minimalistic nvim-dap-ui alternative
Currently requires a neovim nightly (0.11+)
return {
opts = {},
For a better experience, consider adding nvim-dap-view
as a dependency for
(instead of declaring it as a standalone plugin)
By default, when launching a session, nvim-dap
's terminal window takes half
the screen. As a saner default, nvim-dap-view
hijacks the terminal window
(even if not invoked), making the split take only 12 (configurable) lines.
-- Your nvim-dap config
return {
dependencies = {
{ "igorlfs/nvim-dap-view", opts = {} },
The plugin provides 4 "views" that share the same window (so there's clutter)
You can also interact with the console provided by nvim-dap
(though, arguably, that's not a feature from nvim-dap-view
). The console has its own window. However, its default size (height) is resized to match your nvim-dap-view
configuration. You can also either completely hide it (if it's not being used at all) or hide it only during session initialization.
return {
winbar = {
show = true,
sections = { "watches", "exceptions", "breakpoints", "repl" },
-- Must be one of the sections declared above
default_section = "watches",
windows = {
height = 12,
terminal = {
-- 'left'|'right': Terminal position in layout
position = "left",
-- List of debug adapters for which the terminal should be ALWAYS hidden
hide = {},
-- Hide the terminal when starting a new session
start_hidden = false,
Start a regular debugging session. When desired, you can use :DapViewOpen
start the plugin. You can switch to a view (section) using the letter outlined
in the 'winbar'
(e.g., B
for the breakpoints view).
Both the breakpoints view and the exceptions view have only 1 mapping: <CR>
It jumps to a breakpoint and toggles an exception filter, respectively. The
watches view comes with 3 mappings:
to insert a new expressione
to edit an expressiond
to delete an expressionThough, the preferred way of adding a new expression is using the
command. In normal mode, it adds the variable under the cursor
to the watch list.
When you finish your session, you can use :DapViewClose
to close the
In total, there are 4 commands:
Additionally, you can use DapViewClose!
and DapViewToggle!
to also hide the
terminal window, if you prefer a tidy view.
If you prefer using lua functions, I got you covered! The following provide the same functionality as above:
require("dap-view").close(true) -- Same as `DapViewClose!`
require("dap-view").toggle(true) -- Same as `DapViewToggle!`
doesn't define any keybindings (outside its own buffer, of
course). An example for the toggle functionality, using the lua API:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>v", function()
end, { desc = "Toggle nvim-dap-view" })
Some debug adapters don't use the integrated terminal (console). To avoid having a useless window lying around, you can completely hide the terminal for them. To achieve that, add the following snippet to your nvim-dap-view
-- Goes into your opts table (if using lazy.nvim), otherwise goes into the setup function
-- No need to include the "return" statement (or the outer curly braces)
return {
windows = {
terminal = {
-- NOTE Don't copy paste this snippet
-- Use the actual names for the adapters you want to hide
-- `delve` is known to not use the terminal
hide = { "delve", "some-other-adapter" },
When setting windows.terminal.position
to right
the views window may be used
to display the current breakpoint because nvim-dap
defaults to the global
setting. A common solution is to set switchbuf
to "useopen":
require("dap").defaults.fallback.switchbuf = "useopen"
If you are using an adapter that does not natively support the nvim-dap
terminal, you can get the winnr
and bufnr
of the nvim-dap-view
terminal via
and use vim.fn.jobstart
to start your debugger in the nvim-dap-view
terminal! An example can be found here
defines 8 highlight groups:
They are linked to (somewhat) reasonable defaults, but they may look odd with your colorscheme. Consider contributing to your colorscheme by sending a PR to add support to nvim-dap-view
sets buffer filetypes for the following Views
Window | Filetype |
watches, exceptions, breakpoints | dap-view |
terminal | dap-view-term |
These filetypes can be used to override buffer and window options set by nvim-dap-view
Map q to quit in nvim-dap-view
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "FileType" }, {
pattern = { "dap-view", "dap-view-term", "dap-repl" }, -- dap-repl is set by `nvim-dap`
callback = function(evt)
vim.keymap.set("n", "q", "<C-w>q", { silent = true, buffer = evt.buf })
Missing something? Create an issue with a feature request!
Implement every feature from nvim-dap-ui. More specifically,
already provides a very nice UI for that, using widgets (see :h dap-widgets
). The TLDR is that you can usefunction()
local widgets = require("dap.ui.widgets")
widgets.centered_float(widgets.scopes, { border = "rounded" })
to create a nice, centered floating window, where you can navigate and explore variables. A major advantage from this approach is that you're not limited to a small window at the bottom of your screen (which can be troublesome in noisy environments or languages).
's widgets. You can usefunction() require("dap.ui.widgets").hover(nil, { border = "rounded" }) end
. We
could use a workaround, but a new API is
to handle multiple views.[^1]: Filters depend on the debug adapter's capabilities [^2]: From treesitter and extmarks (e.g., semantic highlighting from LSP)