nvim-hlslens helps you better glance at matched information, seamlessly jump between matched instances.
to parse built-in commands if incsearch is enabled.
Install nvim-hlslens with Packer.nvim:
use {'kevinhwang91/nvim-hlslens'}
local kopts = {noremap = true, silent = true}
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'n',
[[<Cmd>execute('normal! ' . v:count1 . 'n')<CR><Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]],
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'N',
[[<Cmd>execute('normal! ' . v:count1 . 'N')<CR><Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]],
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '*', [[*<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], kopts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '#', [[#<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], kopts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'g*', [[g*<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], kopts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'g#', [[g#<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], kopts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Leader>l', '<Cmd>noh<CR>', kopts)
After using Minimal configuration:
Hlslens will add virtual text at the end of the line if the room is enough for virtual text, otherwise, add a floating window to overlay the statusline to display lens.
You can glance at the result provided by lens while searching when incsearch
is on. Hlslens also
supports <C-g>
and <C-t>
to move to the next and previous match.
or ?
to search text, /s
and /e
offsets are supported;require('hlslens').start()
auto_enable = {
description = [[Enable nvim-hlslens automatically]],
default = true
enable_incsearch = {
description = [[When `incsearch` option is on and enable_incsearch is true, add lens
for the current matched instance]],
default = true
calm_down = {
description = [[If calm_down is true, clear all lens and highlighting When the cursor is
out of the position range of the matched instance or any texts are changed]],
default = false,
nearest_only = {
description = [[Only add lens for the nearest matched instance and ignore others]],
default = false
nearest_float_when = {
description = [[When to open the floating window for the nearest lens.
'auto': floating window will be opened if room isn't enough for virtual text;
'always': always use floating window instead of virtual text;
'never': never use floating window for the nearest lens]],
default = 'auto',
float_shadow_blend = {
description = [[Winblend of the nearest floating window. `:h winbl` for more details]],
default = 50,
virt_priority = {
description = [[Priority of virtual text, set it lower to overlay others.
`:h nvim_buf_set_extmark` for more details]],
default = 100,
override_lens = {
description = [[Hackable function for customizing the lens. If you like hacking, you
should search `override_lens` and inspect the corresponding source code.
There's no guarantee that this function will not be changed in the future. If it is
changed, it will be listed in the CHANGES file.
@param render table an inner module for hlslens, use `setVirt` to set virtual text
@param splist table (1,1)-indexed position
@param nearest boolean whether nearest lens
@param idx number nearest index in the plist
@param relIdx number relative index, negative means before current position,
positive means after
default = nil
hi default link HlSearchNear CurSearch
hi default link HlSearchLens WildMenu
hi default link HlSearchLensNear CurSearch
: Toggle nvim-hlslens enable/disableHlSearchLensEnable
: Enable nvim-hlslensHlSearchLensDisable
: Disable nvim-hlslensrequire('hlslens').setup({
calm_down = true,
nearest_only = true,
nearest_float_when = 'always'
-- run `:nohlsearch` and export results to quickfix
-- if Neovim is 0.8.0 before, remap yourself.
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'x'}, '<Leader>L', function()
if require('hlslens').exportLastSearchToQuickfix() then
return ':noh<CR>'
end, {expr = true})
override_lens = function(render, posList, nearest, idx, relIdx)
local sfw = vim.v.searchforward == 1
local indicator, text, chunks
local absRelIdx = math.abs(relIdx)
if absRelIdx > 1 then
indicator = ('%d%s'):format(absRelIdx, sfw ~= (relIdx > 1) and '▲' or '▼')
elseif absRelIdx == 1 then
indicator = sfw ~= (relIdx == 1) and '▲' or '▼'
indicator = ''
local lnum, col = unpack(posList[idx])
if nearest then
local cnt = #posList
if indicator ~= '' then
text = ('[%s %d/%d]'):format(indicator, idx, cnt)
text = ('[%d/%d]'):format(idx, cnt)
chunks = {{' '}, {text, 'HlSearchLensNear'}}
text = ('[%s %d]'):format(indicator, idx)
chunks = {{' '}, {text, 'HlSearchLens'}}
render.setVirt(0, lnum - 1, col - 1, chunks, nearest)
-- packer
use 'haya14busa/vim-asterisk'
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '*', [[<Plug>(asterisk-z*)<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '#', [[<Plug>(asterisk-z#)<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'g*', [[<Plug>(asterisk-gz*)<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'g#', [[<Plug>(asterisk-gz#)<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('x', '*', [[<Plug>(asterisk-z*)<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('x', '#', [[<Plug>(asterisk-z#)<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('x', 'g*', [[<Plug>(asterisk-gz*)<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('x', 'g#', [[<Plug>(asterisk-gz#)<Cmd>lua require('hlslens').start()<CR>]], {})
The lens has been adapted to the folds of nvim-ufo, still need remap n
and N
action if you want
to peek at folded lines.
-- packer
use {'kevinhwang91/nvim-ufo', requires = 'kevinhwang91/promise-async'}
-- if Neovim is 0.8.0 before, remap yourself.
local function nN(char)
local ok, winid = hlslens.nNPeekWithUFO(char)
if ok and winid then
-- Safe to override buffer scope keymaps remapped by ufo,
-- ufo will restore previous buffer keymaps before closing preview window
-- Type <CR> will switch to preview window and fire `trace` action
vim.keymap.set('n', '<CR>', function()
return '<Tab><CR>'
end, {buffer = true, remap = true, expr = true})
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'x'}, 'n', function() nN('n') end)
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'x'}, 'N', function() nN('N') end)
-- packer
use 'mg979/vim-visual-multi'
local hlslens = require('hlslens')
if hlslens then
local overrideLens = function(render, posList, nearest, idx, relIdx)
local _ = relIdx
local lnum, col = unpack(posList[idx])
local text, chunks
if nearest then
text = ('[%d/%d]'):format(idx, #posList)
chunks = {{' ', 'Ignore'}, {text, 'VM_Extend'}}
text = ('[%d]'):format(idx)
chunks = {{' ', 'Ignore'}, {text, 'HlSearchLens'}}
render.setVirt(0, lnum - 1, col - 1, chunks, nearest)
local lensBak
local config = require('hlslens.config')
local gid = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('VMlens', {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = {'visual_multi_start', 'visual_multi_exit'},
group = gid,
callback = function(ev)
if ev.match == 'visual_multi_start' then
lensBak = config.override_lens
config.override_lens = overrideLens
config.override_lens = lensBak
The project is licensed under a BSD-3-clause license. See LICENSE file for details.