This is a color scheme developed by Protesilaos Stavrou for emacs. This theme conforms to the highest color contrast between background and foreground values (WCAG AAA). I have attempted to port it to neovim using lua.
If you are using the stable neovim (version 0.4.4 at the time) install tjdevries/colorbuddy.nvim
and use the stable branch of this theme.
Also make sure to enable termguicolors.
Plug 'ishan9299/modus-theme-vim' -- if using nightly neovim
Plug 'ishan9299/modus-theme-vim', {'branch': 'stable'} -- only if you are not using nightly
call minpac#add('ishan9299/modus-theme-vim') -- if using nightly neovim
call minpac#add('ishan9299/modus-theme-vim', {'branch': 'stable'}) -- only if you are not using nightly
In the terminal execute this command. Read :h packages
cd ~/.config/nvim
mkdir -p pack/packages/{opt,start}
git submodule add --name modus-theme-vim pack/packages/start/modus-theme-vim
# also remember to check out to stable if using neovim 0.4.4
use 'ishan9299/modus-theme-vim'
In lua
vim.cmd('colorscheme modus-vivendi') -- Dark
-- or
vim.cmd('colorscheme modus-operandi') -- Light
In vimscript
colorscheme modus-vivendi -- Dark
" or
colorscheme modus-operandi -- Light
The theme has multiple configuration options.
(you need galaxline for this to work)vim.g.modus_yellow_comments
(use this if you want a transperent background)vim.g.modus_dim_inactive_window
(default 1, set to 0 to disable)To do the same in viml.
let g:modus_moody_enable
let g:modus_yellow_comments
let g:modus_green_strings
let g:modus_faint_syntax
let g:modus_cursorline_intense
let g:modus_termtrans_enable
let g:modus_dim_inactive_window
(default 1, set to 0 to disable)All these options are disabled by default. To enable them set the value 1.
The right side has all the options enabled. The statusbar on the left is expressline. The font is Victor Mono.
Please feel free to open an issue if you want other plugins to be included.
TreeSitter is supported if there is a language that isn't properly highlighted please open an issue.