Remember file locations and sort by time and frequency.
This plugin is used to mark any position of the file and jump to it. It can add notes when marking and persist the mark to the file when nvim exits for the next load.
Each time you jump from a bookmark, the update time of the current bookmark will be updated and the usage frequency will be increased by one. You can sort bookmarks by time or frequency when browsing the bookmark list.
The data file is based on the cwd of each project for separate storage.
Support switching between multiple sessions.
Show virt text at the end of bookmarked lines.
The storage location is underecho stdpath("data")
, mac is ~/.local/share/nvim/bookmarks/
The storage data is lua code and load with dofile
filename = '/Users/crusj/Project/bookmarks.nvim/',
description = 'readme',
fre = 3,
id = '429b65925c650553dfcc8576231837a2',
line = 2,
updated_at = 1651588531,
filename = '/Users/crusj/Project/bookmarks.nvim/lua/bookmarks/config.lua',
description = 'keymap',
fre = 11,
id = 'a22afa41979db45c6a8215cb7df6304f',
line = 6,
updated_at = 1651588572,
filename = '/Users/crusj/Project/bookmarks.nvim/lua/bookmarks/event.lua',
description = 'add keymap',
fre = 5,
id = 'a2e79c4b86b533f43fe3aa5a545a5073',
line = 10,
updated_at = 1651580490,
branch = 'main',
requires = { 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' },
config = function()
keys = {
{ "<tab><tab>", mode = { "n" } },
branch = 'main',
dependencies = { 'nvim-web-devicons' },
config = function()
Telescope bookmarks
storage_dir = "", -- Default path: vim.fn.stdpath("data").."/bookmarks, if not the default directory, should be absolute path",
mappings_enabled = true, -- If the value is false, only valid for global keymaps: toggle、add、delete_on_virt、show_desc
keymap = {
toggle = "<tab><tab>", -- Toggle bookmarks(global keymap)
close = "q", -- close bookmarks (buf keymap)
add = "\\z", -- Add bookmarks(global keymap)
add_global = "\\g" -- Add global bookmarks(global keymap), global bookmarks will appear in all projects. Identified with the symbol ''
jump = "<CR>", -- Jump from bookmarks(buf keymap)
delete = "dd", -- Delete bookmarks(buf keymap)
order = "<space><space>", -- Order bookmarks by frequency or updated_time(buf keymap)
delete_on_virt = "\\dd", -- Delete bookmark at virt text line(global keymap)
show_desc = "\\sd", -- show bookmark desc(global keymap)
focus_tags = "<c-j>", -- focus tags window
focus_bookmarks = "<c-k>", -- focus bookmarks window
toogle_focus = "<S-Tab>", -- toggle window focus (tags-window <-> bookmarks-window)
width = 0.8, -- Bookmarks window width: (0, 1]
height = 0.7, -- Bookmarks window height: (0, 1]
preview_ratio = 0.45, -- Bookmarks preview window ratio (0, 1]
tags_ratio = 0.1, -- Bookmarks tags window ratio
fix_enable = false, -- If true, when saving the current file, if the bookmark line number of the current file changes, try to fix it.
virt_text = "", -- Show virt text at the end of bookmarked lines, if it is empty, use the description of bookmarks instead.
sign_icon = "", -- if it is not empty, show icon in signColumn.
virt_pattern = { "*.go", "*.lua", "*.sh", "*.php", "*.rs" }, -- Show virt text only on matched pattern
virt_ignore_pattern = {}, -- Ignore showing virt text on matched pattern, this works after virt_pattern
border_style = "single", -- border style: "single", "double", "rounded"
hl = {
border = "TelescopeBorder", -- border highlight
cursorline = "guibg=Gray guifg=White", -- cursorline highlight
datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", --
-- • %Y: Four-digit year
-- • %m: Two-digit month (01 to 12)
-- • %d: Two-digit day (01 to 31)
-- • %H: Hour in 24-hour format (00 to 23)
-- • %I: Hour in 12-hour format (01 to 12)
-- • %M: Two-digit minute (00 to 59)
-- • %S: Two-digit second (00 to 59)
-- • %p: AM/PM indicator
in normal mode, and input a description in the pop-up shortcut window.<tab><tab>
to open or close the bookmark list window.enter
to jump to the file line where the bookmark is located.<space><space>
in the bookmark list window to switch sorting rules.dd
in the bookmark list to delete a bookmark.Desc | Func |
Add local bookmarks | require'bookmarks'.add_bookmarks(fasle) |
Add global bookmarks | require'bookmarks'.add_bookmarks(true) |
Toggle bookmarks | require'bookmarks'.toggle_bookmarks() |
Delete bookmark at virt text line | require'bookmarks.list'.delete_on_virt() |
Show bookmark desc | require'bookmarks.list'.show_desc() |
Highlight | Purpose |
bookmarks_virt_text | Highlight of the virt_text |
Tags is now supported to categorize bookmarks. You can add tags to your bookmarks by using semicolons when you add them.
By default, ALL bookmarks are marked as ALL tags.
You can use the shortcut key <S-Tab>
to switch the focus between the Tags and Bookmarks windows, or use the shortcut keys <c-j>
and <c-k>
to navigate through the Tags and Bookmarks windows.
Of course, you can change these default shortcut keys through the configuration settings if you so choose.
Bookmark are realized by storing the file name and line number where the bookmark is added. If the buf changes, the line number where the bookmark content is located may not match the real situation, the bookmark still points to the old one. Some time ago, I recorded the hash value of the line text where the bookmark is located. When the buf is saved, it will traverse all the bookmarks of the current buf, relative to the change of the total number of lines in the buf, look up or down for the line content equal to the bookmark hash value, and update the bookmark position, which works somewhat, but often fails. The fix_enable option is set to false by defalut. I'm thinking of a better way to do it. 🤔 Ideas welcome. 🥳
branch is now available to attempt to automatically correct bookmark positions when saving files if bookmark positions change, this is still experimental.feature/fix
branch, so you need to use curl -sSf | sh
to install cargo
rustflags = [
"-C", "link-arg=-undefined",
"-C", "link-arg=dynamic_lookup",
rustflags = [
"-C", "link-arg=-undefined",
"-C", "link-arg=dynamic_lookup",
require "bookmarks.install"