Cy[cle]bu[ffer].nvim provides two modes. The first is essentially a wrapper around :bnext
& :bprevious
, which adds a customizable notification window, that shows the buffer in focus and its neighbors, to provide context when cycling the buffer list with the provided plugin commands / key bindings.
The second mode adds the same customizable window providing context, but the list of buffers is ordered by last used. It is more akin to the [Ctrl] + [Tab]
functionality a web browser might provide.
See :help cybu.nvim for the docs.
branch = "main", -- timely updates
-- branch = "v1.x", -- won't receive breaking changes
requires = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"}, -- optional for icon support
config = function()
local ok, cybu = pcall(require, "cybu")
if not ok then
vim.keymap.set("n", "K", "<Plug>(CybuPrev)")
vim.keymap.set("n", "J", "<Plug>(CybuNext)")
vim.keymap.set({"n", "v"}, "<c-s-tab>", "<plug>(CybuLastusedPrev)")
vim.keymap.set({"n", "v"}, "<c-tab>", "<plug>(CybuLastusedNext)")
After installing, cycle buffers and display the context window by using the exemplary key bindings defined above.
If you use another plugin manager, install "ghillb/cybu.nvim"
and optionally "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"
with it, like you would with any other plugin.
Setup up Cybu by calling its setup function and placing the respective key bindings, somewhere into your init.lua
vim.keymap.set("n", "[b", "<Plug>(CybuPrev)")
vim.keymap.set("n", "]b", "<Plug>(CybuNext)")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<s-tab>", "<plug>(CybuLastusedPrev)")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<tab>", "<plug>(CybuLastusedNext)")
Hint: If you use the <tab>
key, map vim.keymap.set( "n", "<c-i>", "<c-i>")
to keep it separate from <c-i>
(See: neovim/pull/17932).
If you want to customize the appearance and behaviour of Cybu, you can do it by adapting the configuration table.
position = {
relative_to = "win", -- win, editor, cursor
anchor = "topcenter", -- topleft, topcenter, topright,
-- centerleft, center, centerright,
-- bottomleft, bottomcenter, bottomright
vertical_offset = 10, -- vertical offset from anchor in lines
horizontal_offset = 0, -- vertical offset from anchor in columns
max_win_height = 5, -- height of cybu window in lines
max_win_width = 0.5, -- integer for absolute in columns
-- float for relative to win/editor width
style = {
path = "relative", -- absolute, relative, tail (filename only),
-- tail_dir (filename & parent dir)
path_abbreviation = "none", -- none, shortened
border = "rounded", -- single, double, rounded, none
separator = " ", -- string used as separator
prefix = "…", -- string used as prefix for truncated paths
padding = 1, -- left & right padding in number of spaces
hide_buffer_id = true, -- hide buffer IDs in window
devicons = {
enabled = true, -- enable or disable web dev icons
colored = true, -- enable color for web dev icons
truncate = true, -- truncate wide icons to one char width
highlights = { -- see highlights via :highlight
current_buffer = "CybuFocus", -- current / selected buffer
adjacent_buffers = "CybuAdjacent", -- buffers not in focus
background = "CybuBackground", -- window background
border = "CybuBorder", -- border of the window
behavior = { -- set behavior for different modes
mode = {
default = {
switch = "immediate", -- immediate, on_close
view = "rolling", -- paging, rolling
last_used = {
switch = "on_close", -- immediate, on_close
view = "paging", -- paging, rolling
auto = {
view = "rolling", -- paging, rolling
show_on_autocmd = false, -- event to trigger cybu (eg. "BufEnter")
display_time = 750, -- time the cybu window is displayed
exclude = { -- filetypes, cybu will not be active
filter = {
unlisted = true, -- filter & fallback for unlisted buffers
fallback = function() end, -- arbitrary fallback function
-- used in excluded filetypes
list or cycle last used buffersCybuOpen
& CybuClose
If breaking changes (will be kept to a minimum) are of no concern to you, use the main
branch. Otherwise you can use the version pinned branches, e.g. v1.x
. These branches will only receive bug fixes and other non-breaking changes.
Run tests with
make tests