, <C-d>
, <C-b>
, <C-f>
, <C-y>
, <C-e>
, zt
, zz
, zb
.You will need neovim 0.5 for this plugin to work. Install it using your favorite plugin manager:
With Packer: use 'karb94/neoscroll.nvim'
With vim-plug: Plug 'karb94/neoscroll.nvim'
With lazy.nvim, create the file ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/neoscroll.lua
return {
opts = {},
Read :help neoscroll-options
for a detailed description of all the options.
with all the options and their default values:
mappings = { -- Keys to be mapped to their corresponding default scrolling animation
'<C-u>', '<C-d>',
'<C-b>', '<C-f>',
'<C-y>', '<C-e>',
'zt', 'zz', 'zb',
hide_cursor = true, -- Hide cursor while scrolling
stop_eof = true, -- Stop at <EOF> when scrolling downwards
respect_scrolloff = false, -- Stop scrolling when the cursor reaches the scrolloff margin of the file
cursor_scrolls_alone = true, -- The cursor will keep on scrolling even if the window cannot scroll further
duration_multiplier = 1.0, -- Global duration multiplier
easing = 'linear', -- Default easing function
pre_hook = nil, -- Function to run before the scrolling animation starts
post_hook = nil, -- Function to run after the scrolling animation ends
performance_mode = false, -- Disable "Performance Mode" on all buffers.
ignored_events = { -- Events ignored while scrolling
'WinScrolled', 'CursorMoved'
You can map a smaller set of default mappings:
require('neoscroll').setup({ mappings = {'<C-u>', '<C-d>', '<C-b>', '<C-f>'} })
Or you can disable all default mappings by passing an empty list:
require('neoscroll').setup({ mappings = {} })
The section below explains how to create your own custom mappings.
You can create your own scrolling mappings using the following lua functions:
scroll(lines, opts)
Read :help neoscroll.scroll()
and :help neoscroll-helper-functions
for more
You can use the following syntactic sugar in your init.lua to define lua function mappings in normal, visual and select modes:
neoscroll = require('neoscroll')
local keymap = {
["<C-u>"] = function() neoscroll.ctrl_u({ duration = 250 }) end;
["<C-d>"] = function() neoscroll.ctrl_d({ duration = 250 }) end;
["<C-b>"] = function() neoscroll.ctrl_b({ duration = 450 }) end;
["<C-f>"] = function() neoscroll.ctrl_f({ duration = 450 }) end;
["<C-y>"] = function() neoscroll.scroll(-0.1, { move_cursor=false; duration = 100 }) end;
["<C-e>"] = function() neoscroll.scroll(0.1, { move_cursor=false; duration = 100 }) end;
["zt"] = function() neoscroll.zt({ half_win_duration = 250 }) end;
["zz"] = function() neoscroll.zz({ half_win_duration = 250 }) end;
["zb"] = function() neoscroll.zb({ half_win_duration = 250 }) end;
local modes = { 'n', 'v', 'x' }
for key, func in pairs(keymap) do
vim.keymap.set(modes, key, func)
By default the scrolling animation has a constant speed (linear), i.e. the time
between each line scroll is constant. If you want to smooth the start and
end of the scrolling animation you can pass the name of one of the easing
functions that Neoscroll provides to the scroll()
function. You can use any
of the following easing functions: linear
, quadratic
, cubic
, quartic
, circular
, sine
. Neoscroll will then adjust the time between each
line scroll using the selected easing function. This dynamic time adjustment
can make animations more pleasing to the eye.
To learn more about easing functions here are some useful links:
Using the same syntactic sugar introduced in Custom mappings we can write the following config:
neoscroll = require('neoscroll')
-- Default easing function used in any animation where
-- the `easing` argument has not been explicitly supplied
easing = "quadratic"
local keymap = {
-- Use the "sine" easing function
["<C-u>"] = function() neoscroll.ctrl_u({ duration = 250; easing = 'sine' }) end;
["<C-d>"] = function() neoscroll.ctrl_d({ duration = 250; easing = 'sine' }) end;
-- Use the "circular" easing function
["<C-b>"] = function() neoscroll.ctrl_b({ duration = 450; easing = 'circular' }) end;
["<C-f>"] = function() neoscroll.ctrl_f({ duration = 450; easing = 'circular' }) end;
-- When no value is passed the `easing` option supplied in `setup()` is used
["<C-y>"] = function() neoscroll.scroll(-0.1, { move_cursor=false; duration = 100 }) end;
["<C-e>"] = function() neoscroll.scroll(0.1, { move_cursor=false; duration = 100 }) end;
local modes = { 'n', 'v', 'x' }
for key, func in pairs(keymap) do
vim.keymap.set(modes, key, func)
and post_hook
functionsSet pre_hook
and post_hook
functions to run custom code before and/or after
the scrolling animation. The function will be called with the info
which can be optionally passed to scroll()
(or any of the provided wrappers).
This can be used to conditionally run different hooks for different types of
scrolling animations.
For example, if you want to hide the cursorline
only for <C-d>
scrolling animations you can do something like this:
pre_hook = function(info) if info == "cursorline" then vim.wo.cursorline = false end end,
post_hook = function(info) if info == "cursorline" then vim.wo.cursorline = true end end
local keymap = {
["<C-u>"] = function() neoscroll.ctrl_u({ duration = 250; info = 'cursorline' }) end;
["<C-d>"] = function() neoscroll.ctrl_d({ duration = 250; info = 'cursorline' }) end;
local modes = { 'n', 'v', 'x' }
for key, func in pairs(keymap) do
vim.keymap.set(modes, key, func)
Keep in mind that the info
variable is not restricted to a string. It can
also be a table with multiple key-pair values.
, <C-d>
, <C-b>
, <C-f>
mess up macros
(issue).This plugin was inspired by vim-smoothie and neo-smooth-scroll.nvim. Big thank you to their authors!