your contribution 🙂!
To help create configurations start with the diagnostic-languageserver API to know how the object is
structured for a linter or a formatter. Also check out the wiki to see some examples. Finally, check out the
configurations created in the lua/diagnosticls-configs/linters
and lua/diagnosticls-configs/formatters
and see how
they are implemented.
Tools required for linting and formatting for this project (which are also supported by this plugin):
For testing, add the relevant test logic in tests/diagnosticls-configs
and then run:
make test
Credits goes to the following repos for inspiration: