Take your scentific notes in Neovim.
The colorscheme used here is tokyonight.
An ASCII math generator from LaTeX equations.
TSInstall latex
.Plug 'jbyuki/nabla.nvim'
use 'jbyuki/nabla.nvim'
Create a folder pack/<a folder name of your choosing>/start
Inside the start
folder git clone
git clone https://github.com/jbyuki/nabla.nvim
In your init.lua, add the pack folder to packpath (see :help packpath
vim.o.packpath = vim.o.packpath .. ",<path to where pack/ is located>"
git pull
in the plugin folder to update it. You want something more viable
though, that's why package managers are useful.
Bind the following command:
nnoremap <leader>p :lua require("nabla").popup()<CR> " Customize with popup({border = ...}) : `single` (default), `double`, `rounded`
See here for virt_lines support.
See test/input.txt for examples.
Note: If the notation you need is not present or there is a misaligned expression, feel free to open an Issue.
See here.