It is easy to lose current cursor position, when using commands like %
or <c-f>
This plugin add sub-cursor to show scroll direction!!
neovim >= 0.7.0
use { 'gen740/SmoothCursor.nvim',
config = function()
{ 'gen740/SmoothCursor.nvim',
config = function()
type = "default", -- Cursor movement calculation method, choose "default", "exp" (exponential) or "matrix".
cursor = "", -- Cursor shape (requires Nerd Font). Disabled in fancy mode.
texthl = "SmoothCursor", -- Highlight group. Default is { bg = nil, fg = "#FFD400" }. Disabled in fancy mode.
linehl = nil, -- Highlights the line under the cursor, similar to 'cursorline'. "CursorLine" is recommended. Disabled in fancy mode.
fancy = {
enable = false, -- enable fancy mode
head = { cursor = "▷", texthl = "SmoothCursor", linehl = nil }, -- false to disable fancy head
body = {
{ cursor = "", texthl = "SmoothCursorRed" },
{ cursor = "", texthl = "SmoothCursorOrange" },
{ cursor = "●", texthl = "SmoothCursorYellow" },
{ cursor = "●", texthl = "SmoothCursorGreen" },
{ cursor = "•", texthl = "SmoothCursorAqua" },
{ cursor = ".", texthl = "SmoothCursorBlue" },
{ cursor = ".", texthl = "SmoothCursorPurple" },
tail = { cursor = nil, texthl = "SmoothCursor" } -- false to disable fancy tail
matrix = { -- Loaded when 'type' is set to "matrix"
head = {
-- Picks a random character from this list for the cursor text
cursor = require('smoothcursor.matrix_chars'),
-- Picks a random highlight from this list for the cursor text
texthl = {
linehl = nil, -- No line highlight for the head
body = {
length = 6, -- Specifies the length of the cursor body
-- Picks a random character from this list for the cursor body text
cursor = require('smoothcursor.matrix_chars'),
-- Picks a random highlight from this list for each segment of the cursor body
texthl = {
tail = {
-- Picks a random character from this list for the cursor tail (if any)
cursor = nil,
-- Picks a random highlight from this list for the cursor tail
texthl = {
unstop = false, -- Determines if the cursor should stop or not (false means it will stop)
autostart = true, -- Automatically start SmoothCursor
always_redraw = true, -- Redraw the screen on each update
flyin_effect = nil, -- Choose "bottom" or "top" for flying effect
speed = 25, -- Max speed is 100 to stick with your current position
intervals = 35, -- Update intervals in milliseconds
priority = 10, -- Set marker priority
timeout = 3000, -- Timeout for animations in milliseconds
threshold = 3, -- Animate only if cursor moves more than this many lines
max_threshold = nil, -- If you move more than this many lines, don't animate (if `nil`, deactivate check)
disable_float_win = false, -- Disable in floating windows
enabled_filetypes = nil, -- Enable only for specific file types, e.g., { "lua", "vim" }
disabled_filetypes = nil, -- Disable for these file types, ignored if enabled_filetypes is set. e.g., { "TelescopePrompt", "NvimTree" }
-- Show the position of the latest input mode positions.
-- A value of "enter" means the position will be updated when entering the mode.
-- A value of "leave" means the position will be updated when leaving the mode.
-- `nil` = disabled
show_last_positions = nil,
Command | Description |
:SmoothCursorStart | Start smooth cursor |
:SmoothCursorStop | Stop smooth cursor |
:SmoothCursorStop --keep-signs | Stop smooth cursor without deleting signs |
:SmoothCursorStatus | Show smooth cursor status |
:SmoothCursorToggle | Toggle smooth cursor |
:SmoothCursorFancyToggle | Toggle fancy mode |
:SmoothCursorFancyOn | Turn on fancy mode |
:SmoothCursorFancyOff | Turn off fancy mode |
:SmoothCursorDeleteSigns | Delete all signs if exist |
:SmoothCursorJump | Jump to the given 's last position |
You can use autocmd to Change highlight
local autocmd = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd
autocmd({ 'ModeChanged' }, {
callback = function()
local current_mode = vim.fn.mode()
if current_mode == 'n' then
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SmoothCursor', { fg = '#8aa872' })
vim.fn.sign_define('smoothcursor', { text = '' })
elseif current_mode == 'v' then
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SmoothCursor', { fg = '#bf616a' })
vim.fn.sign_define('smoothcursor', { text = '' })
elseif current_mode == 'V' then
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SmoothCursor', { fg = '#bf616a' })
vim.fn.sign_define('smoothcursor', { text = '' })
elseif current_mode == '' then
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SmoothCursor', { fg = '#bf616a' })
vim.fn.sign_define('smoothcursor', { text = '' })
elseif current_mode == 'i' then
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SmoothCursor', { fg = '#668aab' })
vim.fn.sign_define('smoothcursor', { text = '' })
You can decide which modes should be added.
Define the smoothcursor_<mode>
sign group and set your icon.
Each <mode>
is a lowercase letter, e.g., n
for normal mode, i
for insert mode, etc.
vim.fn.sign_define('smoothcursor_v', { text = ' ' })
vim.fn.sign_define('smoothcursor_V', { text = '' })
vim.fn.sign_define('smoothcursor_i', { text = '' })
vim.fn.sign_define('smoothcursor_�', { text = '' })
vim.fn.sign_define('smoothcursor_R', { text = '' })