Very simple and minimal autocompletion for cmdline and buffer using LSP and Tree-sitter with signature help.
Originally I made this just for my dotfiles as I did not needed most of stuff existing plugins provided I had some issues with the ones that were close to what I wanted so as a learning exercise I decided to try and implement it by myself. Then I just extracted the code to separate plugin in case anyone else wanted to use it too. Just a warning, there might be some bugs and as this requires Neovim 0.10+ (e.g nightly), that one can also have bugs by itself.
Requires Neovim Nighly/development version. This version supports stuff like popup menu for completion menu and closing windows properly from cmdline callbacks.
For installation instructions/repository go here
If you want to use Tree-sitter autocompletion (as fallback when you dont have LSP server running) you also need to have nvim-treesitter plugin
Just use lazy.nvim or :h packages
with git submodules or something else I don't care.
Read the documentation of whatever you want to use.
Just require either buffer or cmd module or both and call setup on them.
NOTE: You dont need to provide the configuration, below is just default config, you can just
call setup with no arguments for default.
-- LSP signature help
require("autocomplete.signature").setup {
border = nil, -- Signature help border style
width = 80, -- Max width of signature window
height = 25, -- Max height of signature window
debounce_delay = 100
-- buffer autocompletion with LSP and Tree-sitter
require("autocomplete.buffer").setup {
border = nil, -- Documentation border style
entry_mapper = nil, -- Custom completion entry mapper
debounce_delay = 100,
-- cmdline autocompletion
require("autocomplete.cmd").setup {
mappings = {
accept = '<C-y>',
reject = '<C-e>',
complete = '<C-space>',
next = '<C-n>',
previous = '<C-p>',
border = nil, -- Cmdline completion border style
columns = 5, -- Number of columns per row
rows = 0.3, -- Number of rows, if < 1 then its fraction of total vim lines, if > 1 then its absolute number
close_on_done = true, -- Close completion window when done (accept/reject)
debounce_delay = 100,
You also probably want to enable popup
in completeopt to show documentation preview:
vim.o.completeopt = 'menuone,noselect,noinsert,popup'
And you also ideally want to set the capabilities so Neovim will fetch documentation when resolving completion items:
-- Here we grab default Neovim capabilities and extend them with ones we want on top
local capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force',
-- Now set capabilities on your LSP servers
require('lspconfig')['<YOUR_LSP_SERVER>'].setup {
capabilities = capabilities
I used some of this projects as reference and they are also good alternatives: