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3 days ago



What is greyjoy

greyjoy.nvim is a pluggable pattern/file based launcher/runner.

Greyjoy.nvim demo

Greyjoy per default uses so the settings from (telescope, dressing etc.) menu will reflect it. But there is also a telescope only version that uses async which makes the UI feel faster.

Integration with toggleterm is also provided.


Neovim 0.10+ is required

Toggleterm (Optional)

Telescope + Plenary (Optional but UI is more responsive)


Using lazy (A more comprehensive example can be found in the documentation)

    keys = {
        { "<Leader>gr", "<cmd>Greyjoy<CR>", desc = "[G]reyjoy [r]un" },
        { "<Leader>gt", "<cmd>GreyjoyTelescope<CR>", desc = "[G]reyjoy [t]elescope" },
        { "<Leader>gg", "<cmd>Greyjoy fast<CR>", desc = "[G]reyjoy fast [g]roup" },
        { "<Leader>ge", "<cmd>Greyedit<CR>", desc = "[G]reyjoy [e]edit before run" },
    dependencies = {
        { "akinsho/toggleterm.nvim" }, -- Optional
        { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, -- Optional
        { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" }, -- Optional
    cmd = { "Greyjoy", "Greyedit", "GreyjoyTelescope" },
    config = function()
        local greyjoy = require("greyjoy")
        local condition = require("greyjoy.conditions")
            output_results = "toggleterm",
            last_first = true,
            extensions = {
                generic = {
                    commands = {
                        ["run {filename}"] = { command = { "python3", "{filename}" }, filetype = "python" },
                        ["build main.go"] = {
                            command = { "go", "build", "main.go" },
                            filetype = "go",
                            filename = "main.go",
                        ["zig build"] = {
                            command = { "zig", "build" },
                            filetype = "zig",
                        ["cmake -S . -B target"] = {
                            command = { "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "target" },
                            condition = function(n)
                                return condition.file_exists("CMakeLists.txt", n)
                                    and not condition.directory_exists("target", n)
                kitchen = { group_id = 2, targets = { "converge", "verify", "destroy", "test" }, include_all = false },
                docker_compose = { group_id = 3 },
                cargo = { group_id = 4 },
            run_groups = { fast = { "generic", "makefile", "cargo", "docker_compose" } },

        greyjoy.load_extension("cargo") -- optional
        greyjoy.load_extension("docker_compose") -- optional
        greyjoy.load_extension("generic") -- optional
        greyjoy.load_extension("kitchen") -- optional
        greyjoy.load_extension("makefile") -- optional
        greyjoy.load_extension("vscode_tasks") -- optional

Once installed and reloaded you can use :Greyjoy or :GreyjoyTelescope to run it or Greyjoy/GreyjoyTelescope <pluginname or group name>. If you need to edit a command (like adding a variable or option) you can use :Greyedit (Works with group and plugins as parameter too).

So in the above example its possible to run the generic and makefile plugin by running :Greyjoy fast or if you only wanted to run the makefile plugin you could do :Greyjoy makefile

Default settings

  ui = {
    buffer = { -- width and height for the buffer output
      width = math.ceil(math.min(vim.o.columns, math.max(80, vim.o.columns - 20))),
      height = math.ceil(math.min(vim.o.lines, math.max(20, vim.o.lines - 10))),
    toggleterm = { -- by default no size is defined for the toggleterm by
      -- greyjoy.nvim it will be dependent on the user configured size for toggle
      -- term.
      size = nil,
    telescope = {
        keys = {
            select = "<CR>", -- enter
            edit = "<C-e>", -- CTRL-e
  toggleterm = {
      -- default_group_id can be a number or a function that takes a string as parameter.
      -- The string passed as parameter is the name of the plugin so its possible to do logic based
      -- on plugin name and function should always return a number like:
      -- default_group_id = function(plugin) return 1 end
      default_group_id = 1,
  enable = true,
  border = "rounded", -- style for vim.ui.selector
  style = "minimal",
  show_command = false, -- show command to run in menu
  show_command_in_output = true, -- show command that was just executed in output
  patterns = {".git", ".svn"}, -- patterns to find the root of the project
  output_result = "buffer", -- buffer or to toggleterm
  extensions = {}, -- no extensions are loaded per default
  last_first = false, -- make sure last option is first on next run, not persistant
  run_groups = {}, -- no groups configured per default
  overrides = {}, -- make global overrides

Per default all plugins use the same terminal but this behaviour (if you are using toggleterm) can be overridden by either grouping the plugins to a specific group_id or create a function to assign number based on plugin name.

So if you want all plugins to run under id id (default) but the docker_compose you would like to have another group you can configure it via

  extensions = {
    docker_compose = { group_id = 2 },

and now all docker compose's exec is running in a secondary terminal (group_id 2) and all the others in group_id 1


Default greyjoy does not have any extensions enabled.


generic extension is a global module that does not take into account if we are in a project (found via the patterns). Commands to run can be matched using filetype, filename, filepath


generic = {
  commands = {
    ["run {filename}"] = {
      command = {"python3", "{filename}"},
      filetype = "python",
      filename = ""
    ["run {filename}"] = {
      command = {"go", "run", "{filename}"},
      filetype = "go"
    ["cmake --build target"] = {
        command = { "cd", "{rootdir}", "&&", "cmake", "--build", "{rootdir}/target" },
        condition = function(n)
            return condition.file_exists("CMakeLists.txt", n)
                and condition.directory_exists("target", n)
    ["cmake -S . -B target"] = {
        command = { "cd", "{rootdir}", "&&", "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "{rootdir}/target" },
        condition = function(n)
            return condition.file_exists("CMakeLists.txt", n)
                and not condition.directory_exists("target", n)

The generic module can substitute current variables

variable expands to
{filename} current filename
{filepath} path of current file
{rootdir} path of root (containing patterns like .git)

The above example is only triggered if a file is of type python and the filename matches


The makefile extension is filebased and will only trigger if a Makefile is located in the project root. It finds all targets for a Makefile.

requires make and awk to work.


The vscode_tasks extension is filebased and will only trigger if .vscode/tasks.json exists in the project root


The kitchen extension is also filebased and looks for .kitchen.yml and requires kitchen (from chefdk or cinc-workstation) + awk to be installed.

NOTICE: kitchen is quite slow so its possible to create a group without it and only use it when needed


The cargo extension is filebased and looks for Cargo.toml and requires cargo


The docker_compose extension is filebased and looks for docker-compose.yml and requires docker-compose/docker compose


Full configuration options and examples can be found in the documentation


Once installed make sure you run :checkhealth greyjoy to ensure its set up correctly.

Breaking changes

Breaking changes will be announced in this Github Issue


Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For example:

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Thank you / shout-outs

  • The extension in this module is heavily inspired by the manager in Telescope.nvim


Thanks to

@TheSafdarAwan for PR #22

@costowell for PR #32