🔥 Solve LeetCode problems within Neovim 🔥
📌 an intuitive dashboard for effortless navigation within leetcode.nvim
😍 question description formatting for a better readability
🔀 support for daily and random questions
💾 caching for optimized performance
Neovim >= 0.9.0
tree-sitter-html (optional, but highly recommended) used for formatting the question description. Can be installed with nvim-treesitter.
Nerd Font & nvim-web-devicons (optional)
build = ":TSUpdate html",
dependencies = {
"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", -- required by telescope
-- optional
opts = {
-- configuration goes here
To see full configuration types see template.lua
---@type string
arg = "leetcode.nvim",
---@type lc.lang
lang = "cpp",
cn = { -- leetcode.cn
enabled = false, ---@type boolean
translator = true, ---@type boolean
translate_problems = true, ---@type boolean
---@type lc.storage
storage = {
home = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/leetcode",
cache = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/leetcode",
---@type table<string, boolean>
plugins = {
non_standalone = false,
---@type boolean
logging = true,
injector = {}, ---@type table<lc.lang, lc.inject>
cache = {
update_interval = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, ---@type integer 7 days
console = {
open_on_runcode = true, ---@type boolean
dir = "row", ---@type lc.direction
size = { ---@type lc.size
width = "90%",
height = "75%",
result = {
size = "60%", ---@type lc.size
testcase = {
virt_text = true, ---@type boolean
size = "40%", ---@type lc.size
description = {
position = "left", ---@type lc.position
width = "40%", ---@type lc.size
show_stats = true, ---@type boolean
hooks = {
---@type fun()[]
["enter"] = {},
---@type fun(question: lc.ui.Question)[]
["question_enter"] = {},
---@type fun()[]
["leave"] = {},
keys = {
toggle = { "q" }, ---@type string|string[]
confirm = { "<CR>" }, ---@type string|string[]
reset_testcases = "r", ---@type string
use_testcase = "U", ---@type string
focus_testcases = "H", ---@type string
focus_result = "L", ---@type string
---@type lc.highlights
theme = {},
---@type boolean
image_support = false,
Argument for Neovim
---@type string
arg = "leetcode.nvim"
See usage for more info
Language to start your session with
---@type lc.lang
lang = "cpp"
Language | lang |
C++ | cpp |
Java | java |
Python | python |
Python3 | python3 |
C | c |
C# | csharp |
JavaScript | javascript |
TypeScript | typescript |
PHP | php |
Swift | swift |
Kotlin | kotlin |
Dart | dart |
Go | golang |
Ruby | ruby |
Scala | scala |
Rust | rust |
Racket | racket |
Erlang | erlang |
Elixir | elixir |
Bash | bash |
Use leetcode.cn instead of leetcode.com
cn = { -- leetcode.cn
enabled = false, ---@type boolean
translator = true, ---@type boolean
translate_problems = true, ---@type boolean
storage directories
---@type lc.storage
storage = {
home = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/leetcode",
cache = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/leetcode",
---@type table<string, boolean>
plugins = {
non_standalone = false,
Whether to log leetcode.nvim status notifications
---@type boolean
logging = true
Inject code before or after your solution, injected code won't be submitted or run.
You can also pass before = true
to inject default imports for the language.
Supported languages are python
, python3
, java
Access default imports via require("leetcode.config.imports")
injector = { ---@type table<lc.lang, lc.inject>
["python3"] = {
before = true
["cpp"] = {
before = { "#include <bits/stdc++.h>", "using namespace std;" },
after = "int main() {}",
["java"] = {
before = "import java.util.*;",
List of functions that get executed on specified event
hooks = {
---@type fun()[]
["enter"] = {},
---@type fun(question: lc.ui.Question)[]
["question_enter"] = {},
---@type fun()[]
["leave"] = {},
Override the default theme.
Each value is the same type as val parameter in :help nvim_set_hl
---@type lc.highlights
theme = {
["alt"] = {
bg = "#FFFFFF",
["normal"] = {
fg = "#EA4AAA",
Whether to render question description images using image.nvim
[!WARNING] Enabling this will disable question description wrap, because of https://github.com/3rd/image.nvim/issues/62#issuecomment-1778082534
---@type boolean
image_support = false,
opens menu dashboardmenu
same as Leet
close leetcode.nvim
opens console pop-up for currently opened question
opens a pop-up containing information about the currently opened question
opens a picker with all currently opened question tabs
yanks the current question solution
opens a picker to change the language of the current question
run currently opened question
same as Leet run
submit currently opened question
opens a random question
opens the question of today
opens a problem list picker
opens the current question in a default browser
reset current question to default code definition
retrieve last submitted code for the current question
try to restore default question layout
re-inject code for the current question
create a new session
change the current session
update the current session in case it went out of sync
toggle question description
same as Leet desc
toggle description stats visibility
opens a prompt to enter a new cookie
updates cache,
Leet list
Leet list status=<status> difficulty=<difficulty>
Leet random
Leet random status=<status> difficulty=<difficulty> tags=<tags>
This plugin can be initiated in two ways:
To start leetcode.nvim, simply pass arg
as the first and only Neovim argument
nvim leetcode.nvim
(Experimental) Alternatively, you can use :Leet
command to open leetcode.nvim
within your preferred dashboard plugin. The only requirement is that Neovim
must not have any listed buffers open.
To switch between questions, use Leet tabs
It is required to be signed-in to use leetcode.nvim
[!WARNING] opting for either option makes the alternative launch method unavailable due to lazy loading
with arg
local leet_arg = "leetcode.nvim"
lazy = leet_arg ~= vim.fn.argv(0, -1),
opts = { arg = leet_arg },
with :Leet
cmd = "Leet",
If you are using Windows, it is recommended to use Cygwin for a more consistent and Unix-like experience.
To run leetcode.nvim in a non-standalone mode (i.e. not with argument or an empty Neovim session),
enable the non_standalone
plugin in your config:
plugins = {
non_standalone = true,
You can then exit leetcode.nvim using :Leet exit